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I hate it when...


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Here's one that kind of the opposite of one of Dom's:


You want, badly, to talk with someone, but when you hear their voice, you're so captivated by it that your ears won't hear it and you have to keep asking them to repeat themselves. ;)

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I hate it when people gravedig threads (only kidding Vic :D )


I hate it when people blame you for something you are not responsible for.

I hate that I know that sometimes I consider double standards acceptable.

I hate it when you know who they should be blaming but theyre too blind to see it!

I hate it that im the only one being blamed when there are at least 3 others

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Oh, I didn't know there was a word for it, Thanks! :lol:

I'm not even sure how it's done other than through a Google search. Let's see, I hate it when people don't know anything but think they know everything. It makes me want to kick someone in the balls. :angry:

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I hate when weather reports are completely wrong.. hello you idiot.. it's raining... what happened to my clear skies? :angry: Also, I hate when the radio over plays a song.

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I'm not even sure how it's done other than through a Google search. Let's see, I hate it when people don't know anything but think they know everything. It makes me want to kick someone in the balls. :angry:


I hate it when people get upset with me for knowing EVERYTHING


(and get in line behind Joe for kicking me in the balls :blink: )

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I hate it when...


...something that's not a finger pokes my back.


...anyone besides my best friend nudges my shoulder.


...my dad makes me store away my stuffed toy panda whose name is Phoebe because my dad thinks carrying her around is insane.


...I think too much... it's like pineapple juice is flooding my brain. :wacko:


...I don't know what I would like to do. :blink: My mind would fly to nowhere and it would be so hard to get it back that I need a fishing rod.


...I become a worrywart. Wargh. My head is bleeding from thinking too much. I need a vaccuum cleaner, and then maybe a straitjacket.


...guys around me always think that I'm gonna blow them. :angry:


...I can't concentrate because I have the attention span of an orange.

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I hate...


~ When I've had insomina all night but still have to go to work for 9:45am


~Cleaning Aladdin-kitty's litter box (someone already mentioned this) and when I fill it back up, he goes in it


~ Not being able to find that book I want to read right when I wanna read it


~Not being able to remember that "word" thats always on the tip of my... Whats the word?


~ Not being able to remember my name when Im introduced to a hot guy.


~That one of my best friends is being "used" by his roommate


~When my mother tries to tell me what I should do, when and how I should do it.


~When my boyfriend leaves Right after.


~Having to make over 30 Christmas cards and none of them are for me.


~Learning something and then forgetting it a week later(like knitting).


~ A billion other things I dont have the patience to type out.

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I hate ~


~ being ordinary, when others need someone extra-ordinary to lift their spirits :P


~ being helpless to change things, when others desperately hope for change for the better :wub:


~ being able to find someone I would like as a friend, and finding out they've already left us 0:) <--colinian, this one is your fault (I'm being a little blaming, here)


~ being a human being--when, sometimes, being a better human being for someone else is what's important :worship:

Edited by kjames
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I hate it when I become ill during the weekend after a hard week... no time to feel good.. bah. I also hate it when people over share when discussing their illegal exploits (i.e drug usage), because I really don't want to know... I also hate dead leaves..

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I hate going to the movies and having the person behind me prop their feet up on the chair next to mine, like that's any better than propping them up at the back of my head.

I hate trying to have a decent conversation while there's a four year old in the room trying his best to play "Operation".

I hate meeting new people that seem interesting and wonderful for all of about twenty minutes and by the time I realize I was so very wrong, it's too late to run away gracefully.

I hate Taco Bell. Meat, Cheese, possibly veggies. *heave*

I hate that my gf insists on going there every night after she gets of work anyway.

And I hate that I've yet to hear what my alarm clock actually sounds like because my dog insists on waking me up at least thirty minutes before it goes off by standing on my face.

I also hate the resulting scratches.

I might also hate miniature pinchers...0_o

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