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Posted (edited)

Circumnavigation - Ignorance is Bliss is up thumbsupsmileyanim.gif .


Now that being said, how cruel all of you are in the fact that I have been posting in ignorance for chapters 10, 14, and 15 and have said nothing at all ohmy.gif . Here I have been spelling each forum title circumnvigation instead of circumnavigation mad.gif .


Oh well, I love you all anyways biggrin.gif .


BTW, Hi CJ thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

Edited by wildone

I guess we going to find out how well the italian authorities will pick up on Trevor's trail??

But then again - will the i.a. get notified that Dirk is being investigated?

That might be chatter in the next chapters.


Gosh - Trevor going boy hunting - like is he going to lose his virginity here

Its not like they will goto a greek isle


What other destinations will the boys go for hot boys

oh - Joel can't play with girls - so who's he going to play with - without feeling like a third wheel if Trev gets lucky'

ok - looks like Joel going to train Trev in picking up good boys not the bad ones


mmm case in "Gay Boy can't find a Date?" or "straight boy teach gay boy to be gay??"

Guest Wyndham

Another delightful chapter. Except would like to see a little boy-on-boy action. (OK, Man-on-man action for those who get confused. Us older guys call everyone younger than us, boys....)


CJ....... Are you deliberately keeping us in suspense? Surely not :)

Posted (edited)

Another delightful chapter. Except would like to see a little boy-on-boy action. (OK, Man-on-man action for those who get confused. Us older guys call everyone younger than us, boys....)


CJ....... Are you deliberately keeping us in suspense? Surely not :)


B)..............I agree the chapters have been to smooth sailing so far, when are the choppy waters going to appear? As far as Dirk goes, wouldn't the presenting of the passports to the police at the point of entry be proof enough that Trevor is still alive? Bridget has just become an interesting character in this mystery, she seems to know or suspect more then she has let on. Could her late husband office have been representing Trevor's mom and Dirk? Lisa should have spotted an attorneys name on the divorce papers, if there was a lawyer involved. It would seem unlikely Dirk would have used the lawyer he has now, considering he may be involved with him.

Edited by Benji

1) Wondering if the picture is of Trevor's mom, or is it Lisa's mom...


2) I'm starting to trust Dirk more than I trust Bridget


3) As they were preparing for divorce, they might have realized they could be both financially better off if Rachel "disappeared" and Dirk was able to use the insurance. Seven years might be the statute of limitations for insurance fraud, which would explain why seven years from declared death rather than from disappearance (insurance wouldn't pay until she was declared dead).


4) Trevor and Joel are becoming too sweet of a couple - with the love of the boat and sailing... just that pesky straight thing - ugh. Will Trevor find someone he'll fit with as nice as Joel?!? Dunno




1) Wondering if the picture is of Trevor's mom, or is it Lisa's mom...


wooo - I did notice that lisa mom isn't in the story nor do I recall her being talked about. I wonder how far back do lisa and trevor go back as friends.

I wonder if there is a 10 month difference between the two? Like maybe same mom??


Circumnavigation - Ignorance is Bliss is up thumbsupsmileyanim.gif .


Now that being said, how cruel all of you are in the fact that I have been posting in ignorance for chapters 10, 14, and 15 and have said nothing at all ohmy.gif . Here I have been spelling each forum title circumnvigation instead of circumnavigation mad.gif .


Oh well, I love you all anyways biggrin.gif .


BTW, Hi CJ thumbsupsmileyanim.gif


ROFL! I didn't notice that. But remember, I once typo'd it as "Circumcision" :*)


I guess we going to find out how well the italian authorities will pick up on Trevor's trail??

But then again - will the i.a. get notified that Dirk is being investigated?

That might be chatter in the next chapters.


Gosh - Trevor going boy hunting - like is he going to lose his virginity here

Its not like they will goto a greek isle


What other destinations will the boys go for hot boys

oh - Joel can't play with girls - so who's he going to play with - without feeling like a third wheel if Trev gets lucky'

ok - looks like Joel going to train Trev in picking up good boys not the bad ones


mmm case in "Gay Boy can't find a Date?" or "straight boy teach gay boy to be gay??"


