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Are Old People Sages?

So I conducted a week-long seminar this week. The group was diverse in age, from young people just out of college to older people beyond 65. We were having a discussion and one of the older guys got into it with a younger woman. The topic was unimportant, but the undertones of their debate were.


The young lady stated her opinions logically, based on facts, and was quite impressive. The older man based his on perceptions. His attitude was one of condescension, his overall message being that because he had spent so many more years on this planet he had more life-experience, and thus more wisdom, and that his points were virtually beyond reproach. The reaction from the class showed how little they thought of this attitude.


Most of the older people I know do bring a certain "sage-like" contribution to topics, but it's not universal. I don't think that being around for an extended period of time makes you smarter. It just makes you older. Yet some would cling to this as their talisman. To me, it just cheapens them, as if they're saying "I have nothing else to back up my position, so I'll rely on my age."


Then I think about attitudes here in the US, especially involving sex (gender and the activity) and race. Younger people are so much more open and accepting. Don't believe me, just look at the poll numbers from the last election. That tells met that there's another downside to the "sage" persona. It's the "I'm set in my ways" attitude. The inability to grasp and adapt to new concepts, new ideas.


These things were rolling through my mind in this seminar when one of the other older men chimed in to support the young lady, pointing to her logical presenatation, and pointing out that just because things were "that way" didn't mean they should always be "that way".


And that reminded me that all old people are not the same, and that my own generalizations were just as toxic as those stereotypes used to pillory others who are different.


So are old people sages? Some are. But why do they all have to drive Buicks?


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Only you Mark, only you.



I don't think that being around for an extended period of time makes you smarter. It just makes you older.

That's a good point. Some old people are sages and some are simply old.


The results of the last election would indicate that youger people are more liberal (a generalization). It's important to remember that most older people are retired; they no longer control their own destinies. They are dependent on their life's savings to see them through and look askance at change. President Obama promised change. That was a red flag to many older people (and conservatives generally) made more significant by a lack understanding of those changes.


No one, regardless of age or experience...not even sages...should be condescending toward another's ideas.

Mark Arbour


You make some great points Mike, especially regarding reluctance to change. I think the term "liberal" as far as young people go is correct, if you ascribe a greater tolerance for different people (other races/sexuality), I think you're right. But many are fiscally conservative.



I think that describes me, Mark. I am socially liberal and fiscally conservative. I am also one of the old folks...social security and medicare...but I am no sage.


Sages are like the herb of the same name...best in small quantities.



Some old people are sages, some are narrow minded and overbearing....


same with young people too. Some can be sages, and some can be open minded, and some are just narrow minded.





I have noticed how closed minded a lot of older people can be. My grandparents were among them. My grandparents on my mom's side were among them. My grandma, in particular, was overbearing in her religious views to the point where she believed anyone who didn't go to her church was going to hell. As far as politics, she was so conservative as to be well outside the mainstream, and she always seemed to think that Communists were at every corner. It was quite sad really. :(



same with young people too. Some can be sages, and some can be open minded, and some are just narrow minded.

What you say is true, Lacey. Ever wonder where old fogeys come from? They start out as young fogeys.



I think your mostly right because my husband who is the same age as me (65) was bigoted back in the day about social mores and still is.I have been very liberal and use to fight with all my friends in the "sixtys".

Mark Arbour


How do you handle living with a bigot?



We argue all the time I'm presently on a crusade to enlighten him on Gay issues. We recently moved to Florida and they are so backward in so many things. No Gay adoption ,no marriage.They are nuts here. I am trying to show him that it doesn't matter who you Love.

old bob


Hi Mark,I just came today on your blog. I was ROTFL about the comments and even the blog itself.

I'm old, an old liberal and even an old anarchist.The good side of old age is memories of the younger years, to remember how you were and to hope that something remains from your convictions and feelings. The only thought I earned and learned : everything has an end and as elder you get as quicker you approach your end. So the best way to stay fit (minded I mean !) is to listen to young people and dont cavil with them. Old people have a lot more to learn from young people than the contrary !

BTW thanks to your visit on my profile :great: .

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