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Dating Policy


36 members have voted

  1. 1. How many dates until you give it up?

    • 2 dates
    • 3 dates
    • month
    • 2 or more months
    • Until you feel ready
    • Until marriage
    • No policy but dont push things to happen
    • First night...getting it in

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I'm nosey I know but I'm just wondering if anybody else like me has a dating policy...when their dating somebody.

So I wanna know how long and why this is?




Well I have a 3 date or 3 month rule...which is where we go on 3 dates or i wait 3 months...sounds kinda cruel now that i think about it but in that time frame you really get to see peoples true colors...if there in it just get sum ass or they really wanna get to know you the person underneath all the anatomy.

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Well, I haven't dated in like 5 years when I met D, but we slept together the first night. He just couldn't resist. :lmao:

Before that though it was pretty much 2nd or 3rd date, with a few 1 nighters thrown in for good measure. Do I regret it, hell no. Had a great time.

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Well, I haven't dated in like 5 years when I met D, but we slept together the first night. He just couldn't resist. :lmao:

Before that though it was pretty much 2nd or 3rd date, with a few 1 nighters thrown in for good measure. Do I regret it, hell no. Had a great time.


Slut. :P

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Well l I have a 3 date or 3 month rule...which is where we go on 3 dates or i wait 3 months...sounds kinda cruel now that i think about it but in that time frame you really get to see peoples true colors...if there in it just get sum ass or they really wanna get to know you the person underneath all the anatomy.

I kinda don't get it. Do you mean that if after 3 dates u still like them you'll wait 3 months and if you don't like them you'll immediately sleep with them?

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I kinda don't get it. Do you mean that if after 3 dates u still like them you'll wait 3 months and if you don't like them you'll immediately sleep with them?


umm...no 3 dates over certain time period like a month them i mite consider sleep with them but the ones i really like i wait like 3 months...weird i know but it works for me

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Well, I haven't dated in like 5 years when I met D, but we slept together the first night. He just couldn't resist. :lmao:

Before that though it was pretty much 2nd or 3rd date, with a few 1 nighters thrown in for good measure. Do I regret it, hell no. Had a great time.

Sounds like a good policy to me. Similar to the one I employ actually 0:)


I think the best time to have sex is when both people feel ready and want to. I think that's true if they've been seeing each other for 5 minutes or 5 decades. When they're both ready and it will be a positive experience for both, then that is the time.


The thing to remember of course is that precautions must be taken, no pressuring must occur, and both people must be comfortable with what's going on :)

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Did you see the blatant carrot she dangled, only to whip it away at the last minute. Tease! :D

Carrots are gross.


I don't have a policy. I've gone on only several dates and they've all been with the same person. Incidentally we made it official shortly after the first date. *puts on Engineer's hardhat* That's not enough data to even remotely suggest a trend. *removes Engineer's hardhat* With any luck, I won't need to see a trend!


EDIT: I just realized how suggestive that statement was LOL. NO we didn't sleep with each other after the first date. After the first date, he asked me to be his boyfriend through IM (the only way to do it since we live so far apart).


Like Krista, I don't kiss and tell, but we've had monthly dates since the first one, so the data set has yet to suggest any sort of trend. Yeah I know, I said I took off the hardhat. You can take the hat off the engineer, but he'll strike you down with a Mechanics or a Calculus text before he lets you take it away.

Edited by rknapp
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MY policy: I don't DATE. I F*UCK.


I never f*ck anyone with policies. I'm too old for games and too impatient for BS.


F*ck if you are going to f*ck. Or don't. Don't explain, appologize or talk about your f-ing feelings. I don't want to know.


I don't care if you come, go, stay, lay or pray: just don't bore me by being a twit or playing head games.

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MY policy: I don't DATE. I F*UCK.


I never f*ck anyone with policies. I'm too old for games and too impatient for BS.


F*ck if you are going to f*ck. Or don't. Don't explain, appologize or talk about your f-ing feelings. I don't want to know.


I don't care if you come, go, stay, lay or pray: just don't bore me by being a twit or playing head games.


ah sh*t, you sound just like one of my exes...that was some real sh*t though

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hahaha, i won't vote becuase i have not yet dated. lol Myself i think it'll happen when it happens, whether it's on the first date or not, sadly tho i wouldn't mind giving my virginity totaly to someone i have known for a while anyway....at least a couple of months i hope.....but from what i know of gay guys my age.....sex is like at least an everynight thing. lol

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hahaha, i won't vote becuase i have not yet dated. lol Myself i think it'll happen when it happens, whether it's on the first date or not, sadly tho i wouldn't mind giving my virginity totaly to someone i have known for a while anyway....at least a couple of months i hope.....but from what i know of gay guys my age.....sex is like at least an everynight thing. lol

It very much depends on the people involved. You can definitely date and not have sex right away (or at all).


As I said, I think the important thing is just going at a rate both people are comfortable with. It's fine to have sex right away if that's what both people want, and it's fine to wait and go very slow if that's what both people are comfortable with. I think the problem arises when people have sex before they're both ready or keep waiting after they're both ready.

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Agree i've been watching Nuke on youtube (Luke and Noah from As the world turns) and they didn't have sex early enough almost ruined there relationship, and when they were broken up and mad at each other and fighting they just kissed and went home and had sex for the first time haha it was rather....well i duno funny? :o

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Agree i've been watching Nuke on youtube (Luke and Noah from As the world turns) and they didn't have sex early enough almost ruined there relationship, and when they were broken up and mad at each other and fighting they just kissed and went home and had sex for the first time haha it was rather....well i duno funny? :o



Sounds like a soap opera sure enough.

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Did you see the blatant carrot she dangled, only to whip it away at the last minute. Tease! :D



Yep, blatant tease. :lol:



The few that know what that's about know I'm mean enough not to spill either. *looks around all mean like* :angry:

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  • 3 months later...

I don't have a policy, and no set amount of dates before I give it up, so to speak. I think you have to go on what you're comfortable with, and if you want to have sex on the first date, then go right ahead. I've done it a few times in the past, and no doubt will do it again in the future.

That said, if you're not up for a relationship, then this whole question is moot, because you're going to f**k on the first and last date regardless! :blink:

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I don't have a fixed policy but I have no objection to sex on the first date, if the chemistry is right. Having said that I have been in precisely tree relationships in my life. The first one was when I was 15 and lasted 3 weeks, the second lasted 13 years and the third 16. I have slept with three men and that's it. However, I am now young free and single so I suppose it's the best time to be asking questions like this. :)

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I don't date unless they really are boy-friend material.... that said, I've been on 4 real dates or so.... never sex on the first night :P but not saying not on the second though :P


But I also have had great nights in between, all one-night-stands (and one long term f**kbuddy, about 2 months) and they were all guys I already knew for a long time. And they were just amazing ^^ I'm still just friends with them :)


anyway.... no I don't really have a policy, only that I don't date unless they are boyfriend material.

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