Trevor isn't a virgin; he had a boyfriend before, and they broke up, but that was only mentioned in passing, way back in chapter two. So, Trev has been "dry" for six months. Poor Trev! :o


Another delightful chapter. Except would like to see a little boy-on-boy action. (OK, Man-on-man action for those who get confused. Us older guys call everyone younger than us, boys....)


CJ....... Are you deliberately keeping us in suspense? Surely not :)


Suspense, me? Would I do such a thing as that? 0:)


B)..............I agree the chapters have been to smooth sailing so far, when are the choppy waters going to appear? As far as Dirk goes, wouldn't the presenting of the passports to the police at the point of entry be proof enough that Trevor is still alive? Bridget has just become an interesting character in this mystery, she seems to know or suspect more then she has let on. Could her late husband office have been representing Trevor's mom and Dirk? Lisa should have spotted an attorneys name on the divorce papers, if there was a lawyer involved. It would seem unlikely Dirk would have used the lawyer he has now, considering he may be involved with him.


Choppy waters? In one of my stories? Surely not! What could possibly go wrong? :music:


1) Wondering if the picture is of Trevor's mom, or is it Lisa's mom...


2) I'm starting to trust Dirk more than I trust Bridget


3) As they were preparing for divorce, they might have realized they could be both financially better off if Rachel "disappeared" and Dirk was able to use the insurance. Seven years might be the statute of limitations for insurance fraud, which would explain why seven years from declared death rather than from disappearance (insurance wouldn't pay until she was declared dead).


4) Trevor and Joel are becoming too sweet of a couple - with the love of the boat and sailing... just that pesky straight thing - ugh. Will Trevor find someone he'll fit with as nice as Joel?!? Dunno




We learn a great deal more over the next few chapters. :) The plotline on "Circumnavigation" is a bit odd, for a story that's part mystery: The current mysteries (there are several) are revealed in full long before the end.


wooo - I did notice that lisa mom isn't in the story nor do I recall her being talked about. I wonder how far back do lisa and trevor go back as friends.

I wonder if there is a 10 month difference between the two? Like maybe same mom??


Trevor and Lisa are birthday twins; they were born on the same day and year. Way back in chapter one or two (I can't remember which) it's mentioned that Lisa's mom moved to France after divorcing her father, and gave Lisa a cold shoulder when Lisa went to visit. That's why Lisa has issues with France.


Trevor and Lisa met... Hrmmm, even I can't remember if it was just before or just after Trevor lost his mother, and I wrote it <blush>. I'll go look.... Ah, it's in chapter one;


Trevor and Lisa had met in fourth grade and had soon discovered that they had three things in common; they were only children, birthday twins, and hated each other on sight. The hate had grown into a rivalry, and then, with time, to understanding, respect, and eventually friendship.


they met in 4th grade, and though it doesn't say explicitly, that would make Trevor and Lisa about eleven, so it would be after Trevor lost his Mom.


There's also this,

Trevor nodded. He knew her pain; he'd been there for her through it all. Their friendship had grown in large part due to Lisa's heartbreak when her mother had suddenly departed for France.

Thanks CJames


Gosh its easier to read the story all at once - but not as weeks go by ....


But wow Lisa world changed from 16 to 17 and best friends in a year...


Now I wonder about Trev bf - who he was - how long they were together - what did Trev see in him to be serious.

hehe - expect some banter from Lisa or Joel on Trev bf.

if trev finds another boy - how hard it feels to replace bf#1 - mmm ... did he have a girl#1 also??

Rather late to have bf#1


lots of holes to fill about Trevor, Joel, and Lisa


As they were preparing for divorce, they might have realized they could be both financially better off if Rachel "disappeared" and Dirk was able to use the insurance. Seven years might be the statute of limitations for insurance fraud, which would explain why seven years from declared death rather than from disappearance (insurance wouldn't pay until she was declared dead).

I'm inclined to agree with Robert on this matter. I can't think of any reason why seven years would be significant other than a statute of limitations. I really do not think Trevor's mother is dead.


The coming chapter is entitled 17.... oh, wait, that's the number.. the title is "Pompeii". (I'm confused, a normal condition for me...) :)

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