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Ideas For Exercising While Working....

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The thing is, I love to write, love to crit, love to read--but most of that stuff is all happening either sitting at a desk or horizontally. I wish I could say I loved exercise, but the truth is, there's a hierarchy to the things I love and those other things come first.


So I was thinking, jeesch, if only there were a way to do both at once. So I thought about reading while standing up (requires at least a bit more energy than lying down). Another thing I do is lift my feet off the floor towards the underside of desk as I sit at it (sorta like stomach crunches).


I wanted to ask what other suggestions people have for exercising while working. :D



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I was very sick for two years, so I got accustomed to reading in bed. When I read I lay on either my right or left side. While I do this, I lift my leg straight up and hold for a few seconds, then slowly lower it. I repeat until I get tired from it , then roll over and repeat with the other leg. It might not do a lot for strnegthening, but it keeps me loosened up at least. :D



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My exercising is pretty much just running on a treadmill so I can't really read or write while I'm doing it. I do watch movies though. Helps a lot with the insane boredom of running in place for 30+ minutes.

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Replace the chair you do your reading and writing in with one of those giant exercise balls. It won't seem like a big difference one you get settled in, but it'll keep most of your lower body busy maintaining balance while you work/read.

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At a desk, practice flexing and releasing your muscles staring with the feet/ankles and working your way up the body using different muscle groups. Do 30 sets for each group until you get to the top and start over. Very good while immobilized.



You can also do your Kegel's while doing this too (FYI) your hubby will thank you for it ;)



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I had an english class once where the first two minutes of class we jogged in place and then again halfway thru the class. Maybe you could just do that every so often? It certainly wakes you up.

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I wanted to ask what other suggestions people have for exercising while working. :D




I'm constantly exercising for 8hrs+ a day at my job, so when I read or go on the computer, I like to sit still :P

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You can also do your Kegel's while doing this too (FYI) your hubby will thank you for it ../../public/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif





Yeah, some awesome suggestions here, peeps! :P


Just thought of another one: if you can listen to music while you work, it's amazing how much you can end up jiggling--that's gotta count for something! LOL.

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You can also do your Kegel's while doing this too (FYI) your hubby will thank you for it ;)




I don't think any of the boys here will get this! :funny:

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