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Smoking or not smoking

old bob

A survey about smoking  

56 members have voted

  1. 1. And you, what do you think about smoking ?

    • I don't and will never smoke
    • I smoke cigarettes and will try to stop
    • I tried to stop smoking but I couldn't
    • I don't smoke but would like to try smoking pipe
    • I hate to be in the same room with smokers
    • I have quit smoking, years ago!
    • I smoke and I don't want to quit

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I had a brief spell with smoking cigs and stopped voluntarily. I never want to bring another cig near my mouth!!


The BeaStKid



B) ............Good for you!! Wish I'd never touched it!

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  • 1 month later...
Lol okay lets have some confessions. Who voted on the last answer? (Raises hand)

I didn't.


I don't smoke and I don't want to, but if I did smoke I'd want to "smoke and not want to quit". The worst condition would be to smoke and want to quit. Not smoking and wanting to is probably healthier, but also a bit silly. So I'm glad I don't smoke and don't want to, but if I did smoke I'd want to.

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I didn't.


I don't smoke and I don't want to, but if I did smoke I'd want to "smoke and not want to quit". The worst condition would be to smoke and want to quit. Not smoking and wanting to is probably healthier, but also a bit silly. So I'm glad I don't smoke and don't want to, but if I did smoke I'd want to.


I believe I said that I want the "I smoke and don't want to quit" option. And as someone pointed out, younger people in general tend to be more close-minded. But that's a whole other Oprah.


People take it upon themselves to remind me of health concerns with little jibes like, "Smoking kills ya know?" I always respond the same way, "I'm counting on it." My sardonic sense of humor, I guess.

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People take it upon themselves to remind me of health concerns with little jibes like, "Smoking kills ya know?" I always respond the same way, "I'm counting on it." My sardonic sense of humor, I guess.


My favorite is "Smoking will stunt your growth." :blink: I'm...er...39 and a half - I seriously doubt there's another growth spurt I'm prohibiting.



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If younger people are 'close-minded' about these things then I have to say I'd take being close-minded about tobacco anyday over lung cancer and the myriad of ailments caused by smoking.


I don't and will never smoke. I hate to be in the same room with smokers.


I also feel compelled to mention that I find it completely inconsiderate for people to continue to smoke around non-smokers (or smokers) if they have been politely asked not to. You can kill yourself but don't kill the rest of us.


I don't feel strongly about this at all... :whistle:

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People take it upon themselves to remind me of health concerns with little jibes like, "Smoking kills ya know?" I always respond the same way, "I'm counting on it." My sardonic sense of humor, I guess.

But I'm sure you're not really counting on it... People say "you gotta die of something" but noone wants to die like that. I've witnessed it and it is definitely not something you should count on.


It may seem like a fun way to respond but in the end wit won't keep you alive.


Quitting may be hard but not quitting is harder.

Edited by writeincode
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I don't and will never smoke. I hate to be in the same room with smokers.


I also feel compelled to mention that I find it completely inconsiderate for people to continue to smoke around non-smokers (or smokers) if they have been politely asked not to. You can kill yourself but don't kill the rest of us.

I'm very pleased by Houston's recent law change that prohibits smoking indoors completely, even in bars, nightclubs, etc. As I believe I said above, I think this is a bit ridiculous. I mean if people can't smoke in bars where can they smoke? However, that being said I absolutely love it! A good 4 out of 10 times when I decided not to go out it was because I just didn't want to deal with the smoke. So it's so nice to be able to go wherever I want and not have to worry about leaving smelling like an ashtray and with a sore throat.

Edited by AFriendlyFace
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I'm very pleased by Houston's recent law change that prohibits smoking indoors completely, even in bars, nightclubs, etc. As I believe I said above, I think this is a bit ridiculous. I mean if people can't smoke in bars where can they smoke? However, that being said I absolutely love it! A good 4 out of 10 times when I decided not to go out it was because I just didn't want to deal with the smoke. So it's so nice to be able to go wherever I want and not have to worry about leaving smelling like an ashtray and with a sore throat.



B) ........Las Vegas recently passed laws not allowing smoking in Bars where food is served. This is Sin City for G_d's sake, it was a stupid law that caused hundreds of people to lose their jobs, as the Bars quit serving food, and cooks waitress's, busboys all lost their jobs. We all know that you shouldn't drink and drive, but now people can't even injest food that would have some sort of impact on the amount of alcohol one consumed. The law was to protect children from 2nd hand smoke, why are these parents bringing their children to a bar in the first place?

