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JAP was criticised by a soldier who said it was "queer" to call the sniper's rifle "Bert".


I'm not a gun expert, so I'll put the questions to all of you:

Do you give your weapons, espescially the bigger ones, male or female names?

(Do straight guys name them differently?)

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Watch the beginning of "Full Metal Jacket" sometime...

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Anyone who names their guns has a screw loose (I was a gunner's mate in the navy. I had names for all the guns in the armory).



As for the name, heteros usually give them a feminine name, but not always.


Big guns, like 5" gun mounts and larger, almost always get names.



Oh, and yes, I named all my guns after men. :)



I just told people that since they were going to be used to kill Russkies, I'd follow the Russian tradition and give them male names (Russians refer to their ships as 'he' while the rest of the world usually uses 'she' - She was a good ship, etc.)


I got a few weird looks for that, but no one considered it too odd.

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My dick has a name now keep in mind I didn't give it that name and now I'm not giving it out but a man looks at his gun like his dick he wouldn't sell it and you couldn't pry it from his cold dead fingers and if something that important can be named why not a gun.



I don't nessisarly think I would turn my dick into a sawd off.

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My dick has a name

There is the old joke about the gay who called his penis "Richard" becasue he thought it was too big and important to be given an informal nickname.


I wonder what the Gunners Mates in this Group think of the Brittish 2-part "screw guns" described in R. Kippling's "Jungle Book"?

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  • 2 weeks later...

never much cared for guns, do have a rifle though its certianly not named.


but I have almost a dozen swords so I can feel the sentiment, but no none of them nor my dick are named haha


...unless you count 'im gonna hug him and squeeze him and call him George'

Edited by Umbathri
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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Umm both my gun and dick are named heh heh Mr. Ruger (gun) and Justyn JR (dick) Hey eathan thorn I like your avatar its a butt right ? Thing is I cant make out what its doing or being done ? Is it getting rubbed or umm humped lol I like it though If you dont mind me asking where did ya find it ??

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