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I asked my freind at Oxford and he said such and such and is doing Law, I didn't but could have. What a read the above, we've far to much conjecture at the moment. This is the same Will who irked me previously. Will's anger seems to be more at mum having power then the pictures actually having been taken. If anything he seems slightly proud of them or disinterested altogether. Its a tool to be used to get his way in this upcoming power play. This is all about Will, Will and Will on the one hand he wants Brad to spend more time with him, but now he'll move away if he doesn't get his own way. Brad handled the conversation poorly, thats clear. Now Will thinks he has the "moral" high ground. I rather liked the idea of Michale ending up with a few bullet holes, but he can't exactly tell Will.


I do agree with him at this point but for different reasons, if my mothers at 14 hired a body gaurd who took pictures of me masturbating or getting a bj, I'd hit the roof. Moving on, Brad needs to give JJ a little bit more credit if he thinks those pictures could traumatise him. This is the same boy who got back up and had the mental fortitude to keep going during his routine. I do want to Like Will, I really really do but its hard. You'd think he'd been put through years of systematic, intentionnal abuse. He hasn't though, he's gone through some traumatic incidents during his short time on this planet granted. I do think its enough to remove Jeanine, I just feel he comes across as very hard done by and pray his own children are as much as a nightmare as he, poor Will let me take my Limo and go see a solicitor I can self fund at 14. I'd be horrified if my child at 14 girl or boy was sleeping around as much as he is, ignoring the pole dancing incident. Still love the rollercoaster you put us on to bits though. Posted Image

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I just got notification that it has been four years since CAP began. It seems like it has been here forever. I salute you for creating a masterpiece which has given me countless hours of joy. Even though you killed off Jeff Hayes. Just kidding. Happy Anniversary. Mark!!

Edited by rjo
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Over in Reviews:


JJ: JJ seems to be Will's version of Wade's sister. He is bitchy, apathetic to others (except his mother), and idiotic for not being bitchy when he needs to (i.e. Micheal's photos). I have a feeling he will deviate from apathy when Will leaves, but he will be insultingly happy.

See, this I can't agree with. JJ's brand of bitch is very much like Blair Warner on the Facts of Life- he's prissy, blithely self-involved and truly believes he's the best thing around, but at the same time there's a heart beneath all of it. Matt and Tiffany wouldn't genuninely love him if it wasn't there. Mary Ellen's brand of bitch is like

s- a non-violent sociopath who really doesn't care about anyone, and likes to tear people down just for the fun of it. There isn't any kind of heart there.


And I don't think JJ is apathetic- he just wants the whole thing to go away and pretend it never happened, because to admit this happened he would have to admit that he masturbates, and good little figure skaters wouldn't even think of sex, even with themselves.

Edited by methodwriter85
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I don't think it will be JP as much as it will be Claire having a high-speed come apart all over Brad that will leave him a broken bloody heap. I'm tellin' ya, that woman is about to explode and Brad will be left wishing it had been JP that checked him.

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I agree with Jeremy that JJ isn't like Wade sister. JJ is not evil not even close. Let's look back and see that happy carefree child who was over shadowed by his brothers. Remember even though he is older than Will, he is smaller and seems younger. Then Matt comes into the picture and gives JJ something to latch on to. Will has surfing, Darius has girls and JJ now has skating. I think that he is trying to say I'm here. Almost being the middle child can be hard. I think for once he wants to stand out from the crowd.


Who will take on Brad? It could be Claire. She has some of the spirit of Tonto in her also.. I really like the idea of JP with the thunder bolts from on high. This situation is not just a Brad problem but a family problem and the family with have to solve it.

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I don't think it will be JP as much as it will be Claire having a high-speed come apart all over Brad that will leave him a broken bloody heap. I'm tellin' ya, that woman is about to explode and Brad will be left wishing it had been JP that checked him.


Who will take on Brad? It could be Claire. She has some of the spirit of Tonto in her also.. I really like the idea of JP with the thunder bolts from on high. This situation is not just a Brad problem but a family problem and the family with have to solve it.


Claire was always the one that brought Brad and Ace in line quicker than anyone else. I do think in the end it will be her with support from JP that get Brad to understand the situation. I never really saw JP as a Zeus type personality. He always struck me as more a Poseidon, still waters often run the deepest.


I also don't think JJ is anything like MaryEllen. JJ spent a long time in the background just being happy go lucky while his brothers had the spotlight. Now, he has the spotlight but his brothers aren't around to present a buffer against outsiders so he has developed this I'm rich and fabulous persona to protect himself from the outsiders but is finding it harder to turn the persona on and off around family. This along with feeling overshadowed by his physically mature but younger brother as he starts puberty is causing most of JJ's issues in my opinion. I think the happy go lucky kid is still there, just buried under the bitchy outlayer of protection... methodwriter85 used the Blair Warner analogy and I think this is spot on, the waspish rich girl with the heart of gold....

