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The Wardroom

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That was truly a superb opening chapter. Lots of great action and great dialogue. Well done, Mark! :worship::worship:


I'm thinking Granger will do something nice for Ballvin, his midshipman who died in the battle...a letter to his parents or something. I hate it when young people die. :(


Travers is off in the Mediterranean warming his arse! :angry:


Granger's got to deal with family again....and he's running out of lovers. :(

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That was truly a superb opening chapter. Lots of great action and great dialogue. Well done, Mark! :worship::worship:


I'm thinking Granger will do something nice for Ballvin, his midshipman who died in the battle...a letter to his parents or something. I hate it when young people die. :(


Travers is off in the Mediterranean warming his arse! :angry:


Granger's got to deal with family again....and he's running out of lovers. :(

Thanks Conner. Don't worry about Granger...he never runs out of lovers. He'll just have to meet some new ones. :P

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The Wardroom is off to a marvelous start. I'm saddened that Ballvin is gone :( I was somehow rooting that he and Mr. Granger would end up the same way Granger did with Travers. With his injury, along with Ballvin's death and this parting with the Captain, Mr. Granger is surely not having the best of luck. Hopefully Mr. Granger recovers quickly and be on way back and find a new love..or maybe bump into an old one. :D I can't wait to see what happens next. I'm super excited...I'm titillated :lmao:


Thanks Mark...fabulous writing.

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:2hands: Excellent first chapter Mark & we're in the thick of the action straight away. :worship:


I thought Ballvin would be Grangers' latest conquest, but alas a cannon ball had other ideas! :( On the other hand the captain seems more than fond of our lieutenant, but again he's to be posted to another ship, leaving Georgie high & dry...for the moment! :lol:


So Granger has his first battle scars, you gotta feel for him. Having his Mother hovering around all the time I'm guessing, is not exactly what the poor guy wanted!! :P

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I have to agree with everyone, this story certainly started off with a bang and only got better as it progressed. I really like the way you describe the battle scenes, you can almost visualise it happening as you read.

It seems when Granger gets back to his ship, his extracurricular activities are going to take a battering, whilst something else doesn't! :P But as Mark pointed out, I can't see him being short of a lover for very long.


Well, I'm certainly hooked on this now. Looking forward to the next one. :D

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Really enjoyed the new chapter. Glad to see this story line continue. Well written and developed as always...


Hope that Granger reunites with some of his past lovers... Can't really go back always but nice place to visit sometimes. Hope he mets up with Travers and the Captain again.


I really can't wait to see what Granger does with his family, that part of the story line might have some great potential.


The battle scenes and feel of this story is very authentic. Whomever is helping out with the historical data should get a pat on the back... or wherever they want it.

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Well, whatever next? Fancy cruising the Royal court! :lol: It's just not done in civilized society. It certainly didn't take Granger long to find a hot piece of ass, and his father inadvertently encouraging him was too funny!

It seems as if the feud with the Wilcox's continues, but at least it was spotted before he was assigned back to Barracuda again. Flag Lieutenant in the Mediterranean, George has picked up a plum job, wonder if he'll bump into anyone familiar!

Caroline is a little minx isn't she, though far too much detail for my innocent eyes!! :blink: But it looks as though she got what she wanted, and no doubt there will be wedding bells in the not to distant future. Gotta laugh at his parents being pleased, only in England. :lol:

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cute story. :)


I am feeling a bit bad that the guy is getting married with a female. I know that the era was such.... (although, as Englishman, George *could* have become the eccentric uncle who was bachelor :) Still, I pessimistically see all sorts of complications and disappointments for George's presumedly long life, being tied to a female.


There's also the problem that in long term, a gay guy will have difficulties to sustain any hard-on with a female ;) Though, the old, historical recipe of course had been anal stimulation during the action. ? Would Caroline accept in the future that her husband has a male bugger on his back, when siring children to Caroline. I mean, in the very same bedroom, in the very act... in other words, a threesome.

