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What are you grateful for today?


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Hi everyone!


I was just reading this article about how healthy it was emotionally to take time out of your day to reflect on the things, people, and occurrences which you feel grateful toward. Practicing gratitude can make you a happier, more positive, person, and it may even boost your immune system!


So with that in mind I challenge each of you to list five things that happened to you today for which you're grateful(or that made you happy) and then to tell us about them (How did they benefit you? How did they make you feel?).


I'll go first:


1) I'm grateful that a friend lent me an excellent and very enjoyable movie called Friends and Family.


It was really funny :lol: I could not stop laughing during several parts

2) I'm grateful for having been able to spend time with a couple of friends today.


We hung out, played pool, grabbed a bit to eat, then just sat around talking for awhile. It was really nice.

3) I'm grateful for croutons!


I had a really nice salad for dinner, and they really made it so much better! :D


4) I'm grateful for quiet time alone.


I was able to spend a good portion of time just relaxing and thinking about stuff. I really feel better and less stressed out when I can do this.

5) I'm grateful for having the type of job that afforded me these benefits today.


Sometimes I feel stressed out about work, and like I'm always working, but it really is a flexible job and on days like today when I just want to take it easy and have time for myself or friends I can :)



So what are YOU grateful for today?



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1) Coffee

it is such a wonderful thing and even though I have a coffee-machine for over two-years now it reminds me of the time I didn't have one(that I didn't have a coffee-machine wasn't the only thing wrong with those times) and it's just a small luxury that I feel gratefull for


2) Having to get up early

I know it sounds like a contradiction but I had to get up earlier today then usual to take an exam. It just makes me feel as if the day is still young (well, it's almost four pm so I guess it isn't) and as if I had so much time on my hands.


3) My sister

I talked to her on the phone yesterday and I really miss her. It's also possible that I won't see her for a long time so I feel greatful for having her.


4) My English

I spend one year in an English-speaking country and the exam I took today was an English exam. Many of the people in my class don't have that advantage so I don't really have to try too hard to get good grades.


5) Sweet-corn

I love sweet corn and I had a can of it sitting in my cupboard for a while now but was waiting for the right moment to eat it. I was really looking forward to it, so today it was finally time to enjoy it. Love it.


I can only list 5 right? :D I guess I'm a happy person and greatful for a lot of things.

6) I'm gratful for this topic

because I hope it makes people who don't feel too good right now realize that there IS a lot to love and feel good about in this world

Thanks Kevin :hug:

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1. To Kevin for creating this thread and telling me this piece of informartion which I didn't know.


2. To the one who invented sms, via which I can converse with Rohun, my bf. :wub:


3. Chocolate. I just ate some and it amazes me how good it always tastes.


4. To my mom who pitied me and allowed me access to PC even when it wasn't my time! :)


5. To Francois, for beta-reading my story. :)


Take care,


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1. To Kevin for creating this thread and telling me this piece of informartion which I didn't know.


2. To the one who invented sms, via which I can converse with Rohun, my bf.


3. Chocolate. I just ate some and it amazes me how good it always tastes.


4. To my mom who pitied me and allowed me access to PC even when it wasn't my time! :)


Take care,



B) .......well;


1. That all the bills are paid.


2. That I only have 6 brothers. (G_d I don't need any more) :D

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4) My English

I spend one year in an English-speaking country and the exam I took today was an English exam. Many of the people in my class don't have that advantage so I don't really have to try too hard to get good grades.

Yeah, wow! I didn't even know English wasn't your first language, Liddy!

because I hope it makes people who don't feel too good right now realize that there IS a lot to love and feel good about in this world

Thanks Kevin :hug:

1. To Kevin for creating this thread and telling me this piece of informartion which I didn't know.

Awww, thanks you two and you're definitely welcome :*)



2. To the one who invented sms, via which I can converse with Rohun, my bf. :wub:

Oh my gosh! I'm so excited for you, Ieshwar! :great::2thumbs:


I've been wondering what you had decided but I didn't want to intrude or be nosy. Congrats! I wish you both a great deal of love and happiness :D



I have to run, but I'll post more things for which I'm grateful when I return :)


Have an awesome day all!


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I know its still another 30min until I have another day, but I already have so many things to be grateful for, so I thought I'd share:


1) My sister (again)

because she made her husband correct my spanish paper (again for finals) even thought they have been pretty buisy lately


2) My sister's husband

because he corrected my paper without complaining and even told me he thought it was interesting

3) Baldur's gate

because its a fun game


4) Time

that I had to play Computer games, even though there are more finals soon. I guess I have to be grateful for my self-disipline


5) Ieshwar (congratulations by the way)

because you reminded me that I still have chocolate and that it is a good time to eat it now *munchmunch*(so I had two luxury-food experiences, well three, if you count coffee)

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1. The moth on my wall

It has sacrificed itself to my spider, Umberto.


