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Is there anything we can do to help?


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This piece of news got me worried and scared:


Uganda's anti-gay "Final Solution"

CNN Summary


I can't believe this is happening again with such little outcry or news.


I want to help wherever I can, but I don't know what to do. It is such a thinly veiled holocaust, anyone can see it. You know the saddest truth, no one will go in there to stop the Ugandan government, because gays are not a priority.


People are being imprisoned and killed, yet, I don't know what to do about it except watch as it happens and unfolds in front of me.


Does anyone have any ideas?

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Barney Frank is busy with health care and financial reform to flip the boat over for his own people. :(


Even among hte Dem's in mass, they're too busy with internal affairs to stop this blatant mass murder with pressure.

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You can depend on no US politicians to stick their necks out for Africa.


The Africans are happy to take donations but as soon as you try to influence anything, you are the Great Satan.


George W. Bush is very popular in Africa because of his work to get AIDS drugs to where they are needed. In fact George is a more popular name for boys than Mohammad south of the Sudan. Perhaps he could be used as an unofficial ambassador.

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What to do?


1. USA: Write your congressperson and both of your state's senators. A letter. Not an email.

2. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper(s). If the newspaper has a 'call in' or blog, call or post.

3. Contact Human Rights Watch at http://www.hrw.org/ or:


Human Rights Watch

350 Fifth Avenue, 34th Floor

New York, NY 10118-3299


Tel: 1-(212) 290-4700


And please, follow the links and read the story. The influence of American evangelicals, and their agenda, smacks of genocide. Yes, genocide. This is not a political statement. It's a calm, reasoned evaluation.

Edited by David McLeod
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Rachel Maddow (MSNBC) has been drumming hard on this topic this week. Thursday (?) evening it was the main issue and she spent half an hour on it. Being gay herself - she was a p-ssed off tigeress!!


The Washington 'C Street gang - Family Connection' is involved in this too and she had her talons into Sen. Grassley and Senator James Inhofe last night and was ripping them apart as only she can do!! Rick Warren had a knee into his groin too!




and video - well worth the 8 minutes.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdp_AdbrcAg (Dec 10)


http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26315908/#34387661 (Dec 11 - another 4 minutes)


You go girl!!!!!!! :wub:


Edited for links

Edited by Eddy
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What to do?


1. USA: Write your congressperson and both of your state's senators. A letter. Not an email.

2. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper(s). If the newspaper has a 'call in' or blog, call or post.

3. Contact Human Rights Watch at http://www.hrw.org/ or:


Human Rights Watch

350 Fifth Avenue, 34th Floor

New York, NY 10118-3299


Tel: 1-(212) 290-4700


And please, follow the links and read the story. The influence of American evangelicals, and their agenda, smacks of genocide. Yes, genocide. This is not a political statement. It's a calm, reasoned evaluation.


David here is right. The best thing any of us can do is contact our elected officials, spread the news of this as far as we can, and contact the major Human Rights organizations. The more people that we enlighten to the situation and convince to contact thier Elected officials the better.

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This is unbelievable. When is Man truly going to evolve as a species?


We keep claiming to be the most intelligent animal on Earth - then go about proving we can be the dumbest.


It makes me sick.

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I'll try to see who I can reach; I didn't get a good night sleep over this.


I kept thinking of Concentration Camps and other horrible things.


This thread in general chat is more for me asking what we can do to help, the soapbox thread is the place where we can vent a bit.


Just to clarify.

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This situation is horrible. Writing to my congressman would be a waste of time and postage, but I am writing to both of my senators.


Lucky you. I have a worthless congressman and one worthless senator. They're so right wing they'd probably support a similar bill here in the US. But I have one good senator, so I'll write her.


FYI....I find e-mail works really well when communicating with them, provided it's not some canned letter they'll see over and over again.

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  • Site Administrator

It's so great to walk in here to the Soap Box and listen to you guys talk about politics.


Oh wait, this is the Lounge.

As Mark has not-so-subtly alluded, this is the Lounge. Discussing options on how to help is fine here. Discussing politics is not. If you want to complain or otherwise comment on the performance of various politicians, or even politicians in general, please use a thread in The Soapbox, and don't post them here.



Forum Moderation Team

Edited by Graeme
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I was hoping this thread could be support and charitable links for people to help, the soapbox is for the ensuing debates.

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Well, there is some kind of organization that is operating inside Iraq to protect gays from being lynched. Something similar could be started in Uganda. I am sure such an organization would need money.

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