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[underthehoodster] Sorry For The Delay!

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I just wanted to apologize to Myr, the members of gayauthors, and the P&J fans who have been waiting patiently for the debut of my hosted site. At the moment, it is out of my hands, but I still hope to have it up soon. I just want you to know that it isn't that I have forgotten about it.


Thanks for understanding,



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Thanks for the notice, hoodster! I'm really looking forward to the revisions & also to getting to new york & meeting perry's dad. But it'll appear when it appears.

Take care.


Okay dude - I mean I dont mean to be a jerk here, but anyone who was a real P&J fan knows that the next chapter will start with Perry on the plane coming BACK FROM NYC.


I mean jeesh - come on dude, you gots to read up....




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Okay dude - I mean I dont mean to be a jerk here, but anyone who was a real P&J fan knows that the next chapter will start with Perry on the plane coming BACK FROM NYC.


I mean jeesh - come on dude, you gots to read up....



Ok, Jesse, how about you enlighten us not-so-real P&J fans as to why we won't be spending any time with Perry's dad. Frankly, I fully expect that. At the very least, there will be flashbacks to their conversations in NYC.

Perry needs closure around his parents splitting up, especially his dad's involvement. We haven't heard dad's story as yet. Frankly, I'm hoping that Perry and his dad get really honest with one another and that they salvage something a whole lot better than what they have presently.





Conner :boy:

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Hey guys, let's take a chill pill, huh? It will be some time yet before the next part of P&J is in postable form, and nothing is locked as far as content is concerned. I'm really flattered that you guys have taken such an enthusiastic interest in my little teenage soap opera, and I only ask that you bear with me. Life is full and complicated, and sadly, P&J is often forced to take a backseat to other priorities, including work and family. But I am committed to continuing the story. There is certainly no lack of ideas. It is really an issue of time and there never being enough.


Thanks for being here and for continuing to show your support,



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I'm not sure I understand your post, Hoodster, particularly the chill pill part. Were we getting out-of-line?


The main reason I love having you as a hosted author here at GA is the opportunity to have more interaction amongst P&J fans. Predictions on where the story will go is a big part of that.



Conner :boy:

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Yeah, I wasn't angry or anything. I was just expressing excited curiosity about possible sources of news or previews, and asking where to find them. And also expressing amused puzzlement about the meaning of the all the sqwaking.


Anyway, take your time, hoodster. We enjoy your stories :2thumbs: So, you should feel appreciated, not stressed out!

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Hey guys, let's take a chill pill, huh? It will be some time yet before the next part of P&J is in postable form, and nothing is locked as far as content is concerned. I'm really flattered that you guys have taken such an enthusiastic interest in my little teenage soap opera, and I only ask that you bear with me. Life is full and complicated, and sadly, P&J is often forced to take a backseat to other priorities, including work and family. But I am committed to continuing the story. There is certainly no lack of ideas. It is really an issue of time and there never being enough.


Thanks for being here and for continuing to show your support,




OMG - I'm sorry, I was just being silly about the "come on dude read up" thing, I really didn't mean to make you think that I am like at home with a tin foil hat waiting for the newest chapter of P&J....


Really I am not trying to presure you man, I know you got other stuff to do, take all the time you need and know that we understand. I can even stop with the bird joke thing, I just wanted to keep it going cause it was a sortof inside joke from the live journal guys, but i will stop man, i am really sorry.

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