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Outed? I think not



Ok, so I know it's 7 in the morning on Sundat, and I have no idea what the hell possesed me to wake up, but I am, so let's do this. I read the entire thread that Jack Scribe started about the article written about Senator Craig, and it makes for good reading. But I think the writer missed one important point:

No one outed Senator Craig.

That's right. He wasn't outed, he was arrested for soliciting sex in a public restroom. I won't even get into my thoughts on whether the police should have been there, legislating morality, because that's a different blog entry altogether. But the fact remains that he wasn't outed by anyone. He (is) (was) an elected official. A member of the Senate of The United States Of America. He was in a public toilet, trying to get laid.

I don't care whether or not he's gay or bi or curious. He made his own bed, and now he needs to sleep in it. He railed against gays, lesbians, bi-sexuals and transgendered people in the worst way while living a double life. But he doesn't owe me an apology, as far as I'm concerned. He might owe you an apology, based on how you feel about his actions as a Senator.

I hope he apologizes to his family. Not for being gay, or whatever he is. He should man up and tell them the truth because they deserve to know. They've loved him and stood by him and were proud of him for everything he was, even if we don't understand where all of that comes from. He definitely decieved them, and has a lot of explaining to do.

Beyond that, I have nothing relevant to add to the discussion in the lounge, so I'll just post my thoughts here and stay out of the way.


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