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Jackson: Not Guilty on All counts

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As for serving on a jury I had done that once before and I didn't try to get out of it BUT if I can now I would. I no longer believe in the justice system or the usa government.  I feel that our rights are being taken away and I feel that we are becoming a communistic, dictatorship of a country.


I have nothing agianst the military I have friends in there and they are doing what they are told from teh idiot in the white house and the idiots in teh us capital. 


I no longer feel respect for this country and I no longer feel proud to be an american.


Pyro :-)

For some reason I feel I am the wrong person to be saying this, but it's that attitude that is the problem. I'm not a politically active person by my basic nature, but I seldom fail to speak my opinions when they are strong.


As I see it, there are only 2 real problems with our criminal justice system. The first and largest are those created by the juries. Prosecution and defense lawyers only do what works with juries, the carfully pick and cater to the (presumed) psychology of the jury. Thus, getting your ass on a jury is the best thing you can do to help repair the system. We all laugh at the people too stupid to get out of jury duty and then complain that jurors are too stupid to see the big picture and understand what reasonable doubt really means. Every time you get out of jury duty, you are placing someone stupider than you on a jury.


The second real problem are the judges and the highly political nature of the selection of judges. While not always in your direct control, there are places where you make a difference.


I don't do political rallies, I don't campaign for elected officials, but I vote. I vote in each and every election, no matter how small. I am concerned about the people serving my local school district, I'm concerned about county judges, I'm concerned about who is on my city council and local water district. I hold incumbents to a higher standard than newcomers because they have a record as well as their political babble. I believe that nothing changes unless the people making the decisions change. I don't want someone serving for 20 years in any one position at the local, state, or national level.


Yes I am embarassed by and angry at our federal (and my state) government, but I feel more like someone who's supervisor always says something assinine in a high level meeting. I want the supervisor gone and someone competent in their place.


It isn't the system that is broken, it is the individuals who don't vote or don't do so in an informed fashion that are the problem.


I will never be ashamed to have been born in the United States or of it's people. I have been and will be ashamed of the government that we elected. If we allow the shame of a bad choice to lead to the condemnation of the entire structure then you may as well tell the world that our brand of democracy is as much a failure are any other form of governemnt. Why should anyone from another contry ever embrace or strive for a more democratic society if those people who have it can only see failure in a bad choice. Would it not seem better to have no choice and no personal responsibility when a bad choice would so discourage you that you feel shame about your country.


As I said, I'm probably the worng person to be saying this, but that's what I think.


:king: Snow Dog

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He didn't do anything man.....he made Thriller.


Hehe, just quoting Dave Chappelle.


I havent really followed the case that much but don't you think its strange that a lot of major charges have been filed toward rich black guys, and within the last few years? How much money do these people stand to make by accusing a rich black guy of something? First of all, a lot of the political dudes are racists anyway, cuz thats how they grew up and were taught, unfortunatley. So if they are accused of something, the judges and anyone in the jury who might be racist is going to believe the person suing them, which is most likely a white person, so theyre pretty much screwed. I'm just sayin...


Michael Jackson is definately freaky tho and should probably get some 'surgery' on his brain.



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