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Engaged volunteers needed!

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This post has been approved by Myr from GayAuthors.


Engaged volunteers needed!





I am looking for volunteers for a study of attitudes towards marriage and parenthood among engaged couples. The study consists of a 25-30 minute online survey. To qualify for the study, you must be 20-35 years old, live in the U.S., and plan to marry or have a commitment ceremony within the next 365 days. You and your romantic partner must not have children, and this must be the first marriage for both of you.





You can:





-Help a doctoral candidate;


-Increase the pool of scientific knowledge;


-Support research on marriage and families; and


-Spend some time thinking about your relationship!





I am working with Dr. Charlotte J. Patterson, a Professor of Psychology at the University of Virginia. This study has been approved by the University of Virginia Institutional Review Board #2009025800.





If you and/or your romantic partner are interested in participating or want further information, please email me at survey.couples@gmail.com. I will send you a link that you can use to access the study.










Cristina Reitz-Krueger


Doctoral Student


University of Virginia


(434) 243-8558





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Kudos to Myr and the other admins for letting Cristina solicit help here.


Cristina, I'm curious as to why you're soliciting feedback in this forum? Is part of your study to evaluate contrasts in bisexual, gay, and heterosexual couples?

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