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Being the 'Gay Best Friend'



So I've been gradually coming out at work to a few people. At first I didn't plan on telling anyone because it really wasn't any of their business, but I ended up telling a couple people. Right now I think the count is up to 5 people from work that know. Now my work place can't keep a secret worth a damn. You tell anyone anything and usually everyone else knows within a few days. It's gossip central really. So it's only a matter of time before it gets out to everyone else, but I guess Im fine with that for now because I don't plan on staying there much longer anyways.


Anyway, back to the point of this blog... it seems that of those 5 people that I told, I'm now looked at as the "gay best friend" by 3 or 4 of them. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they're all accepting and supportive, but I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed right now. I have 3 people trying to set me up with their friends and getting calls and texts left and right to go out and do stuff. It can get real old real quick!


And I'm going to stop there on that because I lost my train of thought and am too lazy to re-read what I already wrote.


In other news, I'm pretty sure I have strep throat again. My throat is killing me and feels like I have needles being stuck in it every time I swallow. I haven't gone to the doctors yet, but I'm going to setup an appointment tomorrow so don't go all parentish on me and start lecturing like many of you do! :P



Who never knew coming out could be so damn exhausting :blink:


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but I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed right now.


I have 3 people trying to set me up with their friends


getting calls and texts left and right to go out and do stuff.


It can get real old real quick!.

:blink: You find a way to complain just about everything don't you? :P


You should just enjoy the attention/help while you can. Remember when there was a time when no one was helping you get a date and you had to resort to mumbling to random guys and shoving your cell phone number into their hands and running away.



In other news, I'm pretty sure I have strep throat again. My throat is killing me and feels like I have needles being stuck in it every time I swallow. I haven't gone to the doctors yet, but I'm going to setup an appointment tomorrow so don't go all parentish on me and start lecturing like many of you do!


put's away lecturing handbook *sigh*


Take Care®,



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Remember when there was a time when no one was helping you get a date and you had to resort to mumbling to random guys and shoving your cell phone number into their hands and running away.


That was cold...


and for the record, he wasn't random. <_<

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That was cold...


and for the record, he wasn't random. <_<


Awwww, I was just saying. Enjoy all the attention and love, one day it might not be there.



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In other news, I'm pretty sure I have strep throat again. My throat is killing me and feels like I have needles being stuck in it every time I swallow. I haven't gone to the doctors yet, but I'm going to setup an appointment tomorrow so don't go all parentish on me and start lecturing like many of you do! tongue.gif

Some of us are professional parents....


Wait: professional means they get paid. Okay, some of us are amateur parents....


Take care.


As for the other stuff, my best friend found his boyfriend through a mutual friend. There's no harm in looking around, or having others help you look (as long as they have decent tastes....)


Good luck!


Graeme :)

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Hey Joe!


So I've been gradually coming out at work to a few people. At first I didn't plan on telling anyone because it really wasn't any of their business, but I ended up telling a couple people. Right now I think the count is up to 5 people from work that know. Now my work place can't keep a secret worth a damn. You tell anyone anything and usually everyone else knows within a few days. It's gossip central really. So it's only a matter of time before it gets out to everyone else, but I guess Im fine with that for now because I don't plan on staying there much longer anyways.

LOL, are you sure you don't work in one of the places I used to work!? :P


I think pretty much all work places are gossip mills. It's just sorta human nature I think. I mean you see the same people every day for hours at a time, yet often you don't know very much about their personal life. There's bound to be curiosity.

Anyway, back to the point of this blog... it seems that of those 5 people that I told, I'm now looked at as the "gay best friend" by 3 or 4 of them. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they're all accepting and supportive, but I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed right now. I have 3 people trying to set me up with their friends and getting calls and texts left and right to go out and do stuff. It can get real old real quick!

Ahh yes, the "gay best friend", been there. I think we can blame television/movies for this one. LOL, there's so many "gay best friends" in the media that I think quite a few straight people feel like they need one of these to have a complete social circle.


"Ohh, you're gay! Excellent! I've been meaning to get one of you guys!" :boy:


Vic's right I think, enjoy the attention while it's there. If it does bother you though you might try hanging out with more GLBT people. LOL, there'll be less novelty for them ;)

Who never knew coming out could be so damn exhausting

LOL, you know the exhaustion could also be a symptom of the Strep throat :P


:hug: hope you feel better soon, take care and have an awesome day!



Some of us are professional parents....


Wait: professional means they get paid. Okay, some of us are amateur parents....


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