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Philadelphia doesn't allow smoking even at restaurants with open air decks.


If a person is kind enough to ask me not to smoke, then I don't.


Most amusement parks are going Smoke Free now. They do allow smoking in designated area's. Some in out of the way places and most away from the public restrooms.




Oh, and I voted for the last one.

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Youpee :lol:

This poll is still alive :D with soon 100 posts !

And 10 % (5 from 52 votes) are frank enough to admit that they cannot stop smoking, so I'm not alone in this category.

I know, to please my wife and other persons, I have to stay closeted in my room when I'm smoking my pipe and open the window afterwards, but the pleasure is still the same :funny:

I like it :wub:

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B) ........Las Vegas recently passed laws not allowing smoking in Bars where food is served. This is Sin City for G_d's sake, it was a stupid law that caused hundreds of people to lose their jobs, as the Bars quit serving food, and cooks waitress's, busboys all lost their jobs. We all know that you shouldn't drink and drive, but now people can't even injest food that would have some sort of impact on the amount of alcohol one consumed. The law was to protect children from 2nd hand smoke, why are these parents bringing their children to a bar in the first place?

It's possibly a cultural thing. There's nothing wrong with taking children to a bar that serves food in Australia -- I've done it many times. Similarly in the UK. We didn't have children when we lived there, but family meals at a bar were quite common.


The bigger question is what are those parents doing taking their kids to The Strip in Las Vegas in the first place? I was there last month and I quickly decided that I'm NOT taking my kids there. The Strip is really designed for adult entertainment. Some of the shows and places are suitable for kids, but the streets aren't.


As a general rule, I agree with laws that ban smoking in food serving areas, and in places where large numbers of people congregate. As has been discussed ad nauseum above, my belief is that while adults should be allowed to smoke, I disagree that they should be allowed to subject others to the effects of second-hand smoke. Customers have the option of not being there, but employees don't -- or, rather, the option for employees is a lot more serious (ie. loss of a job) if they want to avoid exposure to second-hand smoke.

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It's possibly a cultural thing. There's nothing wrong with taking children to a bar that serves food in Australia -- I've done it many times. Similarly in the UK. We didn't have children when we lived there, but family meals at a bar were quite common.


The bigger question is what are those parents doing taking their kids to The Strip in Las Vegas in the first place? I was there last month and I quickly decided that I'm NOT taking my kids there. The Strip is really designed for adult entertainment. Some of the shows and places are suitable for kids, but the streets aren't.


As a general rule, I agree with laws that ban smoking in food serving areas, and in places where large numbers of people congregate. As has been discussed ad nauseum above, my belief is that while adults should be allowed to smoke, I disagree that they should be allowed to subject others to the effects of second-hand smoke. Customers have the option of not being there, but employees don't -- or, rather, the option for employees is a lot more serious (ie. loss of a job) if they want to avoid exposure to second-hand smoke.



B) .......You were in Vegas? I agree that children shouldn't be brought to Vegas, it is an adult oriented town, it caters to vices. But back to the subject, the bar in question had a closed off dining area, no smoking allowed. The bar where gambling was done allowed smoking, new law stated that the two could not happen in the building......even if seperated :wacko: ...seems that was the way the Health Department interpreted it. Should have told me you were in Vegas, I'd given you a map to the goats lair! :P

Edited by Benji
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I was in Vegas for a conference and didn't have a lot of spare time. I did a bit of sightseeing, but not that much.


It sounds like the interpretation of the new law is what is at fault. I was staying at Paris and that, and Bally's that it connects to, is essentially one building. I don't see how smoking at one end can have any effect on dining at the other end -- the distance is too much for any significant amount of second hand smoke to drift. The principle is fine -- it's the mechanics of the implementation that is faulty.

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I smoke, not a lot, but enough.


I know it's bad... but what the hell... LOL. I'm asthmatic and it's pretty weird but since I started smoking, I had less attacks :S Might be because asthma is mostly psychosomatic, and smoking calms the nerves somewhat.


Anyhow, I'm always considerate to non-smokers. After eating, when the craving hits in, I'd go outside rather than smoke in the table. At parties when it's inevitable that most everyone smokes, I try my best to exhale away from the group. I don't smoke in public transportation or indoors unless I'm the only one aboard, LOL. I'm willing to throw away a newly lit cigarette if someone asks me too (or even just looks disapprovingly at me, LOL).


