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Featured Story: Future Imperfect

Renee Stevens


Well, we're at the start of another week and this week we are going to look at a story written by Bill W called "Future Imperfect". If you like what Atruefan has to say in the review, why not go check out the story and leave the author a review! Also, if you've read a story you've enjoyed lately, and would like to see it featured in the GA News Blog, simply shoot me a PM and send me a review. I'm always looking for reviews.



Signature Author




Reviewer: Atruefan
Status: Complete
Word Count: 3,538


I may be fairly new to GA, but I've been reading stories like those on this site for nearly three decades. In that time there have been only a handful of stories that have stuck with me.


One such story is one from back in 2012. This story stuck in my mind not due to its sweetness. Nor due to its romantic content. This story was truly frightening.


Not frightening due to its 'horror' content, but from its realism and potential to become real life. The name of the story is 'Future Imperfect' by BillW.


The story opens with a newscast proclaiming that a definite genetic connection to sexual orientation had been identified. This was initially hoped to finally end the debate over whether a person made a choice as to their orientation.


The story goes on to outline various ways that groups could use this information to forward their own agendas. Churches instituted testing first to find out if any of their clergy possessed traits which were against their dogma. Subsequently, to weed out undesirables from their congregations.


Next, there were attempts to have educators tested in order to "protect kids". Other groups then required testing of their membership,basically instituting a 'Witch Hunt' type mentality.


Some others offered any who could afford testing to test unborn children for this predisposition, allowing them to choose whether or not to terminate the pregnancy.


Finally, a whistle-blower came forward revealing that there were secret laboratories attempting to produce toxins or retro viruses to eliminate those genes which caused these unwanted orientations in an effort to eliminate the possibility of these 'abnormal' children from being conceived in future generations.


The truly scary part of this story is, even though it's far fetched, each and every scenario in the story is plausible.


Our society has grown and evolved somewhat from the time this story was written, but there are still those who would push for many of the things outlined in the story. It was a great read for a one chapter short, one that can open your eyes and make you think. I highly recommend it.


Category: 2012-2 Choices Genres: Sci-Fi Tags: Medical, Future, Dark Rating: Mature

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If you get nightmares, I'd be happy to 'virtually' hug you until you calm down.


Thanks. No nightmares (yet), only a mild case of natural science OCD. :*)

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Along the lines of Hitchcock, this is a psychological horror story. Bill creates fear not with a magical monster, or extreme gore/violence but by exposing and magnifying human short comings. An all too realistic scenario that has happened before, and should be guarded against.


Thanks Bill for this look at where things could go wrong.

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