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Things lost and found

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Hi everybody I am Joey,



I was reading article bout how they took this awesome young violinist (hot too) and placed him in the DC subway to busk. He played some of the most technically difficult pieces. and maybe only two or three people even recognized the class and the talent they were hearing. All the rest jez rushed on by ignorant of the masterclass they were receiving, unaware of the stratovarius strains of musical perfection. It made me sad.


Please have a great week!


Love from Joey~




Go young man and play, go down below into the byways

Play to the masses who will not hear thee

For the souls that will not heed thee

When you come home remember

Art is not for all but for one

Who might be lost

If not for art~



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Joshua Bell, I've seen him live before. =D He is amazing, but people also have to work and have places to be, just because they didn't stop and listen doesn't mean they wouldn't have given the opportunity. I would have, only because I love music, but probably not if I had to be at my high stress job in ten minutes. :P

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I liked the bottom quote (in blue) Joey, I stopped and read it several times. Most likely I would of stopped for the music too. I hope I would have.

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I like violin music. But yeah, the setting is all wrong, people get on a subway to travel.. not to be entertained. :P Put him on a park bench.. or courthouse stairs.. or something and see what people do. I bet more than two would stop to listen... at least for a little while.

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I like violin music. But yeah, the setting is all wrong, people get on a subway to travel.. not to be entertained. :P Put him on a park bench.. or courthouse stairs.. or something and see what people do. I bet more than two would stop to listen... at least for a little while.


True! I didn't think of that. Then again an image of what I saw in Paris came to mind. There were musicians playing in one of the corridors between trains and people actually stopped to listen and give money. :)

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Well James i have to admit that I like it hard and fast, but I like it soft and gentle too especially if it's with a sexy young man so I think perhaps I would have stopped



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In NYC Grand Central Station - they put some people playing stuff and some people would watch but that because they have a wait for their train.


In the subways ... people are always in a rush


maybe if he tried to look like Bieber - he might get chased by girls.

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