I'm quitting... maybe.. LOL. I just don't like other people telling me what's best for me. Lemme alone! LOL

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I agree. I refuse to smoke indoors at all. Even when I'm at a club or party where everyone else is, it still just seems rude to me. If anyone asks me to put out a cigarette I usually do just so I don't have to hear them bitch, but I don't usually smoke around non-smokers as it is.

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The government has not banned smoking or done anything to stop smoking in public places. Individual states have and it is well in their right to do so unless the Supreme Court says otherwise(which they have not). I would have a big problem with the Government trying to restrict anything, but the states and the people have that right by vote according to the tenth admendment. If you don't like it you have everyright to try and fight it.

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...OUR government has banned smoking in Public Transportation Vehicles. I don't see anyone enforcing it however >.>


(OOPS EDIT: It's not a national law... Just a statute in our province, LOL)




Filipinos are too polite to tell someone off for smoking inside a crowded jeepney (a modified jeep, google it! LOL), usually they just stoically bear it. But it's considered really really rude to be inconsiderate about the other passengers. Once in a while someone gets the courage to tell the guy to stop smoking and he'll usually put it out or risk the combined wrath of the other passengers, LOL. Anyhow, guys who smoke in vehicles with non-smokers are usually stupidass d***heads anyway. :P

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B) ......Sorry to disagree once again, if I owned a Tavern and my customers want to smoke, drink and gamble {What they have been doing for 80 years} Then thats what my business is about. I hire people that know the conditions, as I stated before the non-smoking sections are real partioned off well from the bar area, now they could go across the street (All other restaurants are non-smoking, sic Denny's). The real shame is that these Taverns let go 8 people per business, they had 8 Taverns, most were High Schooler's. So the smokers won, no kids allowed, no food served. Where is the right of employment?
This is a storm in a tea cup ,

Here is the problem:

- Employers have a duty of care to their workers under the law , meaning the employers are liable to huge compensation costs .

- Smokers are people legally entitled to smoke a product heavily taxed < meaning we all are benefiting from this like it or not>

So the solution is to give a choice to employers , either:

- ban smoking in working area or Install exhausts that will remove quickly air contaminants at specifications that satisfy the experts (such devices are successfully in use in industry to remove toxic fumes) .

-On the philosophical level smoking can be discouraged because of it's effects .

- For the people that wish to forbid everything let me remind you of the prohibition period and the huge turmoil and social consequences that arose from the puritanical trend that seek to abolish every evils from society.

Btw i don't smoke , but it is nice to know that if i wished to do so I could .


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I don't smoke and never will, but smoking has never bothered me. I don't mind standing near someone smoking or being in their house or car when they are. I don't even really dislike the smell of cigarette smoke.


Also, I work in the smoke shop at work sometimes and ever since the government decided you aren't aloud to see what you're buying everything is in drawers. I think this is really stupid because for the most part it done so kids can't see the tobacco products and out of the blue think 'Well I think I would like to smoke that and develop a lifelong addiction that may or may not kill me eventually'. Well guess what, now anyone under 19 is not even aloud in the place so I don't see how thats a valid point at all.


Even if you're under 19 and smoke, not being able to see the product is not going to deter you because you know exactly what is in the drawers and will somehow get your hands on it weather you can see it or not. Plus, the top drawer is so high up I can barley see into it, which really annoys me.


I love it when people come in and ask for primetimes, I really like the smell of those things. 0:)

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I don't smoke and never will, but smoking has never bothered me. I don't mind standing near someone smoking or being in their house or car when they are. I don't even really dislike the smell of cigarette smoke.


Also, I work in the smoke shop at work sometimes and ever since the government decided you aren't aloud to see what you're buying everything is in drawers. I think this is really stupid because for the most part it done so kids can't see the tobacco products and out of the blue think 'Well I think I would like to smoke that and develop a lifelong addiction that may or may not kill me eventually'. Well guess what, now anyone under 19 is not even aloud in the place so I don't see how thats a valid point at all.


Even if you're under 19 and smoke, not being able to see the product is not going to deter you because you know exactly what is in the drawers and will somehow get your hands on it weather you can see it or not. Plus, the top drawer is so high up I can barley see into it, which really annoys me.


I love it when people come in and ask for primetimes, I really like the smell of those things. 0:)



:( ..............Just quit today, actually 13 hrs ago

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