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OK, some of the major inventions have been the light bulb, radio, car, television, phone, computer, cell phone and internet (to name a few) that have created major changes in the world. What could possibly be the next big invention that could change the way we think and live like these have?

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I agree on Fusion power.

I'll say some form of affordable renewable fuel for our vehicles. (Hydrogen fuel cells, perhaps?)

Much higher efficiency solar panels.

Anthropomorphic robots.

Learning Computers/ A.I (with all the dangers associated with it. ie, Terminator or I, Robot or Battlestar Gallactica)

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Robot boyfriend (at last, money will be able to buy love!)


Successful and durable cloning of humans (but I find it so stupid and ... scary!)


Cure for cancer and AIDS (very important but wonder if everyone would be able to afford it?)


Non-human capacities like teleportation, telekinesis. (WOW! but very improbable)


New brains for homophobic? That would be nice!

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The next one that is already here is labeled Internet 2.0. It's the advent of user participation on the internet, and it is already having a major impact on internet-aware society. Think of the impact of blogs, YouTube, MySpace and similar sites -- the way user feedback is becoming faster and faster is altering so much of society.


The one after that... I think it will again be something basic to human society. I suspect it will be in the entertainment industry and will involve personal interaction -- rather than watching a movie, you will be in the movie and influencing the outcome.

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I suspect it will be in the entertainment industry and will involve personal interaction -- rather than watching a movie, you will be in the movie and influencing the outcome.

Oh That

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The next one that is already here is labeled Internet 2.0. It's the advent of user participation on the internet, and it is already having a major impact on internet-aware society. Think of the impact of blogs, YouTube, MySpace and similar sites -- the way user feedback is becoming faster and faster is altering so much of society.


The one after that... I think it will again be something basic to human society. I suspect it will be in the entertainment industry and will involve personal interaction -- rather than watching a movie, you will be in the movie and influencing the outcome.



THAT!... I say... that would be the BEST thing ever.. lol. As long as you can become, Brad Pitt's or someone's romantic prospect in romantic comedies. :):lol:




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The one after that... I think it will again be something basic to human society. I suspect it will be in the entertainment industry and will involve personal interaction -- rather than watching a movie, you will be in the movie and influencing the outcome.



What about removing all the actresses and making all the actors gay? :lol: I think I should start thinking of my story line.

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Space travel the likes of CPL's Falcon Banner Series.


Closer to our time would probably be along the lines of more readily available supplies of renewable energy including wind energy much more efficient solar energy, alongside geo-thermal energy. A little further would possibly be hydrogen fuel cells becoming far more mainstream (competing with petroleum), specifically the hydrogen would be derived from water and not natural gas... meaning we need to perfect the process of hydrolysis such that we do not use fossil fuels to perform it. Additionally, finding a way to execute a successful fusion-energy reaction would grant whatever country that does it super-power status (if a super-power does it, ie USA or Russia, then they'll have the global economy in their grasp).

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Space travel the likes of CPL's Falcon Banner Series.


Closer to our time would probably be along the lines of more readily available supplies of renewable energy including wind energy much more efficient solar energy, alongside geo-thermal energy. A little further would possibly be hydrogen fuel cells becoming far more mainstream (competing with petroleum), specifically the hydrogen would be derived from water and not natural gas... meaning we need to perfect the process of hydrolysis such that we do not use fossil fuels to perform it. Additionally, finding a way to execute a successful fusion-energy reaction would grant whatever country that does it super-power status (if a super-power does it, ie USA or Russia, then they'll have the global economy in their grasp).



I may have made a double posty which I think is a no no but.....



Wait a second. Don't they already know how to do this whole fusion thing? I mean, it's extremely dangerous and whatnot, and the only thing I've heard of it being used for is in a ginormous mega death bomb using junk like tritium and whatnot to make a hydrogen bomb...


which, by the way, is absolutely nutso insane because the trigger for it is a fission bomb and jeez... if you need a bomb like the ones that were dropped in Japan just to get this one going, it's gotta be a little bit much. So yeah, that's the extent of my knowledge on the subject, but I don't think it's that far away. I just think it's really dangerous and should be something that is avoided... considering that it is conceivable that if something screws up Earth may become a star. :D


So, now I need a physicist to explain this to me because I'm curious.

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Wait a second. Don't they already know how to do this whole fusion thing? I mean, it's extremely dangerous and whatnot, and the only thing I've heard of it being used for is in a ginormous mega death bomb using junk like tritium and whatnot to make a hydrogen bomb...

There are three ways that mankind has been able to initiate fusion.


1. In a Hydrogen bomb. The problem is that exploding a nuclear weapon isn't very useful when you want to turn the energy produced into electricity....

2. Using a electromagnetic fields to contain and squeeze plasma until the pressure is sufficient to cause hydrogen atoms to fuse.

3. Bombarding deuterium/tritium pellets with either lasers or particles from particle accelerators, and the resultant pressure causes some of the atoms to fuse.


The problem with both 2 and 3 is that neither has been able to produce a net positive energy. It takes more power to initiate the fusion than the fusion generates (most of the atoms are NOT fusing).


For option 2, stronger fields should allow most hydrogen to fuse, but we don't currently have the technology to produce fields strong enough.


I can't remember the problems with option 3, but I believe it is again hitting the pellets with sufficient energy to make enough atoms fuse. They either need more powerful lasers (with a corresponding higher energy requirement) or faster particle accelerators. The other issue is that they need to keep exploding multiple pellets so they keep a steady supply of energy. If you like, what they are trying to do is to explode miniature hydrogen bombs inside a containment chamber and harvest the energy that results. They just haven't mastered the art of making small pellets of deuterium/tritium to explode properly....


