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Writing Prompts #352 & #353

Renee Stevens


I hope everyone has had a great week so far and are now looking forward to the weekend! Who's ready to do some writing? To help you get started, Comicfan has supplied two new prompts!! Don't forget to share your responses in the prompt forum and maybe you'll be featured next week!


Prompt 352 – Creative
Tag – First Line
“I can’t believe you asked him that!”


Prompt 353 – Creative
Tag – The Anniversary
It has been a year since the accident stole your partner away. What is life like a year later?


Also, for those who didn't notice, Irritable1 and AC Benus have joined together to bring you Poetry Prompt 1 - !Tanka!. Not sure what "Tanka" is? Check out the actual prompt in the prompt forum to learn more about it and maybe even join those who have posted their response to the first Poetry Prompt!


For this week I decided to feature Joann414's response to Prompt #350. I hope you get a chuckle out of it, I know I did:




Flip Flops

KC sat at the dining room table, elbows on the table with his chin propped in his hands as he watched Cassie arranging bluebells and long stemmed white roses in a crystal vase. “Why are you taking that old farmer flowers anyway? He’s always mean to me.”


Cassie glanced at KC and then shook her head. “You know why he’s mean to you. You snuck onto his land and fished in his pond without permission. On top of that, you put a toad on his poor little grandson when he came to tell you that you were on private property. It’s a wonder you didn’t get fined or put in jail. Farmer Sam’s wife is a patient of mine or you probably would’ve. Now, go get that book I bought to go with the flowers. I left it on the coffee table in the living room. Then, you can go with me to take these flowers to the hospital.”


“I am not going to the hospital to take flowers to Farmer Sam. I’m not a hypocrite.” KC stood up to go get the book. “Anyway, I have plans. Wayne promised to teach me how to make truffles this afternoon.”


“You are so going with me to the hospital. The flowers are for Farmer Sam’s wife anyway. If you don’t go, I’m going to tell Jo Ann. Remember the promise we made to her. We’re supposed to spend at least a couple of hours together on Saturday. I let you off last Saturday because you had an appointment to get your legs and pubes waxed. If you renege today, then you’ll be in trouble. Anyway, I know that Wayne has to work until 5 this afternoon. It’s barely two. Now, go get out of that denim skirt and pink silk halter. Put on something decent to wear to the hospital. They stare at your bright pink fingernails and lipstick anyway. No need in them gawking at your clothes.”


Throwing the book down on the table in front of Cassie, KC propped his hands on his hips and huffed before saying. “I am not changing clothes. Anyway, this is the only shirt I have that goes with my new pink flip flops. Also, the sequins on my halter match the ones on my flip flops. It’s not like the old farmer hasn’t seen me in a dress.”



Want to read the rest? Click here!

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Poor KC, always in crazy outfits, I wonder what kind of clothes the real KC use :)


Prompt 353 reminds me of a story I read when I was a newbie on GA I think Cia wrote it.. Must find it lol

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I did a short one for 352, a taster of much bigger things to come... involving bears.



“I can’t believe you asked him that!”

“Why not?” Jian shrugged fluidly, “it’s not like there’s great deal of point spending ages beating around the bush.”

Huan-Yu covered his eyes with one palm, like he couldn’t believe what was happening.

“You do not just up and ask my housemate if he likes to ‘play rough’, Jian! I think I’m gonna be sick.”

“He’s a fuckin’ polar bear dude: he can deal with it.” Jian glanced back through the kitchen doorway and across the hall. He could only make out Emmett’s arm and the smooth muscled ball of his shoulder as he took another swig of his beer, but it was enough to make him shiver.

“You don’t even know that’s he’s gay!”

“Er, yeah I can.”

“I can hear you two y’know,” the Canadian leant forwards and stared at them both for a long moment, “are you bringing chips or what? Game’s gonna start without you…”

Jian sniggered.

“You watch sports now?”

“No,” Huan-Yu glared at his long-time friend, “Emmett watches sports. I just can’t be bothered to change the channel.”

Jian hefted the big bowl of chips and grabbed the dip from surface with a grin. He rolled his eyes.

“Pandas… so un-ambitious.” He spun around in the doorway of the living room, making sure that Emmett could see his butt, “thanks for letting me stay by the way ‘cus.”

Huan-Yu followed carrying two more beers and an aloe-vera juice bottle. It was going to be a long winter.


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It was just posted today and already four of you have written stories!!! <_<


Ugh, I'm definitely having delusions of inferiority. :angry::lmao:


I look forward to reading them all. ^_^

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I did a short one for 352, a taster of much bigger things to come... involving bears.



“I can’t believe you asked him that!”

“Why not?” Jian shrugged fluidly, “it’s not like there’s great deal of point spending ages beating around the bush.”

Huan-Yu covered his eyes with one palm, like he couldn’t believe what was happening.

“You do not just up and ask my housemate if he likes to ‘play rough’, Jian! I think I’m gonna be sick.”

“He’s a fuckin’ polar bear dude: he can deal with it.” Jian glanced back through the kitchen doorway and across the hall. He could only make out Emmett’s arm and the smooth muscled ball of his shoulder as he took another swig of his beer, but it was enough to make him shiver.

“You don’t even know that’s he’s gay!”

“Er, yeah I can.”

“I can hear you two y’know,” the Canadian leant forwards and stared at them both for a long moment, “are you bringing chips or what? Game’s gonna start without you…”

Jian sniggered.

“You watch sports now?”

“No,” Huan-Yu glared at his long-time friend, “Emmett watches sports. I just can’t be bothered to change the channel.”

Jian hefted the big bowl of chips and grabbed the dip from surface with a grin. He rolled his eyes.

“Pandas… so un-ambitious.” He spun around in the doorway of the living room, making sure that Emmett could see his butt, “thanks for letting me stay by the way ‘cus.”

Huan-Yu followed carrying two more beers and an aloe-vera juice bottle. It was going to be a long winter.



Me like this, Sasha ! :2thumbs:


PS: More bears to the people :lol:

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