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Weekly Wrap Up (Jun 23. - Jun. 29)



First off, to our millions of Canadian members, Happy Canada Long Weekend! Sounds like it is a scorcher no matter where you are. Here in my little burg, believe it or not we have been on extreme water restrictions, like fluhing the toilet once per day, 3 min showers, no outside watering at all, etc. since 23 days ago when we had a main feeder line from our water treatment plant, big enough to drive a truck through, broke :o A city of 1.5 million and and 80% of the city and surrounding towns and cities get their water from there. I need to do some laundry, 2 sets of bed sheets waiting to be washed, and tend to other such duties that are better if done in the shower, so they say July 1st will be they day. Don't worry, I've been taking my 3 min showers so I don't stink :P

While digging up the broken piece the found 5 other pieces about to rupture further down the line. Shout out to the County of San Diego, California for helping us out as they were the only place that could spare 2 sections that we were short!! 

Can you believe it it the end of June! Half the year is gone. Less than 6 months to Christmas and to get my present! Also sadly in the nothern hemisphere, the days are getting shorter :,(

This also seems like a great time to remind all of our procrastinators out there, that the Secret Author Contest entries are due by July 24th. Oh, new rule, send your entries to me and I will make sure they get to @Cia :gikkle: NO DO NOT DO THAT, I'm just kidding :whistle: 

Monday, Myr informed everyone of the upcoming Stories 3.7 Software Update. Remember last week I said we have to embrace change, well lets do that!

Tuesday, the big guy himself was back again to go diving into the paranormal :o:

Thursday, everyone's favourite Kentuckian male, after Colenol Sanders, was back with the big Author Guess Who Reveal:

Finally we saved the best for last when we had Cole Mathews come by with a few more prompts. I was reading them and I had a totally different idea that has nothing to do with this weeks suggestions, but I think I might give it a go :D.


Now down in the Eastern part of North America, I guess it has been hot and humid. I even heard the term 'Swamp Ass' mentioned a few times :o No matter how bad it was, Myr got up in the very early morning and brought us the daily Word for the Day!

eagre, galactrophorous, gadzookery, gallinaceous, jabble, jentacular, jargogole

For those of you that are keeping track on my poor volcabulary skills I thought I had 2 this week! But alas, not even 1 :( Eagre is not eager I learned. The phrase that 'Valkyrie spoke to me in jibble jabble' is also not correct :(, even though she does do that :gikkle: 


Upcoming Writing Events 

Secret Author Contest - Due July 24th 2024. Click here for all the information and details.

Annual Anthology - In Too Deep - Due October 1st 2024. Click here for all the information and more that you will need.

Prompt Team Event/Contest - More information to come.

Coming of Age - A Tribute to Comicality - Due April 25, 2025 - More information to come.



Member Participation Blogs - Great way to promote yourself!!

Ask a Author 3.0 If you have a author you want to get some answers from, write a PM to @astone2292

Author Guess Who Get our members to guess who you are and also let everyone know who you are. Also write a PM to @astone2292



Here is the look at the past weeks postings on all our Authors and Poets!

1 Recently Updated 'Premium' Stories

  1. W-A-R by Mikiesboy

6 Recently Updated 'Signature Author' Stories

  1. Sold Into Freedom by Mikiesboy
  2. The Freshmen by Mark Arbour
  3. The Ultimate Vehicle of Earthly Bliss by AC Benus
  4. You Were There, and other poems by AC Benus
  5. Peace of Amiens by Mark Arbour

3 Recently Updated 'Classic Author' Stories

  1. The Many Faces of Kai by Dabeagle
  2. Window Stories by Ronyx
  3. Secrets 2: Looking Through Different Eyes by Bill W

25 Recently Updated 'Author' Stories

  1. Reconciled by Talo Segura **Complete**
  2. Halos and Heroes by JJQuinn
  3. Brandon Smiling: From the Billy Chase Chronicles (2) by MrM
  4. Thicker Than Water by John Henry
  5. The Mantis Synchronicity - Book Five by Adam Andrews Johnson
  6. Silver Spoon by chris191070 **Complete**
  7. The Rip by Mark Ponyboy Peters
  8. Country Retreat by quokka
  9. Of Pride and Power by W_L
  10. The Shadowy Path by Lupus
  11. Dragon's Roar by Xfighter1984
  12. They may not mean to, but they do by Robert Hugill
  13. A Wizard's War by TeamStilinski
  14. Ba Du by J92
  15. Our Summer Rhapsody by CasualWanderer82
  16. Strength of Fate by mcarss **Complete**
  17. Andre and Chris by Paladin
  18. Return to Sender by Andr0gene
  19. More than seven minutes by J92
  20. Crossing the line by Robert Hugill
  21. Confounded: Part III by Andr0gene
  22. The Ticklish Brotherhood by Ticklishboy30
  23. Detour by matcha
  24. Out Of The Closet by RichardWrites
  25. Hubris by ValentineDavis21


Read, Write, and REVIEW!!! (Don't forget to Recommend too!)





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Water Bottle Reaction GIF this damn heatwave. As I am a lady, I simply glisten, therefore I do not suffer from the horrid condition known as swamp ass. Poor wildthing... I cannot muster up the energy to feel sorry for you until the heat indexes dip below 85 degrees. Even then... I will struggle. 

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