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Having a Big Mac attack?

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Found this fascinating graphic display showing all of the McDonald locations in the United States. Staggering to consider that Mickey D has 32,000 restaurants worldwide. Also, one in eight Americans have worked at a McDonald's during one point in their life.


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I don't know if the other respondents noticed it and just didn't mention it. I understand each little bright spot on the map represents a McDonalds location, but the background (more obvious where there are fewer McDonalds) looks like very fatty intestines. Gross!

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I don't know if the other respondents noticed it and just didn't mention it. I understand each little bright spot on the map represents a McDonalds location, but the background (more obvious where there are fewer McDonalds) looks like very fatty intestines. Gross!



I noticed that too, they also look like tomatos squished together.

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What McD's is really useful for is breakfast on the run.


When I have to be somewhere at 7:00am, there's usually a McD's along the way that has a sausage biscuit and a jolt of caffeine just when I need it.

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Meh... I consider Arby's fine dining. king.gif


Hmm. When I lived in northern Mississippi, Arby's was fine dining. The Gulf Coast was a different story, entirely. Today, in "small town Georgia," oddly enough, there is no Arby's and no Burger King. The closest Taco Bell is 10 miles away. The only Kentucky Fried closed several years ago. There are, however, two McDonalds, two Chick-Fil-A's, three Waffle Houses (now that's fine dining), four Starbucks...is this hog heaven, or what? Oh, and don't overlook the pancake place...I dispair of remembering the name...at which, per Lewis Black, no matter how obese you are, you'll find someone heavier than you, there.

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