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Being single....


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Of course being single is underrated! That's pretty obvious in my opinion.


A single person doesn't need to worry about coordinating with a partner's schedule.


A single person is free to go out with friends, spontaneously without checking with a partner.


A single person is free to not come home after work/school, but can instead randomly decide to go out, and freely decide if/when they want to come home.


A single person can come straight home and be completely alone and do whatever the hell he/she pleases without worrying about a partner trying to drag them out, having their own agenda, or trying to talk them into a different at home activity that they didn't have in mind.


A single person is free to cancel or change plans as they see fit.


A single person can completely and totally focus on themselves without feeling selfish or worrying about hurting a partner.


A single person can pursue any interest or new activity they like without trying to figure out how to include the partner, or work the new interest/activity into their joint schedule.


A single person can make major life decisions like moving, buying/selling a home, changing jobs, going back to school, dropping out of school, etc. without consulting a partner or worrying about how it will impact the other person.


A single person can leave their socks wherever the hell they please.


A single person doesn't have to worry about finding socks where they don't want/expect them.


(Ditto the above two with any other article of clothing/laundry, dish, trash, etc.)


A single person can arrange their homes and their lives exactly as they see fit without consulting anyone else or having to worry about someone else doing something to change it.


A single person is able to explore themselves and their lives freely. There is no worry about "making changes" or "becoming someone else" because it's their prerogative.


A single person can spend his/her money however he/she sees fit without concern about the partner's reaction or their own plans for the money.


A single person is welcome to develop a sexual and/or emotional relationship with anyone else he/she sees fit.


A single person can think about the qualities, all the qualities, he/she most wants in a partner...and not have to compare those qualities to their current partner.




I think being single is at least as good as being partnered, and I also think that everyone should master being happily single before they ever attempt to be happily partnered.




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You wanna elaborate on those long-ago, single "lonely" days you had back in your twenties, Mark?


As for me, never had a boyfriend. For a long time, it was all I could think about, trying to find a boyfriend. But now...it's just...eh. I'm happy with my friends, and exploring who I am. If I get a boyfriend somewhere along the line- great- but if it doesn't happen, that's okay, too.

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Great Post, Kevin. Now I know where I'll have to come when the singlehood bites me!


But yeah, it can be lonely. Bah. But there are sitcoms, books, movie... ah, so many things to entertain.


Take care,



P.S Being single can be less expensive!

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I think there could be something to be said for being single, and for the first time in what seems like forever, that's what I'm going to be very soon. Since I came out at 17 I've been single for less than 9 months tops, going from one relationship into another. So this time I'm going to take my sweet time, and enjoy EVERYTHING it has to offer. :lol:


Yeah, it probably can be lonely, but sometimes the solitude can do us good, Besides, there are a couple of cute guys I've had my eye on for a while. so I intend to get to know them a lot better! :D

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You tend to get used to after awhile.


And are you trying to tell those of us who know you something, Frank?




I'm just saying I'm very happy to be single again :D

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A single person can leave their socks wherever the hell they please.


I do that already and I'm not single.


Can't guarantee that I don't get yelled at for it, though. :pissed:

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I do that already and I'm not single.


Can't guarantee that I don't get yelled at for it, though. :pissed:


:lol: .........Hell, I'm not even with you, and I'd yell at you for that too!! :lol::lol:

Edited by Benji
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Being single can be lonely, but define being 'single'. Single does not equate to misery. :) Relationship is like a supplement.


Being single = opportunities; being in a relationship = expectations; being married = commitments

(all of which is good)

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Being single can be lonely, but define being 'single'. Single does not equate to misery. :) Relationship is like a supplement.


Being single = opportunities; being in a relationship = expectations; being married = commitments

(all of which is good)


Jovian, Jovian, Jovian.... So young and innocent my dear.... You could be surrounded by people who love you or at least claim to love you and still feel like the loneliest person alive!

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Having been on both sides there are benefits either way, but I wouldn't give up what I have now to be single again. Yeah you are restricted in small ways, but they are put into the shade by the benefits of being with the guy you love.


I mean it's all about compromise, the latest being I've had to seriously cut down on my web time. It's annoying as hell, but I can see it from his point of view. We spend all day apart at work, then when we get home I had my nose stuck in the laptop.


But, I can see he was feeling neglected, & frankly it wasn't really fair. Besides, bed time is much more fun now! :wub:


Anyways, there are benefits either way. People have just got to go with what's comfortable for them.

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Having been on both sides there are benefits either way, but I wouldn't give up what I have now to be single again. Yeah you are restricted in small ways, but they are put into the shade by the benefits of being with the guy you love.


I mean it's all about compromise, the latest being I've had to seriously cut down on my web time. It's annoying as hell, but I can see it from his point of view. We spend all day apart at work, then when we get home I had my nose stuck in the laptop.


But, I can see he was feeling neglected, & frankly it wasn't really fair. Besides, bed time is much more fun now! :wub:


Anyways, there are benefits either way. People have just got to go with what's comfortable for them.


Should I post stories more slowly? Don't want to f**k up your, well, f**king. :P

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I'm happily not single. I had tons of plans for my single life after college, and changed them all when I met my boyfriend. Now I have tentative partner plans, that will change as we plan our careers and choose a place to live that allows marriage and is generally tolerant/accepting of boys kissing boys.

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Well, you're from New Jersey. It doesn't allow gay marriage, at the moment, but it's a pretty decent state to live in for its civil union status. I'm also pretty sure you could kiss another boy in public and have it not be a big deal- you can do that in Delaware, which is more conservative than Jersey is.


If I wasn't scared of the taxes, I'd think of NJ. Seems like a nice, versatile state to live in.

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Should I post stories more slowly? Don't want to f**k up your, well, f**king. :P

:*) Not at all. I have internet access at work, when I can sneak on that is! :D


See, there are loopholes in every relationship as well! :lol:

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I'm happily not single. I had tons of plans for my single life after college, and changed them all when I met my boyfriend. Now I have tentative partner plans, that will change as we plan our careers and choose a place to live that allows marriage and is generally tolerant/accepting of boys kissing boys.

You mean you and John are going to live in the Nifty Archives? :blink:

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I've tried single and relationships and at this stage single works best.


Guys my age carry their baggage in over-loaded tractor-trailors.


I tried younger guys but my stripper ran off when I ran out of ones to stick in his speedo.


Now I'm happy to hang with my cats rather than abuse myself with psychos or Ho's

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