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whether its JP or Claire that rides in to resolve this, I think, depends on the outcome that Mark wants us to be left with.


If its JP, it's for the good of the family - the patriarch is doing his duty. Brad will be apoplectic with rage, but he will understand and eventually accept.


If it's Claire, it's one sibling challenging another. Not only that, the one being challenged is the Alpha Male. And the challenger will be getting the approval of JP. I think this will tear Brad - and the family - apart.

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You guys have said it perfectly. No matter what, Brad is not going to take this very well. As for which Greek god JP is I am not sure, but I can guess which one Stef is.

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He always struck me as more a Poseidon, still waters often run the deepest.


Distracted on this point. You do know Poseidon was also the god of earthquakes and horses?


More on point, there's one thing I wonder about. Is if there's something more going on in JJ's mind than what we know about? That he wants to cover it up and make it all go away is an easy enough explanation, but, I don't know. I wonder if he knew Michael was photographing him, and didn't really care. I know Jeremy and others have asserted that figure skaters repress their own sexualities, at least outwardly, and that seems to be true, but JJ knows the hypocrisy of that. Is it possible he actually encouraged Michael's interest, perhaps at first out of surprise that someone noticed him when Darius and Will were about, but then later out of his own vanity? If JJ or Pat had taken pictures of Will, and Will had been aware of it, I think Will would have thought it a turn on rather than offensive. Brad and Josh, when Brad was younger than either of them, would probably have had similar opinions.

Edited by B1ue
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I know Jeremy and others have asserted that figure skaters repress their own sexualities, at least outwardly, and that seems to be true, but JJ knows the hypocrisy of that.

JJ probably gets the hypocrisy, but he also gets that if you put on a show and pretend to be what they want you to be, you'll be rewarded like Evan Lysacek. If you don't, you'll end up like Tiffany. And in the real world example, Johnny Weir getting banned from Stars on Ice for not being "family-friendly" enough.That's what interesting about it- how does a guy from a such a slutty family maintain a pristine, Disney-friendly image? It's easy now, because JJ's not as sexual as Will is yet, but when JJ gets to about 17-18 and puberty's really kicking in, it won't be. In any event, I don't think JJ is like Will in the fact that he'll stand up for what's right and fight against injustice and hypocrisy at every turn. That's just not who he is- more than anything JJ will go along with the flow than try to fight it.


I could see your theory- it would make sense that JJ would be flattered by it and would have encouraged the interest, but then completely deny, deny, and deny that it ever happened.

Edited by methodwriter85
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I think Will would have thought it a turn on rather than offensive.


I still think Will thinks it is kind of a turn on, he was just mad that someone tried to use them to hurt someone else and he is using it for leverage.

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I still think Will thinks it is kind of a turn on, he was just mad that someone tried to use them to hurt someone else and he is using it for leverage.


I'll throw out a spoiler here from Chapter 60. I agree that Will is using this for leverage (big time), but the thing that bugs him the most is that it's an invasion of his privacy.

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We love spoilers. Mark, you write a chapter and get more discussion than the length of the chapter itself. That shows the craft and excellence of the story and the whole saga and how well you've created these characters. We as readers can see them interact. We know there is a big confrontation ahead. Drama at dinner. What is so interesting is now this is a replay only the characters have changed. Brad is playing the JP role and Will the Brad role. Stef said that JP did a better job of raising Brad than Brad is doing with Will. We are about to see if Brad can do better. It's not easy to raise Tonto 2. One thing I've noticed is that Will seems to control his temper much better. Again exactly what Brad did to JP all those year ago. I am hoping the next chapter is coming soon. Thanks again for the four years of CAP. No one could do it better.

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You guys have said it perfectly. No matter what, Brad is not going to take this very well. As for which Greek god JP is I am not sure, but I can guess which one Stef is.


There was a Greek god of Sluts??? Yes, I did know Poseidon's other attributes but JP is a superb horseman and earthquakes come from deep in the earth and strike suddenly and unexpectedly and both of these sort of fit JP as well.... Poseidon was always seen as more deliberate and less emotional than most of the other gods and this just fits JP better than Zeus, who was always driven by his emotions.


Okay, a question here... Do you think Brad would really react worse to being challenged by Claire rather than JP??? I would have thought that Brad would have reacted worse to another male challenging him rather than Claire... I have to admit, I have never been nor had any desire to be an Alpha male so maybe I don't get this. It just seems that most Alpha males I have known have more of an issue with being challenged by another male rather than a woman. I know that Claire is the younger sister but she has always been able to exert a certain quite influence over Brad and Ace as well. Wouldn't Claire's challenge be easier to take than JP or another male???


