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My best friend's sister's best friend recently changed his "interested in" on Facebook from women to men! I KNEW IT FROM DAY ONE! I swear, this guy fits every single gay stereotype imaginable! The clothes, the looks, the hair, the mannerisms, the whole nine yards! I had him pegged as gay since high school, but my best friend kept saying, "Nah, he's straight, he dates Meghan!" Bullshit!


Why am I so excited? My gaydar actually WORKS! HAHAHA! Ok, maybe it's not completely functional yet, but it's good news since it's pinging on this cute guy in my Statics class who I'm curious about.

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My best friend's sister's best friend recently changed his "interested in" on Facebook from women to men! I KNEW IT FROM DAY ONE! I swear, this guy fits every single gay stereotype imaginable! The clothes, the looks, the hair, the mannerisms, the whole nine yards! I had him pegged as gay since high school, but my best friend kept saying, "Nah, he's straight, he dates Meghan!" Bullshit!


Why am I so excited? My gaydar actually WORKS! HAHAHA! Ok, maybe it's not completely functional yet, but it's good news since it's pinging on this cute guy in my Statics class who I'm curious about.

Well that is good news! :2thumbs:


Practice makes perfect :)

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  • Site Administrator

Congratulations, Robbie! :2thumbs:


Now, what are you going to do about that cute guy in the Statics class? There's no point in having a working gaydar if you never act on it.... :P Think of it as a calibration exercise -- you need to be sure that its working, and that means talking to the guy. :D

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Sometimes it's the subtle things. Obviously, the queeny types are easy to figure out, but the more masculine types appear to be straight. However, some people figure it out more easily than others. Bidar is even more complicated.

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Sometimes it's the subtle things. Obviously, the queeny types are easy to figure out, but the more masculine types appear to be straight. However, some people figure it out more easily than others. Bidar is even more complicated.

There's a bidar??? :wacko:

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What I tend to do if I'm talking to someone is drop hints about me being gay and then wait to see if they return the hints, lol. It works generally. It adds an assist to my gaydar.

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I find gaydar absolutely fascinating. I would never have believed it if I hadn't experienced it myself. Mine really took off once I'd come out to myself and others and was totally happy in public. From that point on I realised I could pick up almost instantly on the smallest nuances in behaviour, pose, voice, language, looks, dress-sense, glance, reactions and interactions and over time I found my gaydar is both highly accurate and ultra-sensitive.


One example I like to give is that of the son of a friend. I was helping her out at her business sorting out some PC stuff one weekday when her then 15-year-old son walked in. I'd never seen him before but the moment I looked at him my heart leapt and my chest was pounding because I realised he was gay - my gaydar was pinging so loudly my ears were ringing! I had to be very careful not to spook him by giving him that look, you know, the "I know you're gay" too-long stare right in the eyes.


I had my boyfriend with me that day and as soon as we left I asked him if he'd picked up the same thing. He hadn't.


A year or so later this lad's mom came to me for some advice. She knew I was gay of course and had been to a murder-mystery dinner party with her husband that me and my boyfriend hosted.


She told me that her son had just come out to her after she'd had to repremand him for staying out overnight one Saturday. They'd argued and he had eventually confessed he'd gone to a gay club and then gone home with some guys. He told her he slept on their couch :)


She didn't know what to do so I spent quite a bit of time talking to her, making her realise that she just had to be there for him, not judge him, accept him and let him work things out without feeling pressured or disapproved of. I told her not to be paranoid over him seeing guys otherwise it'd drive him to do it more just to spite her.


His mom must have told him about me, because from then on whenever I was at her office he made a point of turning up and eventually we became friends. He was able to confide in me, ask me questions, ask for advice and know he'd get straightforward non-judgemental answers. For my part I was able to reassure his mom he was doing okay, without revealing anything he told me.


When he was 18 I finally told him about that gaydar moment when he was 15. He was amazed because he didn't work out for himself that he was gay until about 6 months later.


Generally I love having gaydar. It makes just walking down the street a great adventure, almost like being a member of a secret organisation that only 'special' people know the secret of, and when someone else identifies me on their gaydar, I love that knowing look and fleeting smile that passes between us. :)

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Congratulations, Robbie! :2thumbs:


Now, what are you going to do about that cute guy in the Statics class? There's no point in having a working gaydar if you never act on it.... :P Think of it as a calibration exercise -- you need to be sure that its working, and that means talking to the guy. :D

Oddly enough he talked to me before class yesterday. I was just sitting there, minding my own business, when he asks me what's up and says that he's glad it's the weekend. He then asked if I was going to parties, since I said that I was staying here for once. What makes me wonder is he took the time to say, "Yeah I'm gonna get some girls." He doesn't strike me as the type of guy to "get some girls" and I've NEVER heard any straight guy say that unless they were shit-faced.


There's a good chance that he knows that I'm in the GSA since he happened to be walking past the meeting room when we were all watching the Family Guy movie on one of the classroom projectors. He stuck around to watch it with us and promptly left when it ended and I got up to retrieve the DVD (it was mine). It was dark and I was on the otherside of the room, but from what I could tell he was enjoying himself -- laying on one of the tables on his back.

