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Wow, I wanna see that, "in fact while swimming they'll change right in front of me", if they are swimming while they are changing don't their clothes get all wet? Posted Image


thank you folks, i'm here all week. But seriously, don't you think the friends who are swimmers would feel differently if they knew you were interested in them 'that way' and if in fact you were hitting on them all the time? none of the guys I swim with know anything, but I think they would be uncomfortable if they did.


Hmmm I would say it's the personality of the person and how the topic is discussed. I would agree that if you hit on the person all the time, it'd be uncomfortable for the other person.


My friends and I do a lot of camping, rafting, and stuff like that and we change in and out of skivvies in front of each other (and I'm the only gay person in my group of friends... cause I live in Conservative America) and they know about me. Two of them knew I had a crush on them at one point of knowing them (because I told them... I figured it'd help my crush go away faster... which was true in one case but not the other...) but it didn't make any difference. I can't speak for them but when we do change I just change without thought for the most part. Sure I scope out a look discretely but it's not like I'll get "excited" over it because for me it's "business." Need to change out of clothes and set up camp or change out of clothes and get out of park. Yeah once or twice the thought does stray and I'm sure my friends are weary and think "protective" thoughts but we never show it nor does the atmosphere get uncomfortable. You have to do what you have to do.


But I hulu'd the last episode and yeah that scene was intense. I mean I thought that "faggy" room looked nice. Like something I would see in a luxury hotel room. Or upscale Hookah bar with money.


Those two jock guys were very convincing. They were stereotypical but not like overtly stereotypical... like that black guy made it too convincing. Haha.

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Honestly if i was Finn id be uncomfortable in his situation, taking the whole gay straight thing out of it having to live with someone that has been crushing on you in the same way that Kurt has, would be extremely uncomfortable. Then also the fact that he wasn't really consulted on any of the decisions just kinda told and expected to like it would be a bit difficult as well. I think in many ways Kurt is just as much at fault as Finn was in this situation

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Wow, I wanna see that, "in fact while swimming they'll change right in front of me", if they are swimming while they are changing don't their clothes get all wet? Posted Image


thank you folks, i'm here all week. But seriously, don't you think the friends who are swimmers would feel differently if they knew you were interested in them 'that way' and if in fact you were hitting on them all the time? none of the guys I swim with know anything, but I think they would be uncomfortable if they did.



hahaha very funny, you know what i ment :P


either way...it's Business :P

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Like in all honestly none of my straight friends go that far...in fact while swimming they'll change right in front of me and they don't care, they just know that i won't touch them in a sexual way to advance on them. (no matter how hard i wana, i just don't) I see it as this. I'd rather be there friend, then creep them out so much that it pushes them away.


That's the thing though. Finn doesn't know that Kurt isn't going to try in touch him in a sexual way. Kurt has done nothing but prove time and time again that he won't let up on this crush, and Finn has every right to feel uncomfortable with being naked around someone who he knows likes him in *that* way.

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On a sort of non-Glee note, congrats to Jane Lynch who apparently married her girlfriend on Memorial Day.


I can't wait to see what happens at Regionals, and Jesse is a douche. [see most recent episode].


Oh, and I'm mad that the latest Glee soundtrack didn't include the rendition of "This is a Man's World" that Quinn did, because I thought that it was brilliant. Even when Quinn sang during the series, she never sang that good. It was crazy.


And I'd love to see Kurt's french Celine Dion solo that he allegedly did for the Cheerios that won them Nationals. That certainly had to be something...



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Loved the dancing pregnant girls!! And I agree "This is a Man's World" was excellent only the second time i've liked Quinn singing ( the first being say a little prayer). But I was very disappointed with Jesse, I always like a good bad guy but he was just nasty Posted Image and I actually felt sorry for Rachael

Looking forward to the next episode and hoping that "Don't stop believing" is used at regionals.

Just read that they are adding a Christian member to Glee club next season who does't get along with Kurt (can see article here)

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I was reading an article on the advocate and next season they're introducing a new hard core Christian character that's supposed to be the anti-Kurt.