I would really like some feedback on this....

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So, another thought- now that Jeanine is officially around the bend again, do you think Cody will try and step it up as a dad, or will Tiffany continue having to care for Madison? And if Cody doesn't step up as a dad, do you think that would impact his relationship with the family? I can't see the family holding such a high regard for Cody if he completely shirked his parental obligations to Madison, but I'm basing that on how JP, Stefan, and Brad have reacted to Jim Crampton's treatment of JJ, which isn't exactly the same. Jim completely pretends that JJ doesn't exist, while Cody acknowledges Maddy- he's just not an active parent. So I'm torn on whether or not I think they'd get all self-righteous with Cody in regards to him not stepping up as a dad to his daughter, or if they'd be more accepting of that because Cody pretty much thought of himself as just a sperm donor to Jeanine and Tiffany for a kid they were going to raise.


I do think their opinion of Cody would probably lessen a bit, but that depends on each individual. Thoughts?

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I think Cody is not dotting dad material. It's not in his nature. He is also too good looking to say mad it for too long. I think grandmaman, Isidore with take charge of the situation. As JP said she loves babies. In someways Madison has been left behind in this story. I have a friend who just had a baby girl after having three boys. It will be very interesting to see how their household changes. At this point I think there has been so much drama with Will and Wade and his family and then Jeanine that little Madison has been left out. However, if she is anything like her aunt Claire, she wouldn't let that happen for long.

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We love spoilers. Mark, you write a chapter and get more discussion than the length of the chapter itself. That shows the craft and excellence of the story and the whole saga and how well you've created these characters. We as readers can see them interact. We know there is a big confrontation ahead. Drama at dinner. What is so interesting is now this is a replay only the characters have changed. Brad is playing the JP role and Will the Brad role. Stef said that JP did a better job of raising Brad than Brad is doing with Will. We are about to see if Brad can do better. It's not easy to raise Tonto 2. One thing I've noticed is that Will seems to control his temper much better. Again exactly what Brad did to JP all those year ago. I am hoping the next chapter is coming soon. Thanks again for the four years of CAP. No one could do it better.


Wasn't Brad older when he was the narrator in Be Rad? Like 17? Big difference between that and 13. I also don't think Will controls his temper much better. He had the implosion where he potentially did hundreds of thousands of dollars damage and then ran away. And JP may have done better with Brad, but not with Billy.


So, another thought- now that Jeanine is officially around the bend again, do you think Cody will try and step it up as a dad, or will Tiffany continue having to care for Madison? And if Cody doesn't step up as a dad, do you think that would impact his relationship with the family? I can't see the family holding such a high regard for Cody if he completely shirked his parental obligations to Madison, but I'm basing that on how JP, Stefan, and Brad have reacted to Jim Crampton's treatment of JJ, which isn't exactly the same. Jim completely pretends that JJ doesn't exist, while Cody acknowledges Maddy- he's just not an active parent. So I'm torn on whether or not I think they'd get all self-righteous with Cody in regards to him not stepping up as a dad to his daughter, or if they'd be more accepting of that because Cody pretty much thought of himself as just a sperm donor to Jeanine and Tiffany for a kid they were going to raise.


I do think their opinion of Cody would probably lessen a bit, but that depends on each individual. Thoughts?


I think Cody will provide the needed fatherly functions and be around as needed, but he won't be a Wade and unlike most fathers not married to the woman he had a child with, he doesn't have to worry about the financial support. I expect the family to take care of that. So Cody's role will be different from Wade's, but adequate.

Edited by PrivateTim
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Just three short thoughts, one of the few times I agree with Private Tim, about Cody. The second is that I feel Will is learning to control his temper. The vital word is learning. None of us is perfect. We go through life learning to do better. Will is the same. The third is JP and his relationship with Brad and Billy. If you remember Billy was taken away by Isidore by the time most of the problems were known. So JP didn't have the chance to help Billy. JP seems to have done better with Ace and Claire. Maybe if Isidore wouldn't have taken Billy away, he would have still be alive.

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The third is JP and his relationship with Brad and Billy. If you remember Billy was taken away by Isidore by the time most of the problems were known. So JP didn't have the chance to help Billy. JP seems to have done better with Ace and Claire. Maybe if Isidore wouldn't have taken Billy away, he would have still be alive.

