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Privacy is your Levee on the Internet



Here in our little GA world, it's easy to let our guard down and open up to each other. For me, this is a big part of what GA is all about, and I value the online friendships I've developed. As a closeted bisexual guy, I build walls around my identity for many reasons. I admire and respect our other members, especially the younger guys, who can be more open about who they are. They have fewer reasons to worry about secrecy and privacy....or so they think.Many of you read my post on Mikie's blog. I know I wasn't very nice. I don't think he deserved "nice". He was busted playing BS games on this site, writing with that incredibly ridiculous style on one hand, and posting as a guest with an entirely different point of view and style. As I said, this makes him a phony. And a liar. Well, we can all write that off to the normal ebbs and flows of the internet. There are stars, and there are dregs.But what happens if it's not all that innocent? What happens if it's more than just mind games? What happens if the cyber-world crosses into the real world? We attract lots of younger guys, many under 18. These guys are prime meat, especially on a site like this. Most of the guys on this forum are willing to be friends, guides, whatever, and aren't stalkers or perverts. But I'll bet there are a few out there who fall into the latter category.So to our younger members, at the risk of sounding like a paternalistic crank, I remind you to PLEASE be careful about what you reveal about yourself, and how much information, general though it may seem, that you share. I'm not suggesting that you be paranoid, I'm suggesting that you be careful.


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