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Good bye for now

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Hi Guys


Just a short note to say that very shortly I will not able to post any thing more or read even. For I am going blind you see I am a diabetic and I am getting cataracts over my eyes. Fortunately I am having laser treatment next month, so I hope that will be successful. Wish me luck guys. So I will be able to post more crapy jokes. :D I am writing this in word so I can have a bigger font., so I can see what I am writing


If the worst does happens, I thought I would write this now.


It has been a pleasure to have belonged to the GA and to be able read your stories and your posted items. You are a great bunch of guys.


I hope to be able start posting again soon.


All my love to you all.



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  • Site Administrator

I wish you a fast and speedy recovery, as well as success with your surgery.

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I've been workin with my Dad for the last year as he has macular degeneration. He can still do the e-mail thing with the maginifer built into windows but his surfing days are over.


I hope all goes well for you Rainbow and I'm praying that we will here from you again. :king: :boy::worship:

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Hello Rainbow, I'm sure your surgery will go well, I be praying that it does. I know guys at work that have gone through what you're about to. In every case things worked out well for them, as I'm sure it will for you. Did you know that there are screen readers available for windows. Programs that speak the words on the screen. Don't know what would happen when they 'bump' into the smileys and codes though.

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Guest A and J



We wish you the best in your surgery. We hope and pray that the outcome will be as expected and will be waiting for your return.


Love and Take Care

A and J

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