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So I know weve either all done it or fantasized about it. So I want us to all get out there in the open. Sex Outdoors, where and when. Have you? Or would you? The place you would have sex outdoors. And, yes we want the very juicy details!


I know me personally, I would have sex outdoors. The places beach, a park, backyard. Id say most likely night time. But I have had sex outdoors it was in a hot tub.



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One would think that sex outside would be legal in some instances. Obviously, you can't just do it on Main Street across the street from the courthouse, but I doubt there'd be laws against having sex in your back yard so long as there's a fence or having sex out in the woods or somewhere outside but not within public view. I'd love to have sex outdoors and probably wouldn't care so long as there's no risk of getting caught. I would not even frown upon a willing audience. :*)

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One would think that sex outside would be legal in some instances. Obviously, you can't just do it on Main Street across the street from the courthouse, but I doubt there'd be laws against having sex in your back yard so long as there's a fence or having sex out in the woods or somewhere outside but not within public view. I'd love to have sex outdoors and probably wouldn't care so long as there's no risk of getting caught. I would not even frown upon a willing audience. :*)


Sometimes the risk of getting caught is pretty f**king erotic. I'm just sayin'....devilsmiley.gif

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  • Site Administrator

So I know weve either all done it or fantasized about it. So I want us to all get out there in the open. Sex Outdoors, where and when. Have you? Or would you? The place you would have sex outdoors. And, yes we want the very juicy details!


I know me personally, I would have sex outdoors. The places beach, a park, backyard. Id say most likely night time. But I have had sex outdoors it was in a hot tub.

* Puts on his moderator hat *

No, we don't want the juicy details in public. If this thread devolves into either sexual fantasies, or into descriptions of explicit sex, it will be removed.


* takes off his moderator hat *


I'll admit that I wanted to know what outdoor sex would be like, but it wasn't as thrilling as I thought it would be :whistle:

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I have to laugh at our prurient tastes here on the forums, as if this were a bible club, where they revolve around stories with graphic sex. It's a bit schizophrenic, and about as healthy. I'll have to decide if I can post the tale I had in mind without offending anyone who may find raw sex in stories cool, but talk of sex in forums repulsive. blink.gif

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All I will say is that if you decide to have sex in a pine forest take a blanket. It's surprising where those pine needles can end up :) And sand burn isn't nice either.lmaosmiley.giflmaosmiley.gif



That's much too explicit. Sand burn? OMG. I'm sorry, I'll have to report you to a moderator.biggrin.gif




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  • Site Administrator

I have to laugh at our prurient tastes here on the forums, as if this were a bible club, where they revolve around stories with graphic sex. It's a bit schizophrenic, and about as healthy. I'll have to decide if I can post the tale I had in mind without offending anyone who may find raw sex in stories cool, but talk of sex in forums repulsive. blink.gif

This has been discussed before, but for the education of those who weren't aware, the difference is that when someone is reading the stories, they can look at the classification and synopsis and have some idea if graphic sex is going to be included. If they don't want to read it, they can then avoid doing so.


On the forums, the members do not have the option. The forums are open to the general public and there is no disclaimer saying that graphic sex will be discussed. This is why we have a difference in applicable rules for the forums vs the stories.


This is NOT open to negotiation.



Forum Moderation Team

Edited by Graeme
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I have to laugh at our prurient tastes here on the forums, as if this were a bible club, where they revolve around stories with graphic sex. It's a bit schizophrenic, and about as healthy. I'll have to decide if I can post the tale I had in mind without offending anyone who may find raw sex in stories cool, but talk of sex in forums repulsive. blink.gif

Well, you have a bit more say when it comes to your blog. However, I'm guessing a play-by-play would be inappropriate. Forums are supposed to be PG-13 though. 0:)

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Sooo........... let's see.................


Would doing it in a car parked in a somewhat of a busy street trying to cover ourselves with a small blanket as elderly folks passed by and car rocked back and forth and god knows what they were thinking was going on in the car (which was what was going on in the car, lol), be considered outdoor sex?

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I strongly recommend you check your state's law on indecent exposure before you engage in any such activity. Just Google: (state name) indecent exposure law.


In Tennessee, the penalty is six months in prison and/or a $500 fine. This is the same penalty as applies to prostitution. The law apples to any sexual activity (including masturbation) which takes place in public or in a private place which may be seen from a public place or from the private property of another. "Fun" activities such as mooning or streaking are also covered.


If you drive through our fair state (the greenest state in the land of the free) and need to go to the bathroom, hold it until you can reach the next rest area or other public restrooms. State troopers arrest persons for indecent exposure even when they can't see what is being exposed during a roadside potty stop.

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I have to laugh at our prurient tastes here on the forums, as if this were a bible club, where they revolve around stories with graphic sex. It's a bit schizophrenic, and about as healthy. I'll have to decide if I can post the tale I had in mind without offending anyone who may find raw sex in stories cool, but talk of sex in forums repulsive. blink.gif


Our rules exist for several reasons, the first of which is we HAVE to, because of the rules from google and others. There are also legal considerations. As Graeme mentions, the forums are different from stories in many regards. So, any forum content needs to be PG.

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If the risk of getting caught (by law enforcement or those who would report me) was slim or non existant I would do it in a heart beat. As to where, on the bank of a river, lake, pond, or near/under a waterfall. I have other places in mind but those I'm keeping to myselfwink.gif

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  • Site Administrator

Been there, done that is all the details I am sure you guys can handle from me, LOL. Though I will say that one thing is a crucial factor: the weather, especially for you guys ;)

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I think I had intentions of doing it outside, once, and I think it started outside as well, but we ended up in Chris' SUV.


Kinda weird, I don't know how it happened. :/

Edited by Arpeggio
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If the risk of getting caught (by law enforcement or those who would report me) was slim or non existant I would do it in a heart beat. As to where, on the bank of a river, lake, pond, or near/under a waterfall. I have other places in mind but those I'm keeping to myselfwink.gif



Been there, done that is all the details I am sure you guys can handle from me, LOL. Though I will say that one thing is a crucial factor: the weather, especially for you guys wink.gif



Oh yah.... love in the rain... sigh :)

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............................... if only someone knew how to remove the back seat.............................



Last I heard that person has since learned how to remove the back seat.

Edited by TetRefine
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Guest JOSh 55

Oh yah.... love in the rain... sigh smile.gif



the rain isn't bad its the cold that gets mr johnsen want to hide. LOL

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Seeing all the trouble you people have gone to rolleyes.gif, it's nice having a motorhome for our longer trips...I can pull into a rest area and we can go in the bedroom and "do it" devilsmiley.gif then clean up and get back on the road...a nice break from driving, a little snack and away we go! innocent.gif

Edited by kjames
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Most humans are basically similar, we get thrilled by situations that we interpret as somewhat on the edge. It gets the blood flowing.


During the sixties and most of the seventies it was not unusual to see people... 'enjoying each other's company' at the beach or in some wooded areas known for being hook up spots.


Depending on your personal make up and point of view, 'risky' can add to your excitement. I think one needs to be judicial in where, when, and how, especially considering that Americans as a whole are pretty darn prudish.


Sex is a natural part of the animal kingdom and we humans are, after all, part of that kingdom. We try so diligently not to be, I just don't understand why.


A hundred years ago, when I was young, I... 'lived on the edge' a few times and it certainly was risky back then (can you say beaten to death?!) but my goodness, those memories are some of my most treasured belongings!

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