If economic fusion power ever IS mastered, it will make a huge difference to the world. Hydrogen is one of the most plentiful elements in the universe, and easily found on Earth (it is easily separated from sea water given a sufficient electricity supply).

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there are a few things that i think that may change the way we look at things....


1. Time travel...in any form. this may include space travel (traveling at a speed gr8er than the speed of light may break the time barrier --- Star Trek---)


2. Finding ET. Space exploration expands...extra terrestrial settlements.


3. Virtual reality like the one in Johnny Quest/ Spy Kids/ Matrix( but not for controlling minds..lol)


4. Advancement in Nano-technology. Imagine a mobile phone with a hologram, GPS, calender, phone book all on your wrist watch. And yeah, it TELLS time too.


5. Advancement in Bio-Technology. like cloning, regeneration, stem cells, etc.


6. Teleporting. God knows how much we need it with the increasing traffic and pollution.


7. The biggest fantasy of them all----- No need for money!!! Think Star Trek again....working for the betterment of humanity....LOL


what do you think guys n gals???

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The stem cell/cloning is going to happen on a bigger scale. Regeneration sounds quite possible. I heard that some scientists were able to grow headless animals. If that's possible I'm sure regrowing lost body parts can't be too far behind. Maybe even growing parts you never had to begin with will be possible. Who hasn't wished for a third hand at some point? :D


One thing I would like to see is a better way to interface with modern technology. Computers and TVs are getting better but we are still pushing buttons. It would be great if you could just put on a headset and let your thoughts control your computer, telephone, tv, or whatever.


This one may already exist in a primitive form. I'm sure there would be a high demand for glasses or contact lenses that could work as a tv/computer screan. You could sit at some long meeting and watch a movie while the oblivious coworker/instructor dromes on about something you couldn't care less about.

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there are a few things that i think that may change the way we look at things....


1. Time travel...in any form. this may include space travel (traveling at a speed gr8er than the speed of light may break the time barrier --- Star Trek---)


2. Finding ET. Space exploration expands...extra terrestrial settlements.


3. Virtual reality like the one in Johnny Quest/ Spy Kids/ Matrix( but not for controlling minds..lol)


4. Advancement in Nano-technology. Imagine a mobile phone with a hologram, GPS, calender, phone book all on your wrist watch. And yeah, it TELLS time too.


5. Advancement in Bio-Technology. like cloning, regeneration, stem cells, etc.


6. Teleporting. God knows how much we need it with the increasing traffic and pollution.


7. The biggest fantasy of them all----- No need for money!!! Think Star Trek again....working for the betterment of humanity....LOL


what do you think guys n gals???



I do believe they have already successfully transported an atom from one side of the room to the other, at least I remeber there being a big hallaballoo about that a few (five?) years back. The problem therin in is doing the same to mutiple atoms in a structure, and then complex itmes like humans. Personally I like all my bits where they belong.


As for the no need for money, we are already quickly approaching that, but not in the way your thinking. We are transitioning to a paperless economy via credit and debit cards and with their prevalance its only a matter of time until paper money is discontinued as being too costly.


This is still a facinating question though, Just think of the technological advances people in their 90's have seen. It also begs the question will there be anymore or will Humanity buckle under the weight of their own expectations and correct itself just like any market.

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I do believe they have already successfully transported an atom from one side of the room to the other, at least I remeber there being a big hallaballoo about that a few (five?) years back. The problem therin in is doing the same to mutiple atoms in a structure, and then complex itmes like humans. Personally I like all my bits where they belong.


As for the no need for money, we are already quickly approaching that, but not in the way your thinking. We are transitioning to a paperless economy via credit and debit cards and with their prevalance its only a matter of time until paper money is discontinued as being too costly.


This is still a facinating question though, Just think of the technological advances people in their 90's have seen. It also begs the question will there be anymore or will Humanity buckle under the weight of their own expectations and correct itself just like any market.


i guess u got me wrong there...what i meant by money-less world was that there is no need for ANY kind of money...be it paper, plastic or metal....you see...what i meant was, with a money-less world, the crime rate would reduce considerably---because the reason we commit crimes is to get monetary gains---kleptomania notwithstanding (those ppl will steal come what may). Also, many of the social evils (inequality on the basis of economic status) will be rooted out if there is no money.


People with disabilities...who cannot work, may be able to live easily if there were no need for money. I know its a far-fetched situation that all start working for the betterment of humanity....NO ONE WILL...every1 will think let the others work for the betterment, i'll enjoy. Very few ppl work off their free will (read: Enjoying their work). If given an option of a life full of all the basic requirements in life available to them for free, very few will want to work/do a job.


So, while it seems a good possibility(read: fantasy), human nature as a whole will not allow it to happen.


Disclaimer: I've been very blunt here about human nature...please do not take this personally as i'm talking about the majority and thais is my personal opinion....i may be wrong.




hot_bsk aka BeaStKid

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I do believe they have already successfully transported an atom from one side of the room to the other, at least I remeber there being a big hallaballoo about that a few (five?) years back. The problem therin in is doing the same to mutiple atoms in a structure, and then complex itmes like humans. Personally I like all my bits where they belong.


Yeah, that's true. But a not-so-easy problem. The amount of energy required to teleport just one atom was like...WHOA! (don't know the fixed figure :lol: ) The amount of energy to teleport just one human is same as enegy of half energy that the whole earth uses. Or something like that. (my teacher told me all this :lol: )


Imagine in reconstructing the structure, they misplace a few 'things'. 0:) (Suppose a 'dickhead', 'assface'...)



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