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I find gaydar absolutely fascinating. I would never have believed it if I hadn't experienced it myself. Mine really took off once I'd come out to myself and others and was totally happy in public. From that point on I realised I could pick up almost instantly on the smallest nuances in behaviour, pose, voice, language, looks, dress-sense, glance, reactions and interactions and over time I found my gaydar is both highly accurate and ultra-sensitive.


One example I like to give is that of the son of a friend. I was helping her out at her business sorting out some PC stuff one weekday when her then 15-year-old son walked in. I'd never seen him before but the moment I looked at him my heart leapt and my chest was pounding because I realised he was gay - my gaydar was pinging so loudly my ears were ringing! I had to be very careful not to spook him by giving him that look, you know, the "I know you're gay" too-long stare right in the eyes.


I had my boyfriend with me that day and as soon as we left I asked him if he'd picked up the same thing. He hadn't.


A year or so later this lad's mom came to me for some advice. She knew I was gay of course and had been to a murder-mystery dinner party with her husband that me and my boyfriend hosted.


She told me that her son had just come out to her after she'd had to repremand him for staying out overnight one Saturday. They'd argued and he had eventually confessed he'd gone to a gay club and then gone home with some guys. He told her he slept on their couch :)


She didn't know what to do so I spent quite a bit of time talking to her, making her realise that she just had to be there for him, not judge him, accept him and let him work things out without feeling pressured or disapproved of. I told her not to be paranoid over him seeing guys otherwise it'd drive him to do it more just to spite her.


His mom must have told him about me, because from then on whenever I was at her office he made a point of turning up and eventually we became friends. He was able to confide in me, ask me questions, ask for advice and know he'd get straightforward non-judgemental answers. For my part I was able to reassure his mom he was doing okay, without revealing anything he told me.


When he was 18 I finally told him about that gaydar moment when he was 15. He was amazed because he didn't work out for himself that he was gay until about 6 months later.


Generally I love having gaydar. It makes just walking down the street a great adventure, almost like being a member of a secret organisation that only 'special' people know the secret of, and when someone else identifies me on their gaydar, I love that knowing look and fleeting smile that passes between us. :)

Would you mind if some of us borrowed your unit so that we can copy its program and take notes on the overall design? lmfao

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I find gaydar absolutely fascinating. I would never have believed it if I hadn't experienced it myself. Mine really took off once I'd come out to myself and others and was totally happy in public.

Mine too. There's no doubt about it. Being out is the absolute best thing you can do for your gaydar. It just gives you so much more direct experience with gay people, you just sorta learn what to look for. Plus, being out to yourself is essential if you're going to look at a guy and try to figure it out. If you're not comfortable with homosexuality in general you be willing to check out the subtle cases.

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Being out is the absolute best thing you can do for your gaydar. It just gives you so much more direct experience with gay people, you just sorta learn what to look for. Plus, being out to yourself is essential if you're going to look at a guy and try to figure it out.

Gaydar (and Bidar !) works better as soon as you have more experiences, and as you are more attentive. Its like any "electronic device" you have to switch on if you want it to work.

..... the smallest nuances in behaviour, pose, voice, language, looks, dress-sense, glance, reactions and interactions and over time I found my gaydar is both highly accurate and ultra-sensitive.

Thats the point, you have to observe, to watch, than to analyse to build your opinion and than at last to verify. Its a learning process and its getting better and better with more trying. How to extend your "Dar" ability ? Through practice, first on known gay people, just to analyse your observations and "calibrate" your Dar, and than at any occasions. When you are in a crowd, you know that "statisticaly" between 5 and 15 % of the men around you are gay, try to find them !!.

Gaydar is as many other abilities, you have to work out to increase it.

Bidar is more complicated, you have to observe the subject successively in front of men and women and check it twice. As a bi myself, I found that my behavior was only "gay" when I was with gay friends who knew me. Otherwise, I was "straight" and protected against gaydar.

BTW, you can observe the same phenomena concerning "Jewdar". I'm a "liberal Jew, without the "typical"Jewish face (as described from the Nazis). Traveling in sometimes antisemitic countries (like eastern Europa) I had several opportunities to meet Jews "in the closet" and to check them as "brothers". Here also experience helps !

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Bidar is more complicated, you have to observe the subject successively in front of men and women and check it twice. As a bi myself, I found that my behavior was only "gay" when I was with gay friends who knew me. Otherwise, I was "straight" and protected against gaydar.

So, to your knowledge, you were never "picked out" by someone when you were in straight settings? WOW!

BTW, you can observe the same phenomena concerning "Jewdar". I'm a "liberal Jew, without the "typical"Jewish face (as described from the Nazis). Traveling in sometimes antisemitic countries (like eastern Europa) I had several opportunities to meet Jews "in the closet" and to check them as "brothers". Here also experience helps !

That's fascinating! I wonder what other groups that extends too. I'm a vegetarian in beef country. I wonder if other vegetarians can peg me? :lol:

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I'm a vegetarian in beef country. I wonder if other vegetarians can peg me? :lol:


I recall some years back there was a discussion somewhere (church?) about practicing vs. non-practicing homosexuals, and someone made a crack about non-practicing vegetarians.


Since then, if someone asks me if I'm a vegetarian, I'll say that I'm a non-practicing vegetarian.

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