2. Milo

It is the most delicious choc-malt drink in the world and makes my mornings complete


3. Tan and Bondi beach

I know sun=cancer especially for blonde people but it makes me feel healthy and I like feeling healthy and Bondi Beach is not just a place- its a religion.


4. My boyfriend

For emailing me from Brazil just as I was starting to think he'd forgotten me. He's always on time.


5. Facebook

For bein the perfect social network through which you are always kept up to date.

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1) Artichokes!


They're so good! I hadn't had one in far too long, but tonight I made one :)

2) My grandparents!


They're really sweet and awesome and I'm very fortunate to have them in my life.


3) The ability to read


Sounds silly I know, but it's a huge part of my life and brings me a great deal of pleasure.


4) 24 hour grocery stores


I'm about to go do my shopping for the week and it's already 10:30 pm. How convenient!


5) My duvet


It's so soft and comfortable, I really enjoyed lounging around in bed this morning.

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Things that I'm gratefull for in random order:


1.The internet

You can find almost anything online.


2. My friend Joseph

He is throwing a party on friday


3. Television

It makes working out less monotanous.


4. My Parents

They let me live under their roof.


5. My proximity to Hollywood

I get to be in the studio audiance of a number of tv shows. ('Talk Show with Spike' this afternoon.)

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1. My family

I'm always grateful that I have them, because they are the centre of my life. :wub:


2. Innoculations

Our boys have both been immunised against chicken pox, and our closest neighbour (and playmate for both boys) has just come down with chicken pox....


3. Takeaway

I didn't have to cook. Instead, my wife picked up chicken and chips (roast chicken and french fries for the Americans) on her way home from work.


4. Being able to work from home

It really makes for an easy day, as I save over two hours of travel time when I work from home.


5. Two TVs

We can now watch the news while the boys watch cartoons....

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1. My Calculus exam is over.


I'm sure I got a few problems right... I hope? At least it's over!


2. Police Chief Miller.


If the appeals committee doesn't throw out my parking ticket, he's got my back.


3. I wasn't walked in on... again.


Needs no explanation.


4. I have nothing to do for tomorrow.


I haven't had a day off from schoolwork since it started except for weekends. The same is true for my friend Debbie, who plans on getting some alcohol into her system tonight lol.


5. Tomorrow is Friday!!!!!!111!!11!one


I get to pick up my pre-order of Halo 3 and get a service manual for my car. I can't wait to blast the covenant while learning about how my engine comes apart!

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5. My proximity to Hollywood

I get to be in the studio audiance of a number of tv shows. ('Talk Show with Spike' this afternoon.)

Wow! That is so cool!


4. Being able to work from home

It really makes for an easy day, as I save over two hours of travel time when I work from home.

OHH you're right! Every now and then I get to work from home too (not as often as I'd like though :( ), it definitely makes things so much easier and saves a great deal of time, frustration, and money (gas is so high :thumbdown: )!


1. My two great grand daughters, Mina ( 16 months old) and Kemy (soon 12 months old)

I just got the newest pictures (see my gallery). Its nice to be the

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But Kev, don't you ever wanna go sleeveless and show off those guns?


I can't do sleeveless... having to be semi-dressed almost every day in the summer gave me a farmers tan... damn retail and damn their dress code and damn them for overworking me!

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3) Baldur's gate[/b]

because its a fun game


I love that game! Nobody I know, except my brother, has ever played it before :lol:


I guess I better say what I'm grateful for today.... I doubt it will be 5 because its only 8:30 am here


1. Heating

Its sooo cold outside but I can be lovely and warm inside


2. Liddy

Because she likes Baldur's Gate :lol:


3. Work

Even if it does mean I have to get up early and go out into the cold I still get paid for it :D


4. Internet at work

Means I can be posting here on the forums instead of working lol


5. The weekend

I get to have a few days off from work


Well I guess I did manage to get to 5, though I really had to think for the last one, its too early for me....

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3. I wasn't walked in on... again.


Needs no explanation.


:lol: Nice how just one little accident can change your perception of what's valuable.


4) German


I just watched a German movie with English subtitles. I quite like the language and would like to learn more.


