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Adam Lambert Axed by ABC


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As a result of his gay kiss on national TV, Adam Lambert's much anticipated concert on the same TV chain has been axed. Currently trending on twitter: #ShameonyouABC and GMA. I try not to get upset by things that happen in the entertainment industry, but this is obviously a blow towards the gay community and a shameless bout/ pandering of homophobia.


ABC probably doesn't want to deal with protestors... but Glambert has a lot of fans. I don't think that would be a problem at all. What do you think?


Via the Huffington Post.


Maddy (:

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ABC probably doesn't want to deal with protestors... but Glambert has a lot of fans. I don't think that would be a problem at all. What do you think?


Via the Huffington Post.


Maddy (:



Yikes, that is a loaded question sad.gif .


I did not see the AMA's, so I can only go with what the slide show reveals in his less than 'vanilla' moments. I agree with you that they most likely canceled due to the fear of protesters, but I have to say the protesters may have a point in this case.


Let's face it, remove the fact that he is gay, he kissed a guy, etc. There are some things that are too racy for network TV in America today. Let's say if Madonna was to appear on GMA and they knew she was going to have some dancer 'eat her out' on stage and she simulated oral sex or other forms of sex, don't you think ABC would cancel that as well in a heartbeat?


I think Adam cooked his own goose with his performance at the awards, and has relegated himself to maybe cable and live performances only. And once again, I believe it has nothing to do with being gay.

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I'm going to play a little bit of devil's advocate here because I don't think that Adam's kiss should have been censored and I agree with him about there being a double standard with regard to girls kissing on tv and guys kissing on tv.


However, that being said, Adam did that without consulting the people behind the show (I think it was a Dick Clark production) or even letting them know he was going to do it. I don't think it was quite as spontaneous as he claims. If I were producing a big awards show that was going to be aired nationally and my butt was on the line, I would want to know everything that was going to happen, especially from the performance standpoint. Even though I personally don't think the kiss should have been censored, I would probably be mad at Adam for doing that without my approval or knowledge. I guess the people at GMA just didn't trust him after that to commit to another live performance.


There is free speech in America, but sometimes you have to live with the ramifications of your speech and and actions. I think Adam is right to be upset about the double standard and the censoring, but I can also kind of see the standpoint of a producer who just can't be quite sure what Adam will do on live television now.

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Live TV is always risky. You never know what a "free spirit" performer will do. A more frequent problem is a perfectly refined news anchor mispronouncing a word so that the audience hears something that is not permitted on TV. Just a little spoonerism is all it takes.


Big production numbers should always be prerecorded so that embarrassing events (falling on stage, engaging in controversial behavior, etc.) can be edited out. With multiple cameras running, there should always be a closeup of a musicians hands available to insert so that the sound track is not interrupted.


I realize this doesn't respond to the question of censorship. If certain things are going to be censored anyway, TV producers could exercise a little caution and be in a position to not have to cancel an entire performance. If they want live, spontaneous programs, they have to take some chances. I just hope this incident doesn't damage Adam Lambert's career.

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Yikes, that is a loaded question sad.gif .


' too racy for network TV in America today. '


I don't think so!


Really, on a scale of 1 - 10 it is maybe a .25. I didn't see this happen in real time but I assume it wasn't a 'bend him over backwards type smooch'. I can think of so many other things that might have happen. I can see "tea baggers" having a problem though --but --- REALLY!


It is reactions like this that keep us buried in the quagmire of what they "THINK" homosexuality is. I don't even think most kids, of any age, would bat an eye at a kiss between two same sex people.


Major over reaction me thinks!


Just my 2 cents worth B)

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What is that old addage: any publicity is good publicity? I'm not sure if that's entirely true, but it may very well be in this case.


B)................I stayed up and watched the show, Adam is talented, but that performance was terrible!

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I agree that most of this will work to Adam's advantage. Had this not happened, I fear his debut album would've been highly overlooked, as Susan Boyle/Rihanna/Lady Gaga/Shakira also released albums yesterday. I predict we'll be seeing Adam in the top 4 in the billboards chart next Thursday. (or 5, depending on how Shakira's CD picks up on sales)


Anyway, CBS has picked Adam to appear on their morning show instead of GMA's. So not all's lost.


