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Babylon 5 is back


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For those of you that love Babylon 5 as one of the greatest Sci-Fi stories ever told... there is a new chapter:



Direct to DVD movie. They say, if this sells well, there will be more. Apparently, WB has been making a nice amount of money from the DVD sales. (As I own all the Babylon 5 dvds yet released, I can see this.)


Any way, click on Main Menu and then "Lost Tales" tab with the little movie playing. You'll see a very cool trailer for the DVD.


Babylon 5: Lost Tales comes to DVD on July 31, 2007

Be sure to pick it up.



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Awesomeness! I love Babylon 5! Delenn, John Sheridan, Garibaldi (the Bruce Willis lookalike lol)... Too bad some... passed away :(


But yeah, that's awesome news. Thanks!

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  • Site Administrator

Drooling over Prince Regent Vinturi is also fun. (Keegan MacIntosh)




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Omg. You know what? I was wondering what that actor's name was. A few days ago, I was thinking about a R.L. Stine series episode where a young boy faces some monster in a new town he moved to. I remember thinking he was cute and I even found out his name back then, but forgot about it until a few days ago. And no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't remember his name. Now, you just posted it... haha. Funny how things work out sometimes. :P

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Excellent! I miss B5 and wonder when Sci-fi network will tire of re-running crap like John Doe, Pain-in-the-ass Jane and movies made out of the backs of trucks and play some worthy sci-fi for a change.

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Keegan shows up in one of the interviews. I got the impression that someone said beforehand "Flame On". If you know what I mean...

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Like you Myr, I've got all 5 seasons on dvd. I've not gotten around to picking up the movies yet. In the gallery, I see they've brought in the Techno Mage Galen from the spinoff show Excaliber.



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Babylon 5: Crusade. The movie intro, Babylon 5: A Call to Arms was great, but almost completely ruined by very crappy music totally different from the show. Discordant.

The show would have been fine if TNT let JMS run it like WB let him do B5. They kept asking for more T&A and other crap to dumb it down to TNT's auidience. He told them to buzz off, which is why it was only 13 episodes.

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  • 15 years later...
  • Site Administrator

Woot!  Babylon 5 has something new. It's animated, but I don't care!


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