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What's been stuck in you head?


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It's a jazz fusion riff that I've been humming all night. I can't tell you the band but I hear horns so maybe it's from The Crusaders. The worst part is the turn-around at the end of the last measure that takes it back to the beginning. It's The Carousel From Hell that I can't get off of. I just keep riding it around and around.


Anybody else remember the Issac Asimov tale about such an experience? In it, a scientist theorized that when we get a tune stuck in our head, it's because that tune is a fragment of the Ultimate Tune. If he could only figure out that ultimate melody, he could make a fortune selling it to jingle and advertising folks. A super computer was given the job and after months of computations, a bell went, "Ding!" and the song was ready to be heard. The scientist herded everyone out of the lab so that he could be the first one to hear the Ultimate Tune. Minutes turned into hours as his assistants waited for him to emerge. When he didn't, they finally went back into the lab only to find the scientist quite insane. He had the Ultimate Tune stuck in his head and he couldn't get it out!



Edited by JohnN53
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I have been humming this all day and I don't know why:


"Blue skies...smiling at me...nothing but blue skies...do I see" Old song by Irving Berlin


I can't get it out of my head!;)


Now I'm thinking about Data singing this in Star Trek Nemesis.


And I've had the first song in this video stuck in my head for DAYS.


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one of my best friends normally sang that on a whim and remembering her makes me smile

I have been humming this all day and I don't know why:


"Blue skies...smiling at me...nothing but blue skies...do I see" Old song by Irving Berlin


I can't get it out of my head!;)


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Usually I have annoying tunes stuck in my head like that stupid song from the Go Compare advert. Argh!


When it comes to what I like I enjoy all sorts of music. Yesterday I was listening to Paul Young, the day before it was Beverly Knight. I have quite an extensive CD collection. I have pop, rock, classical, soundtrack music and soul. I love the music of Bryan Adams and Russell Watson. I like Cliff Richard and the Black Eyed Peas. I have a fondness for bagpipe music!


I can't sing or play an instrument but I love to listen to music, and I never go anywhere without my MP3 Player.

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