Maddy (:

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B)................I stayed up and watched the show, Adam is talented, but that performance was terrible!


I saw the YouTube repeat and Adam's vocal performance was not up to his usual standards. I think the reason of the ABC freak-out wasn't the kiss...the simulated falacio was rather tasteless (pun intended). 0:) As Benji suggested; any publicity might be good publicity. Adam's big on merchandising/marketing.

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If performers keep this up, the networks will bring back the time delay so they can try and censer the shows to try and catch things. It's still done on radio shows.

Or maybe people will just learn to deal with things. Censorship in these situations is, all things considered, useless (what with the internet and the news). The only thing censorship does is decrease shock value. Parents need to learn to talk to their kids, and people in general need to stop being so uptight about everything. If you let your kid watch TV early OR late or play video games, you gotta live with the consequences (yea I know this sentence seems out of place). The only thing you do by censoring these kinds of spectacles is give them more attention. Only a few million people watch the show... giving it so much coverage completely defeats the purpose of what the conservatives in this country consider a duty.


Maddy (:

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I don't think so!


Really, on a scale of 1 - 10 it is maybe a .25. I didn't see this happen in real time but I assume it wasn't a 'bend him over backwards type smooch'. I can think of so many other things that might have happen. I can see "tea baggers" having a problem though --but --- REALLY!


It is reactions like this that keep us buried in the quagmire of what they "THINK" homosexuality is. I don't even think most kids, of any age, would bat an eye at a kiss between two same sex people.


Major over reaction me thinks!


Just my 2 cents worth B)


Eddy, you're the man! I agree 100%.

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giving it so much coverage completely defeats the purpose of what the conservatives in this country consider a duty.


Maddy (:



Those people aren't trying to stop guys like Lambert, they're just trying to use situations like this to garner attention and power. That's why I agree with you. We're just feeding the monster. Right-wing social conservatives have taught me to be cynical.

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I'm getting the feeling CBS is trying turn into the new NBC for gay audiences.


The big build up of As the World Turns, also on CBS, with Noah and Luke seemed to have got the studio heads into the mindset that gay= controversy= ratings, like NBC used to do.


Hollywood is weird.

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I'm getting the feeling CBS is trying turn into the new NBC for gay audiences.


The big build up of As the World Turns, also on CBS, with Noah and Luke seemed to have got the studio heads into the mindset that gay= controversy= ratings, like NBC used to do.


Hollywood is weird.


Well wait till some toy company comes out an Adam Lambert Doll that some gay boy will have while playing with some straight girl who has the mattels' Sugar Daddy Ken doll.


The two play together and then boom the two dolls will have their very gay moment ... the gay boy eyes open wide at his epiphany ... suddenly the little straight girl is left in tears as soon as the gay boy runs off with both dolls and goes home ... puts a video of the gay moment on youtube where Sugar Daddy having his way with Lambert Doll using the Lambert accessories add-ons like lube, condoms, etc etc


The video ends with Lambert laughing his way to the bank because its smart to deal with a multi-level audience target and rake in the instant cash and beat maddonna claim to fame to flame!!



The straight girls becomes all delighted after her parents buy her the three muslim mattel girl dolls ... she later discovers that the girls can have their gay moment in a threesome using the Adam Lambert add-ons for muslim girls. (dongle, lube, donut etc etc)


thumbsupsmileyanim.gif Adam will be laughing more to the bank cornering another untaped market.

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I don't understand how some people can care enough to get offended by something so trivial. Get a hobby or something else to pass the time with. He succeeded in getting major publicity, which was probably what he aimed for. According to a friend of mine, he surged to the top ten list of iTunes here in Sweden. And that's without any promotion whatsoever.


I didn't like the performance, since his vocals were... Bad, at best. He did much better at CBS Early Show.

Edited by Pai-kun
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