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...Fancy cruising the Royal court! :lol: It's just not done in civilized society. ....

It most certainly was done in a civilized society. In fact, in most (probably all) of the civilized royal courts.

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cute story. :)


I am feeling a bit bad that the guy is getting married with a female. I know that the era was such.... (although, as Englishman, George *could* have become the eccentric uncle who was bachelor :) Still, I pessimistically see all sorts of complications and disappointments for George's presumedly long life, being tied to a female.


There's also the problem that in long term, a gay guy will have difficulties to sustain any hard-on with a female ;) Though, the old, historical recipe of course had been anal stimulation during the action. ? Would Caroline accept in the future that her husband has a male bugger on his back, when siring children to Caroline. I mean, in the very same bedroom, in the very act... in other words, a threesome.

It's entirely possible, and likely, that George is bisexual. While he prefers men, that doesn't mean he can't enjoy women too.

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It most certainly was done in a civilized society. In fact, in most (probably all) of the civilized royal courts.

Knowing the good knight, I'm sure that was said tongue in cheek, with a heavy emphasis of sarcasm! :lol:


Another great chapter, and I had to chuckle at the thought of the pair of them going at it in a carriage. Am sure it would have made an fascinating sight to any passerby, with the carriage rocking backwards and forwards!


Interesting that a Wilcox should turn up again, I mistakenly thought they would have given up the ghost by now, but it certainly looks like they are only getting started. I wonder what other trouble lies ahead for the lieutenant?


Caroline. Now there's a woman that knows what she wants and invariably gets. I do wonder how she will react when George's other sexual habits come to light, because these things always come out in the end. Intriguing times ahead methinks.

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It's always extremely risky predicting the behaviour of a woman. The term "crap shoot" comes to mind. :lmao: I sure hope Sharon isn't reading this. 0:) In this instance, given the author is a man, it's safer to do so. :P


In my view, woman are largely problem oriented. So yes, a gay husband would definitely present a "problem". Men, however, are solution oriented. Given Caroline's behaviour so far, she is most definitely solution oriented. So while Caroline may not be too happy with her husband's sexual preferences, she'll make it work, to the point of protecting her husband's interests and reputation.


Sadly, as we all know, it's really women who run the world. :(

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Chapter 3 was excellent!!! :worship::worship:


A reunion with Travers! :wub::wub: Life is good.


Granger has to use all his guile to stay clear of Wilcox....and makes friends with yet another hunky sailor. :D

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It's entirely possible, and likely, that George is bisexual. While he prefers men, that doesn't mean he can't enjoy women too.

I observe that he always is having images of men in his mind in order to 'perform' to full climax with Caroline, herself a woman.


Knowing that a teenager (George is still a teenager) has erections and climaxes on account of something warm, or with two feet.... But that will decrease when getting more years.


His performance with *women*, when say in his thirties, will not be too promising :)


Of course, there's then always the method of anal stimulation.


Actually, this problem setting resembles quite a lot of the well-known phenomenon of 'two bottoms'. As I recall having heard, theirs is often -but only mechanics, not emotions- greatly helped by the simple implement of two-pronged dildo.

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George should have kids, now, when he still has the performance *somehow* with a female.


Although, he possibly is tad too young for becoming a father at the emotional level.


Still, kids are a nice thing, *for the future*. Lots of gays worship their nieces and nephews, due to having no real possibility to have kids of their own loins.

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In October 1791, George was fifteen years old. Not yet sixteen.


Now, on 1 June 1793, he could not be more than seventeen years old. "about to turn eighteen"


And, to be seventeen, his birthday needs to be between October and May. IF his birthday were in June-October, he could not be more than sixteen, which would be pretty inconsistent with him turning soon 18


Seemingly the church agreed to perform the matrimony of a 17-yo young man.