I can't agree with that idea. Bad teenage behavior doesn't just come out of nowhere- I had friends in high school that were the "bad kids", and they had a long history of acting out that got progressively worse. Billy was already 15 years old- I think at that point, bad behavior problems should have been known and corrected, but JP, Isidore, and Sam engaged in overly permissive parenting. For some kids, it works out fine. But for others, never being taught the word "no" can and does take kids over the edge, and the problem is that if you try to discipline the kid the kid will resent you for it because you can't just suddenly switch gears on them.



Wasn't Brad older when he was the narrator in Be Rad? Like 17? Big difference between that and 13. I also don't think Will controls his temper much better. He had the implosion where he potentially did hundreds of thousands of dollars damage and then ran away. And JP may have done better with Brad, but not with Billy.

I thought that the point that's been reiterated over and over again with Will is that he's essentially a 17/18 year old guy with a 1986 birth year instead of 1982/1983 one. So it's basically like Will is the same age that Brad was in Be Rad. It does happen- I had a friend named Sean in 9th grade who was 6 foot tall and pretty much looked and acted like an adult, so the Will stuff isn't as weird to me. I also like that JJ is balancing that out by being the late bloomer- my voice didn't drop until I was 17 and I was constantly told I looked 12 until I was 16, so I relate to JJ's childlike innocence a lot. When I was around the kids who just seemed so much older even though they were either my age or younger, it was like we were on two levels- I was still a little boy and they were pretty much men. Physical maturity plays into so much how the ages of 12-15 play out, (by 16 and 17 guys start to even out) so I like how Mark's reflected that- some guys are still little boys, like I was at JJ's current age, and some guys are men, like Will is.



I've done basically everything in my power to delay adulthood for as long as necessary (5th year of college, grad school) that the idea that someone would want to rush into adulthood at the age of 14 is pretty foreign to me, but to each his own. It's not like Will has to worry about paying for bills and the like- the only negative about this would be that he could be tried as an adult if he ever got arrested, but I don't see that in his future. He can't really be the carefree teenager that Brad was at the start of Be Rad, which is interesting.

Edited by methodwriter85
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So the political dirt diggers found out Riley's mother and saw a connection to her father and the Senate Bombing that occurred in 1983 but did not connect it to the rest of the Crampton/Hayes/Schluter Families?


Yes, this was supposed to be after Senator Danfield and family but If they knew about Tiffany then they should of connected it to JJ and Jeanine.


Connect JJ to Brad and Robbie of course.


Let's ignore the Hayes white trash side of the family and connect that with all the mysterious incidents that occurred with this family:


Jeff Hayes (drug OD)


Deke (managed to crack his skull in the ocean)


Brad's biological mom (tripped and fell off a bridge)


Brad's sister (drug OD)


Neil connection via Robbie (slipped in the bathroom with a belt around his neck and drowned in the bath tub)


Edit: How could I forget about Mark Clark and his suicide! Connected to Omega.


Brad's uncle Brian (kinky sex thing that went horribly wrong somehow). Fake ID or not, fingerprints would of revealed his real identity.


Carson (hunting accident of course)


Didn't Deke work for Stef?

Brian used to work for Stef.

Brandon used to work for Stef.

Carson used to work for Robbie.


Edit: then there is Brandon shacking up with the CFO of Omega before

Turning States Evidence and right before two more people wound up dead. Yeah nothing suspicious here.


Someone took a shot at Brad in Texas but was saved by Gathan Hayes.


Brad and Will got kidnapped in France.


Someone didn't try too hard and just stopped when they saw the Van Den Boss name.

Edited by mmike1969
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I thought that the point that's been reiterated over and over again with Will is that he's essentially a 17/18 year old guy with a 1986 birth year instead of 1982/1983 one. So it's basically like Will is the same age that Brad was in Be Rad. It does happen- I had a friend named Sean in 9th grade who was 6 foot tall and pretty much looked and acted like an adult,


Looking and acting like an adult has nothing to do with emotional maturity. it has been reiterated over and over that Will looks like an 18 year old not that he acts like an 18 year old. Even 18 year olds are pretty immature still and a 14 year old is that much more immature. In the same way that a lot of gay men can act straight, a 14 can act like an adult, but that is just what it is, acting.


All anyone needs to do is think about how much they changed, grew and matured from their freshman year in high school to their senior year in high school and then again from their freshman year in college to their senior year in college. And again how much you mature from leaving to school to working your first career job.

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As to the new chapter of Paternity there are just so many potential directions things could be heading. Are Jeff and Elizabeth headed to divorce or estrangement? Is Elizabeth going to have a reduced role in the Senator's job, life, policies, etc? If this were Hollywood, Wade would be awarded a spin off series.


I think the leak was pretty clearly from Elizabeth and as part of her continuing assault on Wade to try and prove him not capable of handling his trust fund.

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