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Second Chance Prompts #475, #477, #479, & #483

Renee Stevens


Occasionally I like to take a look in the prompt forum and see what prompts are lonely without any responses. Most of these are creative prompts. I re-feature these prompts and give them a second chance to be noticed. For the next couple of months, every other week is going to feature second chance prompts. The other weeks will give new prompts for you to take a stab at. Here's this week's second chance prompts, don't forget to share your links in the appropriate thread!!!! (I'll even link them to make it easier!)

Prompt #475 - Creative
A new bakery has opened up in town. Everyone is talking about how good the baked goods are. They seem to make everything from rolls, bread, cakes, cupcakes, cookies, and new concoctions seem to appear on their shelves daily. A side affect seems to be the number of people falling in love or getting their relationships back on track. What is happening at Sweet Seduction Bakery?

Prompt #477 - Creative
Things had never been perfect for you growing up. Your parents always were attentive, but somehow never seemed to be there either. Unfortunately, as you were about to graduate from college you found out why. Your parents were sleeper agents and have now been activated. What sort of agents are they and what will their activation mean for you and your future?

Prompt #479 - Creative
You and two of your close friends joke about what would make the perfect date. Each of you list five things that are absolutely necessary to make the perfect person. You read the list of items and wish you could find one person who encompassed them all. The following day the three of you go for coffee and spot someone who seems to be created out of your list of requirements from the night before. Who is this mystery person and is he there to fulfill your wishes or make your lives a nightmare?

Prompt #483 - Creative
You decided you needed a little vacation and jump in your car to get away. Where do you go on your little trip?


Since these are all past prompts from 2016, I figure for the featured prompt, we can also do an old prompt response from earlier this year. Both Timothy M and Doctor Oger decided at the beginning of this year to respond to a prompt from all the way back in 2013. So here's those two features from Prompt #246:


Prompt #246 - First Line
"What now?"

"What now?" Teague finally managed to ask. He whispered it. The darkness around them, interrupted only by the occasional glint of moonlight on the odd smooth surface here and there, and the near-silence around them hushed everything, especially his voice. Kjeld's calm stare added its fair share. Teague found it hard to bear. "You can never summon her again?"


Kjeld smiled very softly. Then he shook his head minutely.


"And you're alright with that?" Teague had been gripping his forearms so hard he had started to shiver slightly. When he noticed it, he let go and knotted his fingers together in his lap instead.



“What now?” Rob muttered under his breath as he entered the locker room and saw most of the baseball team in the middle of a heated discussion.


Practice had gone well, their coach had still been pleased with the win on Saturday, and everyone was in a good mood. The assistant coach had concentrated on Jazz, making sure he rested his wrist in between working on his pitching. Rob had helped out by batting whenever the pitching coach took them out to the mound to test specific pitches. Jazz had a wicked curveball. Mitchell had stayed with them, together with the junior catcher, Tobias, who had gotten a lot of work with the two guys taking turns.


Rob couldn’t help smirking at his own thoughts, which in another context would have a very different meaning. He had no doubt Eric would pitch in his relationship with Nelson, but would he also catch?



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Recommended Comments

Thanks for the feature, Renee. I really should get back to by prompt story. :*)


PS shouldn't this go to the top of the Forums page?

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PS shouldn't this go to the top of the Forums page?

Yes, we (as in wildone) just noticed and we have done so :whistle:

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