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Fired, rehired, fired, rehired...all in one day



So yesterday was interesting. As most of you know, I work for a golf course not too far from my house working on golf carts. I repair the ones that are down and I maintain the rest of them. Part of my job is keeping the shop in order. I organize and hang belts, hoses, and tools. I also order replacement parts and keep track of inventory.

Well, until March I was the only one doing the job, but since I've been getting more and more yard maintenance work, I've really cut back at the golf course, so they hired someone else.

Now, when I say someone else, I don't mean someone who's competent. This idiot, and that's being kind, gets absolutely nothing done when he's at work. One of his jobs is to move the chemical drums from one raised platform to another as needed, something I'm not supposed to be doing because I'm not 18 Well, half the time, I wind up having to do it anyway because that lazy bum didn't do it on his shift.

To make matters worse, when a new shipment of belts or hoses comes in, he either doesn't hang them at all, or even worse, he hangs them out of order even though there's a clear method for how it's supposed to be done. So then what happens? I have to go back and clean up his mess when I'm on.

So yesterday we were scheduled to overlap each other for an hour, and when I got there, nothing was done. There was an empty chemical drum, there were carts sitting in the shop that needed to be routined (that's what we call a regular tune up/inspection) and there were f**king shop rags almost everywhere I looked. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the fact that he goes through about three times as many shop rags as I do, and never puts them in the Aramark bin when he's done with them.

And where was he? In the office, sitting at the PC, which wasn't even on, pretending to be working on something important. Of course, the AC was cranked and he was relaxing in the cool air, and in the meanwhile, the shop was hot and in a disaster state. So I went into the office and told him nicely that the drum was empty, and asked him to change it while I took care of the carts. He tells me to move the drum, that he doesn't feel like it. I told him that I wasn't supposed to be moving the chemical drums around, and he told me that he wasn't supposed to be doing it either.

Right at that moment, I felt a flash of heat run over my whole body and I felt like I wanted to kill him, but instead, I just turned and went to our boss. I told him what Herb (the jerk) said, so my boss walked with me back to the shop. Of course, Herb got up and did what he was supposed to do right away, but as soon as our boss was gone, he walked up and told me off.

I was already pissed, and he was trying my nerves as it was. But at some point, he poked my chest with his finger, and it just set me off. I never put a hand on him, but I went off and told him exactly what he was: a fat, disgusting, lazy f**K who probably can't even pay for pussy, then I used my thumb and my forefinger to show him him how small I guessed his dick was before I stormed off.

Of course, he ran back to my boss, and I was sent home. I don't live far at all from work, so it didn't take me long to get home. About ten minutes later, my boss calls and asks if I'd like a chance to get my job back. I said yes and he said to come talk to him, so I went back. The three of us wound up sitting down in his office for what I thought was going to be a civil discussion, but it turned into a forum for Herb to go off on me. He actually tried to stand over me while I was sitting and tell me what line I was going to tow. I got right back up in his face, and I swear I was about to spit on the son of a bitch but instead I just walked out and went back home.

So at that point, I'm figuring that my job is gone for sure, so I decided that I just wanted to lay down. About 20 minutes later, my cell phone rings and it's my boss's boss, the guy who originally hired me, and he asks if I have time to meet him for lunch. So we meet and he lets me tell him what's been going on since March, and when I was finished, he promised me that I wouldn't have to put up with that kind of crap anymore and that I wasn't terminated, which was incredibly cool considering the fact that I've cut my schedule back so much.

I actually wound up working an extra hour yesterday, and I was so amped up from what happened that when I got home, I sat down at my desk and pounded out a chapter and a half of If By Chance. I guess in a way I should feel sorry for Herb. I mean, he's a total slob. He has a belly that looks kinda like bread dough in his shirt, he slouches, and he's got a remarkably wide ass. I say that because it's not proportional to the rest of his body. Also, he rides his bike to work, but he doesn't lose any weight because he only rides the damn thing fast enough not to fall over. Literally, if he rode any slower, he'd fall. It's pathetic. Add to that the fact that he smokes, his teeth are gross and it doesn't look like he washed his knees or elbows, and I'm sure you can get the picture.

So yeah......


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Yuck Nick, hate when you have to do the jobs that the others are supposed to do, I don't mind it sometimes, but especially not when I get blamed for it. If the rag you were talking about that has to go into a bin and it's flammable, if osha came buy they can give the shop a nice fine.

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B) Sounds like you have the right stuff for future management, I would assume the other employee "Bubba" is older and believes that because he is older that you must listen and obey him in the job. What a sad sack!!, I'm trying to understand what your immediate 'boss' was thinking! He recalls you and allows the 'newbie' to rant on you? Take care!
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I hope pimping is illegal in your state, because the way you try to peddle Herb as a hot piece of maleness is rather shameless and vile. ;)


Welcome to the Jungle, baby, as the Great Philosopher Axl Rose used to say. Work, a world in which merit is seldom rewarded, and disgusting politics prevail...


By the way, managerial positions aren't any easier to handle. You just usually end up better off at the end of the day.

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