I'll post the link as soon as I find it again heh.


PS - found it: Glee Gets Godly [The Advocate]

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PS - I can finally read/write in this thread as I just caught up on all of the episodes. FANTASTIC show...


I've been avoiding this thread until I caught up on the shows...but now that I'm caught up, I can declare myself a Gleek.


They have a good mix of music and the characters are all so outrageous. They make fun of just about everyone! Glee does drama similar to the way Ugly Betty did, but Glee has the musical angle.


I like how they've rejuvenated some classic 80s songs as well as doing a lot of current stuff.


Artie doing "Safety Dance" in the mall and Mercedes & Santana doing 'The boy is Mine" was hilarious!

Edited by NaperVic
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Rachel belongs with Finn; END. OF. STORY. If that bitch isn't going to take him already, I'm going to steal him from her. Jeeze.


I was reading an article on the advocate and next season they're introducing a new hard core Christian character that's supposed to be the anti-Kurt.


I'll post the link as soon as I find it again heh.


PS - found it: Glee Gets Godly [The Advocate]

I have yet to decide if I like this. I think I'm leaning towards I do, because it does follow the purpose of Glee and it keeps the drama it needs if it plans to survive longer than a few seasons. What I dislike is what this could do to my 2nd favourite show. Also, I think that if they are going to do this then the boyfriend they cast for Kurt should be the 'other' side of gay people -- someone you wouldn't know is gay, someone who's NOT a stereotype. I think they should cast me. Posted Image

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Glee is still not available in France. A cell phone company just bought the rights to broadcast it over mobile devices. As for TV it looks like we'll have to wait for a while.


And before you suggest it, no, Hulu won't allow it to be seen outside the US.

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Glee is pretty amazing. That Rachel girl can sing, man. Have watch all of the episodes. Loved the Lady Gaga one this week.


****Disclaimer***** I only watch Glee because the two other members of my household insist I do.


That being said.... one thinks Rachel is a good singer until you hear her "mom". When you hear an Idina Menzel sing you understand the difference between really good and over the top greatness.

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Ever heard of 'tv links'? Go on that site and search for glee, it has links to all the episodes and they can be watched no problem.


Hmmmm, I'm actually looking for a legal way to watch it, and I'm not totally sure that TV Links falls into that category :blink: . I stand to lose too much personally and professionally if I'm caught illegally downloading movies, especially since the Hadopi Law came into effect over here.


Never mind, I'll wait...

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You don't download them off of tv links. You just get links to wherever that is hosting the episode and it's just streamed. I don't think you can ever download them. You just watch them. But fair enough. I'd use a different ip if I was worried enough about getting caught.

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A good site that I use (though i'm not sure if anyone else outside of the US can :( ) is Clicker, it lets you find all the shows you could want on the net :D





Eric :D



Nope, sorry Eric. :(


Since it is just a library that reroutes you to the network pages, it is unoperative outside of the US.


I have an IP radomizer, that masks your IP address, but sites like Hulu are now blocking any one coming on using them. Guess we will have to wait for the next generation of masking programs :(

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Really enjoyed the finale!!! But did anyone else find Quinn's labour disturbing??? Did she really need to be singing along Posted Image But I love the new version of Don't Stop!!


No more Glee to September Posted Image

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Ahahaha the labour was a tad disturbing.






Good aside from that. Vocal Adrenaline's song was amazing. As was the final song of the season. I think it was somewhere over the rainbow. September is so long away ahhhhhhh

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Ahahaha the labour was a tad disturbing.






Good aside from that. Vocal Adrenaline's song was amazing. As was the final song of the season. I think it was somewhere over the rainbow. September is so long away ahhhhhhh


It was a pale imitation of Brother Iz.



I loved the guest stars though, ONJ was perfect.....

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The finale was great, but some parts were a little quirky.


What I didn't get was how judging was determined if there were only 4 judges. Since Sue voted New Directions, then how could it get third? It should at least have tied for second right? Because if all three judges voted Vocal Adrenaline, then Oral w/e would have been last and if two voted for VA and one for Oral, then Oral and ND would have tied for second.

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