This is the first time I've ever heard anybody liking it. Ever. :2thumbs:


2. Liddy

Because she likes Baldur's Gate :lol:


:wub: (And it really IS a fun game)



My 5 things I'm grateful for today:


1) My coach

She's letting me use her appartment while she's gone and I'll dog-sit for her. This is very convienient because I'm giving up my room and it gives me time to move everything.


2) P

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5) Ieshwar (congratulations by the way)

because you reminded me that I still have chocolate and that it is a good time to eat it now *munchmunch*(so I had two luxury-food experiences, well three, if you count coffee)


Whoa! I love coffee too. I love tea only if it's with cardamon! Hmmm!


I'm grateful to:


1. Yaaseen. My best friend. For being here and I came out and wishing with a few gdays late (did I say he's bizarre) with loads of apologies! At midnight! :)


2. To Rohun, for filling my days and nights with his thoughts


3. To Gay Authors for being such a great place!


4. To Kevin for his great avatar and making me say "Wow" so loud! :P


5. To Graeme, CJ and all those working hard for the next anthology. Words can't describe anything here! :)


6. And Kevin(once more) for posting comments on my story! :wub:



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But Kev, don't you ever wanna go sleeveless and show off those guns?

LOL, well sometimes :P


I love that game! Nobody I know, except my brother, has ever played it before :lol:


2. Liddy

Because she likes Baldur's Gate :lol:

This sounds like a cool game. How does it work exactly? Is it a board game? Or some kind of computer/video game?



This is the first time I've ever heard anybody liking it. Ever. :2thumbs:

Really? LOL, my mom was all about German pride :lol:


Good luck with your move!! :D

4. To Kevin for his great avatar and making me say "Wow" so loud! :P

:*) aww thanks


6. And Kevin(once more) for posting comments on my story! :wub:

You're welcome! It was a really awesome story, Ieshwar! I'm really sorry it took me so long to read it! :D


I'll post some things I'm grateful for later, I've got to fix something to eat now ;)


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This sounds like a cool game. How does it work exactly? Is it a board game? Or some kind of computer/video game?


It is cool!!!(if you're a bit...weird). Its a computer game based on role-play gaming (is that the right word?) and you get to run around and solve quests with your group but it all has a "bigger plot" then that. Its like being the protagonist of your own book!


Things I'm grateful for today:


1) Pain killers!

be glad if your a guy and don't have any of these problems


2) Courtains

I moved in with my coach and I din't get that the reason the room didn't have curtains was that it had shutters. Those old-fashioned ones outside the windows? Its an old house (in southern Germany) and I didn't notice them until a friend of mine looked out of the window and was like "you said you didn't sleep well tonight because it was very light in your room? Maybe you should've closed these!" Smartass

3) Woolen socks-shoe-hybrids

So cuddly and keep my feet so warm

4) Tea

even without cardamon (isn't that a spice you put in cookies on christmas? I didn't know you can put it in tea. I've got to try it sometime)

5) Wireless-Lan

I can now sit in the living-room with my laptop. Or in the kitchen with my laptop. Or in the bed-room with my laptop. Or in ...

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4) Tea

even without cardamon (isn't that a spice you put in cookies on christmas? I didn't know you can put it in tea. I've got to try it sometime)


You ought to try it! Wait... is it called cardamon? Well, I think it's cardamon!

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I tried cardamon ice-cream once and I really liked it. If it's not called cardamon in Eglish at least in German it is. Congrats on your first German word (if it is your first. Is it?)! Kardamon. Very important. :great:

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My little cousin Hannah. She's so adorable and absolutely delightful. :) (btw Kevvers I really love your new avatar)

Thanks Jamie :)



2) Courtains

I moved in with my coach and I din't get that the reason the room didn't have curtains was that it had shutters. Those old-fashioned ones outside the windows? Its an old house (in southern Germany) and I didn't notice them until a friend of mine looked out of the window and was like "you said you didn't sleep well tonight because it was very light in your room? Maybe you should've closed these!" Smartass



I'm grateful for :


1) Artichokes!


They're so good and by the time I finish this post my artichoke will be done cooking and ready to eat! :D

2) Our authors!


They do such an awesome job with the stories and keep us all so entertained!


3) A good weekend


I had a really nice weekend. It was pretty relaxing and still somehow productive!


4) Cellular phones


They make life so much easier! I'm just old enough that I can remember them not being very prevalent in my early life and things are definitely a lot more convenient now that they're around.


5) Water

It's my beverage of choice :D

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I just had to stop and say that I'm thankful that neither of my parents are government employees for the state of Michigan.

As of not too long ago the government of Michigan officially shut down, and over 35,000 people employed by the government have been told not to show up to work tomorrow.

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