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My oh-so-gay hometown

Although nearly 15 years old, this New York Times article still provides a good description of my city.




I dug it up after walking through closed-to-traffic Wilton Drivethe town’s main streetduring the Stonewall Festival this past weekend.


The outrageous outfits, loud music, and alcohol consumption were still there, but what grabbed my attention was something else. Lots of kids, from infants in baby carriages to slightly older ones walking with their parentsboth same-sex couples and heterosexual ones. Corporate America and governmental institutions amongst those with booth displays. Police officers from neighboring cities who volunteered to work the festival to show their support for the gay community. These are all signs our lives as outlaws are nearing the end. That the GLBT community is becoming an integral part of the melting pot. And that it does get better thanks to the struggle of those who came before us.

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nicely said C.  we owe the ones who fought before us a lot.. xo

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i am grateful to those who had to fight so hard, for my children's friends, my friends children (daughter of a good friend had to leave her small town after high school graduation last month to find some peace) and the children yet to come

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Absolutely heartening , our first ever GLBT Pride March was held in Johannesburg in 1990 , to highlight and decriminalize Homosexuality. Most marchers wore masks, paper bags and other disguises . The Drag Queens ( barring their fabulous make-up) , Dykes on Bikes ( marshals ) , a couple of friends and I did not . It was pretty sad .... but we’ve come a long , long way since then. 

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