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Thank You to those who worked on the Summer Anthology

C James

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I wanted to thank everyone who has worked so hard on our Anthology;


Graeme, who did most of the HTML work on the unformatted entries, and Steph, for doing all the wizzardry on the tech side.

Graeme and Steph also worked on all the behind-the-scenes discussion and decision-making. And of course, a big "Thank You" to all our participating writers!


Graeme has been working wonders on the anthologies for quite some time now. He has also agreed to be our Anthology Coordinator! Thank you Graeme, and congratulations! :2thumbs:


CJ :)

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And thank you to C James, who has been the anthology coordinator for some time now. He's done a lot of behind-the-scenes work to make sure they all come together, and this one was no exception.


Thanks also to all the editors and others who have helped the authors. I've noticed a number of names that kept cropping up when I read the stories, so I want to thank you, too, for your work. Without your help, the anthology wouldn't be what it is :)

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A big thank you to CJ, Graeme, Steph and everyone else who had a part in making this years Summer Anthology!


To all the Author's and Editor's thank you as well, The anthology is nothing without you guys!



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You all did a fantastic job as usual. CJ, you're awesome! Graeme, the formatting was definitely great. I would also like to thank Gary for helping me format my own and, of course, for beta reading and editing. And Steph, from what I can tell, you worked hard as well! Kudos to all the editors and beta readers. Also, I would like to thank the authors and the members of GA!

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After reading four entries in the past couple of hours....


Thank you all of you.


I know each of you put a lot of time and effort into the anthologies, and I always look forward to reading them. Hopefully you know how much I appreciate the hard work that you volunteer to make sure they get up :great: .


Congratulations on becoming the Anthology Coordinator Graeme. Hopefully this means there will be a descending vote on any further secret polls that the goat may try to start. :D


And so far, everything I've read has been superb, so a thank you to all the authors that contributed.


Steve B)

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Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! CJ, Graeme and Steph, thank you all so much for making this anthology work! Also congrats on the new job Graeme! :D


I'd also like to thank all the authors and editors/beta readers for their contributions, especially Sharon and darkfoxprime who pulled off a last second miracle for me!


I'm really looking forward to reading all the stories, so thanks for making it possible!


Greg :)

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I love anthology season; thank goodness there is more than one a year! I enjoy reading what the creative minds of our GA authors have managed to come up with. As it is, I spent a lot of time reading a good portion of them, and it's 3:30 in the morning, east coast time. Ugh. Need. Sleep.


But none of that would have been possible without the anthology team, so a BIG THANKS to Graeme, CJ, Steph (the formatting and discussions/reviews look great!!!) the editors, the betas, and the authors. It's really a team effort and it really sums up what GA represents: the group effort. (I know, I know, so cheesy) :P


Once again I'd like to thank my editor, and my wonderful beta-readers--Sharon, Pete, and Gary. I don't know what I would have done without you guys. I probably would have chopped up my story and butchered it into something crappy, but you guys stepped in and saved me. Thanks. You guys are the best. :wub:


Happy reading for everyone.

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Amazing job with everything CJ, Steph, and Graeme! You guys well did a lot of work for us and it was a job well-done!! :D:music::great::2thumbs:



After reading four entries in the past couple of hours....
As it is, I spent a lot of time reading a good portion of them, and it's 3:30 in the morning, east coast time. Ugh. Need. Sleep.


And special thanks also to Steve and Tiff, as well as so many others who took the time to offer thoughtful, insightful comments on the pieces! I for one really appreciate it :)



I of course have to give special thanks to Sharon for not only editing, but also informing me that my 'random short story' fit the theme of the anthology, and then for 'nagging' me ( :P:boy: ) enough to submit it! Thanks very much also to Tim for beta reading it, and once again to Graeme, Steph, and CJ for putting up with me and ironing out all the details :D





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