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Update: My Health And Writing Status



Hello everyone,


Sorry the reviews have been a bit slow in coming, and sorry to anyone who is still waiting on a response from me. There have been a few developments in my life recently which have impacted these things, and I'm going to lay them out as quickly as possible (because writing hurts).
Health Issues:


My years of typing and playing video games have caught up to me at last. I have developed carpal tunnel in both wrists, though it is worse in my right hand. Although I acquired Dragon Speech Recognition software this week, I haven't yet managed to train myself on how to use it in a web browser, although this is simply because I haven't made it a priority to learn that facet of the program, not because it can't be done.


Life Issues:


I'm currently recovering from a bout of depression which threatened me for the better part of this year. I've recently identified the source (after several quite nasty sessions of introspection) and I'm now feeling incredibly good mentally. Probably the best I've felt in years. Hopefully that continues.


Work has been in upheaval all year, with a number of key people leaving our staff and a lot of responsibilities shifting around. Although acquiring some of those responsibilities gave me a pay raise and benefits, it also required a lifestyle change and a great deal of anxiety. Even though we're about to enter our busy season, things are starting to settle down for my position, and it looks like I'm going to have rather smooth sailing for a little while. Hopefully this continues, too.




Thank you, everyone, for understanding, and I hope you'll continue to bear with me as I get caught up.


Peace and love,



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Good to hear you're feeling better about your life! Too bad about the carpal tunnel. I had a mild variety after giving birth to my first child and it's no fun at all...


As for catching up... I've fallen behind on reading after a couple of tough weeks, but I'll get there too eventually.

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:mega hugs: All warm thoughts and hope for the best for you Cynus. Don't stress on responses to your reviews, just as long as you see them and know your efforts are always appreciated.


Now you've got me worried, as I'm a frequent gamer and use computers all the time. Plus I lift weights all the time so my hands get some abuse.


Anyway, just know that you do a great job and we're thinking of you bud.

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