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She doesn't get it from me...

Okay, so last night, I discovered that my daughter (13yrs, 8th grade) was supposed to have written the rough draft of a story about a painting. And it was due three days ago. Apparently, it had to be between 1500-4000 words, and my daughter was avoiding the assignment because she didn't want to write. Obviously, she doesn't take after me in that respect... (Ask her to read a 300 page book in one night, no problem, but write more than 50 words--like pulling teeth)


So after discovering on the online grading system that she had received a 0 for it, which caused her grade to drop, of course, I sat her down to get to it.


After an hour, she had 288 words. And it was in one huge paragraph. Again, not my child...


It was going to be a long night at this rate.


So, I started offering suggestions, like write out the dialog, describing the setting, or hey, write a flashback there. Of course, being a thirteen year old (teen being the operative word) she didn't want to listen to anything mom might suggest....until a half hour later and she was still at only 327 words.


I ended up sitting with her, talking through how to write dialogue and how she could use the flashback to the relationship she had implied to add so many more words. Thankfully, about 2 hours later, we had reached just over 1500 words, and I told her to get it emailed off to her teacher.


For as much as she reads (and as much opinions as she has to offer her silly parents), you'd think she'd be able to be a little wordy...

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"teen being the operative word"


nuff said :lol:

  • Site Administrator


Oh man. That sucks!! I hate homework nights where it's all a big battle, and writing is often one in our house. I've started young with my kids with their writing skills so they actually get the concept. Just got my kiddos' (8 and 10) report cards yesterday and both their teachers say they have excellent story writing skills--but need to work on handwriting and spelling. LOL Damn writing mechanics, but they are so important!


They are so lucky they're living in the age where reports and probably daily school work is all going to be on computers/typing vs. handwriting. Hence the daily typing lessons I make them do now.


You have my sympathies!!



My youngest is more my writer.  When she'd have to use spelling words in a sentence, she would come up with these long, elaborate ones.  Which would be fine, if we weren't in a hurry to finish homework so she could get to gymnastics on time--the oldest, would be like 'what's the minimum number of words I can use?'  She's always seemed to want to write more and actually is very good at story writing for an 11 year old.  She knows how to portray a dialogue and develop characters, but her spelling is horrendous--thank goodness for spell check for her.  And they both at least are doing pretty well with the typing.  But of course, the younger one hates to read.  It's like my genes were split between the two or something, hehe.  

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Hello!  I'm kind of new to all of the chats and blogs so I just saw this entry.  I have my own teen army, (twin 14 year olds and their 21 year old brother) with homework issues, so I can empathize.  I was wondering if your non-writer would do better with a talk to type program like Dragon?  That way she can just "dictate" her work.  I found that with Number One Son talking through the paper first was always easier.

Hope that this spring semester is easier on both of you!

Chris  aka mollyhousemouse

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Thanks so much for the suggestion. Hehe, we actually do have dragon; it was recommended to us by her 5th grade teacher actually. It works great when she knows what she wants to say. After she's written out reports and such, she'll dictate it. She's severely adHD and creative writing is so not her thing. Reading, yes. Golf, yes. Tech ed, yes. Writing stories, no.

I actually didn't think to tell her to try it with this story. I think she just couldn't think of a plot for her characters...again, must be her father's DNA.


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