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Christian Bale's got issues...


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Now, I loved The Dark Knight, but apparently the star, Christian Bale, has a really bad temper. Listen to his rant. He's downright disgraceful. He needs to go to anger management of something. :ph34r:

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Wow just listened to the rant! How can someone go on like that about something so pathetic, his excuse is pretty poor:


The Tart (Online)


The rant was provoked when the film

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Wow just listened to the rant! How can someone go on like that about something so pathetic, his excuse is pretty poor:


The Tart (Online)


The rant was provoked when the film’s director of photography, Shane Hurlbut, “screwed up a shot,” prompting Bale to launch into an expletive laced diatribe heard by “several hundred people”, including rather bizarrely, “military police” who later described the rant as “intense.” Publicists working on the film later told the press that Bale was "extremely tired and having a bad day"

That is one pitiful excuse. I've got one better. He was being a dick. I have lost my temper more than once, but I could never rip someone apart like that. He should be ashamed of himself. :thumbdown:

Edited by Tiger
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What an asshole.

I think I'll avoid his movies, well, unless he's in Brokeback Mountain II. :P


Nope after he does Anger Management 2 and AM3!!


He has to resolve his inner feelings for John Malkovich.


BBM is just a treat after AM2 AM3. :P:D:lol:

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Dang people... Yeah, he got out of control, but people have bad days! Things happen. Everyday people get set off, and get way out of control, it happens. Christian Bale is only human!


What he did was totally wrong, and uncalled for, but do not let someones mistake completely ruin your opinion of them.


This really is kind of stupid, people pay way to much attention to celebrities. Some people need to get a life.

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Dang people... Yeah, he got out of control, but people have bad days! Things happen. Everyday people get set off, and get way out of control, it happens. Christian Bale is only human!


What he did was totally wrong, and uncalled for, but do not let someones mistake completely ruin your opinion of them.


This really is kind of stupid, people pay way to much attention to celebrities. Some people need to get a life.


I agree with the second and third line of kurts assessment , it's not the first time a movie star as done this. Not to say it's okay, but I just can't care enough. But really why release this except to hurt him?

Edited by Drewbie
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I disagree with you Kurt, sorry. He was hired and probably making a lot of money to show up and be a professional, and he wasted more time ranting about something insignificant than it took to fix the problem.


With my temper I would have released him right there and hired an actor with better manners... as there are probably a good 40 actors that could play his part just as well as he can.


Having a bad day or not, when you show up for work you need to do it as a professional and not as some spoiled brat.

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I disagree with you Kurt, sorry. He was hired and probably making a lot of money to show up and be a professional, and he wasted more time ranting about something insignificant than it took to fix the problem.


With my temper I would have released him right there and hired an actor with better manners... as there are probably a good 40 actors that could play his part just as well as he can.


Having a bad day or not, when you show up for work you need to do it as a professional and not as some spoiled brat.


Oh Krista, I agree with you, he was totally out of control. He made a small problem into a huge one.


What I disagree with is that people are judging him, and a incident from the 'little bit' that we heard. I think that it is ridiculous that people have to focus on stuff like this. Do they have nothing better to do with their time? Yes, actors choose to go into their profession, and with their profession they are in the public eye a lot. However, there is always two sides to a story, and have we heard Bale's? I am in no way trying to stick up for this man for what he did, however I think that it is stupid how people are escalating this situation even more than Bale did.


P.S. Please, no need to apologize! Never apologize for your opinion!

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I wasn't sure whether or not to start a new one, so I'll just post this here. Christian Bale's meltdown was pretty bad, but there are others like these exchanges between Lily Tomlin and David O. Russell. However, I actually liked Lily Tomlin being an ANGRY lesbian for once!

So what is the point of bringing these up? Just so you and others can complain more about other people? Just so people can pick fun at other peoples lows in life?

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So what is the point of bringing these up? Just so you and others can complain more about other people? Just so people can pick fun at other peoples lows in life?


My interpretation of that post was that we should realize that in Hollywood, right or wrong, such behavior is not unique.

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I thought it was ironic. In contrast to the crew members, he seemed to be the more unprofessional one. As an ex-theatre-cum-film student myself, I know that there is a certain etiquette on stage/ set governing behavior, and violence between workmates has no room in this profession. Funny he needs to use an expletive for every sentence, wow! He should play the villain instead of the hero; at least that would have suited his unjustified behaviour.


However, with that said, I do believe that the cinematographer should be blamed for his actions too because it is still very unprofessional to ruin a scene. Bale needs to relax...

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I think it's funny how we're all judging a guy that we don't even know.


Regardless, I'll continue to watch his movies because I like him as an actor. I don't understand people who don't go to see a certain movie just because of the actor's personality. Like Tom Cruise, for example. So what if he's a whacko. He's still a good actor (better than most out there) and makes entertaining movies.

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I think it's funny how we're all judging a guy that we don't even know.


Regardless, I'll continue to watch his movies because I like him as an actor. I don't understand people who don't go to see a certain movie just because of the actor's personality. Like Tom Cruise, for example. So what if he's a whacko. He's still a good actor (better than most out there) and makes entertaining movies.


You don't go for the same reason you boycot a store that discriminates, or a gas company (like Exxon) that won't provide benefits for gay partners.

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I think it's funny how we're all judging a guy that we don't even know.

I think we know him better now than we did a few days ago. He seems to have a problem. He could make his displeasure known in much less time if he had a good command of the language. It appears that he only knows one adjective. :P

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  • 1 month later...

Actors are a strange bunch, sure he had an outburst, but big deal. I'm sure a lot worse has been said by others that we never got to hear about!

Anyways, he is very easy on the eye. lol

Looking forward to the new Terminator movie. Bit apprehensive though, because Schwarzenegger is a hard act to follow.

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Personally, I saw "Batman Begins" and found it so remarkably boring and all around unappealing



I found the movie quite thought-provoking. While there were martial arts scenes and special effects aplenty, the movie was fundamentally about issues of the nature of the self, formation, and how you sort out who is the real you and who is the mask or is the mask the real you.

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