Since George started his service technically in autumntime of 1788, on 1 June 1793 he has not yet served full five years. Rather, his lieutenancy commission was after a service of some 4

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In October 1791, George was fifteen years old. Not yet sixteen.


Now, on 1 June 1793, he could not be more than seventeen years old. "about to turn eighteen"


And, to be seventeen, his birthday needs to be between October and May. IF his birthday were in June-October, he could not be more than sixteen, which would be pretty inconsistent with him turning soon 18


Seemingly the church agreed to perform the matrimony of a 17-yo young man.


Since George started his service technically in autumntime of 1788, on 1 June 1793 he has not yet served full five years. Rather, his lieutenancy commission was after a service of some 4

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George should have kids, now, when he still has the performance *somehow* with a female.


Although, he possibly is tad too young for becoming a father at the emotional level.


Still, kids are a nice thing, *for the future*. Lots of gays worship their nieces and nephews, due to having no real possibility to have kids of their own loins.

Granger would make a great father. He's a lot more mature than today's 18 year old. The problem is he's away so much. Anyhow, I imagine that's how it was done back then. Family Planning organizations weren't getting government grants as yet. :P


I enjoyed the way Travers cross-examined Granger on having a wife. Even better was how Granger laid it all out for him with Caroline as the third wheel. He even had Travers sleeping with his wife. :lol:

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When I predicted wedding bells I wasn't expecting it in the next chapter!! :lol: Ok let's see if I'm on a prediction roll, um, I'm gonna win the lottery & be swept off my feet my a hunky guy with a big willy! :lmao: Will keep you updated on the progress! :P


Ok, a surprise wedding, a quickie with his new bride then back to sea for Georgie, never a dull moment in his life eh? And who should be the captain of his transport to Gibraltar, but another Wilcox, they do get around these guys don't they? Looks like our lieutenant managed to put him in his place though, particularly liked Grangers departing line to Capt Wilcox! :lol:

This Roberts sounds like a bit of a hunk, I wonder if we'll be seeing any more of him in the forthcoming chapters.


Good to see Travers making a surprise appearance, hope to see more of the hunky captain in the near future...hint, hint! :P

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As for the age thing, I'll have to fix that. Or we can just assume that time flies when you're having fun. :D

I dunno if that is in any way a problem - IF 17-yo guys were allowed to marry. I assume his birthday IS between November and May. After all, in that case he is 17. Is it a problem ?


alternatively, you'd need to make him to be born in 1775, thusly be 16 (not 15) when he came to Barracuda, and 18 wen he married.



Crap. I fixed that in edits but somehow the part about his service booked slipped away. Interestingly enough though, midshipmen like Granger were often carried on the books of more than one ship SIMULTANEOUSLY to accrue their time more quickly.

wouldn't the easiest fix be that he started to serve in books since 1787, when he was 11 yo ???

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Granger would make a great father. He's a lot more mature than today's 18 year old.

And that maturity (if true) is, imo, a miracle which borders to implausibility.


17-yo guys were in those days not usually mature enough to be at the emotional level ready for fatherhood. It caused tensions. Please read how it was with king Louis XV of France and his eldest son, the dauphin.


In my opinion, George is still emotionally fairly boyish, and 'on prowl'. He would imo feel somewhat caught, were he to settle to take care of a kid or kids. However, fortunately for this, he will be a lot absent, being in ship. His visits to 'home' would probably feel just good to him, because that home is not tying him down. He would, in my prediction, behave a lot like a young uncle to his kids. Life would be playing and gaming with his kids, not the grave business of taking care as settled father. That, of course, puts his wife to the unenviable position of 'single' caregiver, the parent who IS present. By the way, the peripathetic lives of many husbands in earlier centuries - as well as polygyny (several wives each in separate hut with kids birthed by her) another custom of earlier centuries in many places - were things which made the father's role approximately as like this.


Of course, if you mean by 'make great father' that he will behave like a young uncle towards his kids, then....

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