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Well, I don't expect Wade will get much of a Christmas present this year...at least from his mother.


I don't know. A bomb would be an expensive gift that would really get to the heart of how she feels about him.



If the Senator is actually planning on leaving Elizabeth, this might all make that easier. As I noted in the review section, the Senator can claim Elizabeth did all of this behind his back and he just can't deal with all of her double dealing and back stabbing any more. He might even win some sympathy for having put up with such a bitch so long... Plus, don't forget he just got re-elected and has six years to let the voters forget about all this... A new bright bubbly younger wife might help with that...


Centex, while I agree with you in spirit, I just can't imagine the senator divorcing his wife. It shouldn't matter at all, but remember Monica Lewinsky impeachment was only a couple years old at this point, and was certainly fresh in everyone's minds. Any charge that he might make against his wife's arguably criminal acts would be countered by his very, very many affairs. It'd be messy as hell, and would tie him up politically when his party needed him the most (Republicans split the Senate with the Democrats after that year, and only for about six months).


My worry is that if the Senator were to somehow suffer a mischief, preferably along with his wife's chief-minion, that she'd be the best placed person to take over his seat. Jim Gilmore was the Governor of Virginia just then; he would be within one year the chairman of the Republican national convention. He could be counted on to pick a replacement senator that would rock the political establishment the least. While I don't know of any widows that have stepped into their husband's Senator slot, I can think of several at every other level, including a US Representative (the gentleman that died before the vote yet still won his election springs to mind).


That said, I don't really think her mind works like that. It seems that her actions have primarily been motivated by love, as she understands it. True, she's not taking a bullet for any member of her family; protection is also not in her make-up. It's perhaps unfortunate that her would-be minions refuse to follow her scripts, but she really does seem to care about the fate of her family, and making them the best they can be. Her worst crime is that she defines best in overly narrow terms.


Edit: And Wikipedia tells me that 7 separate women have filled their deceased husband's senatorial shoes since 1931. So, there's that.

Edit2: Further investigation reveals that what I thought had been a Representative seat actually had been a Senate seat. I *did* remember correctly it was during the 2000 election that Mel Carnahan won his seat after his own death, but I hadn't been sure which Bush election that had actually happened.

Edited by B1ue
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When I said Wade was the true southern gentleman I truly believe it.


It's pretty funny when you think about it- Wade orginally wasn't intended to be that large of a character...just another love interest/teammate of Matt's in Bloodlines that Mark called "Danfield". But he just really, really took off, and from there we've gotten a whole new rival family to have fun with. Mark's done the Mid-Western affluent family with the original CAP and with the Box, and he's done the West Coast Newly Rich with Robbie Hayes, so it'll be fun to explore Southern Gothic rich.


We're also entering into the Dubya years, so having a Republican family dynasty around should be interesting.

Edited by methodwriter85
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Well, as I have been preaching for weeks, a divorce is in the works between the Senator and Elizabeth. B1ue, I can certainly understand how you were viewing the situation but a divorce actually seems to make sense for these two. The Senator can go on his merry way and find a nice trophy wife and Elizabeth can go on her way with her many millions and find a younger black lover that can just shock everyone... LOL...


I do have a couple of concerns about this divorce though... One, what will happen to Goodwell??? It will obviously stay with the Senator but will he really be able to afford to keep it up like Elizabeth did? Maybe he would just go ahead and turn it over to Wade and keep a lifetime estate on it? Second, what is gonna happen to Trevor? Elizabeth has the goods on his bank issues and can really strike at him without a lot of fear of retaliation from anyone since he is her soon to be ex-husbands nephew. Can the Senator and Wade protect him? Third, where is Beau gonna fall out in all of this? You know that Mary Ellen is gonna at least nominally stay with Elizabeth but what about Beau? He seems to be closer to his mother in the past stories but with everything that has come out will that stay true? Is Matt about to be responsible in a greater way for his little brother?


I hope that Nana stays around for a while, I don't see her as a redux of Tonto as some have suggested but I do find her to be a hoot and am really enjoying her in the stories... Maybe she can help run the new center in Washington DC for the gay youths, wouldn't that just annoy Elizabeth some more...


Now let's talk about the action with Wade and Gathan... Damn, Mark that was some good writing and visuals being created... The only thing that would have made it better was if Matt was involved. As I stated in my review, I do think that Wade and Matt are solid now. I sort of think that Matt needing assurace periodically is sort of cute as I see him as the hotter guy... Gathan has never been one of my favorites but was nice to see him back.


Maybe as we switch back to Will, we will see if Kristen really got through to Ella on how her actions were wrong. And I thought it was sort of nice that Wade had that moment when he got a look at what Will has been going through from his own actions...


Another outstanding chapter Mark, and I have to wonder if this is going to be the CAP story that hits one hundred chapters?????

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Thanks Mark for these last six chapters, they've not only been some incredibly good writing, they've also been a godsend! I had all but lost interest until Chapter 68 posted, yet once again I'm enthralled. Kudos!

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Now let's talk about the action with Wade and Gathan... Damn, Mark that was some good writing and visuals being created... The only thing that would have made it better was if Matt was involved. As I stated in my review, I do think that Wade and Matt are solid now. I sort of think that Matt needing assurace periodically is sort of cute as I see him as the hotter guy... Gathan has never been one of my favorites but was nice to see him back.


Why is it that Matt gets to have 'action' with everyone else all the time, but any time Wade gets 'action' Matt's supposed to be involved too? The whole concept of them having this open relationship where they both can have sex with others is lopsided in Matt's favor. Irritates the hell out of me.

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Why is it that Matt gets to have 'action' with everyone else all the time, but any time Wade gets 'action' Matt's supposed to be involved too? The whole concept of them having this open relationship where they both can have sex with others is lopsided in Matt's favor. Irritates the hell out of me.


the weird thing is that my partner and I have friends that have almost exactly this relationship. Their friends don't understand them - and I have this inkling that they don't fully understand it, however it works for them and they are exceedingly happy!

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Hmmm. Well it appears that Elizabeth tried to step up the power game, yet it stopped short of being full-out personal. It's once she crosses THAT final threshold that no fate will be suitable enough for her, short of outright DEATH. :devil: The question is...will she strike back once again, and take it that far?


"I was meeting with Senator McCain, but he gets a bit longwinded, so your call was useful," he said pleasantly.



Yet another instance where people seemed to think it was important for me to express my inner feelings and motives, and yet another time when I would have to hide my frustration with that seemingly basic human tendency.

When did Wade get so condescending? :/


As to Wade and Gathan hooking up...frankly, that was a disappointment. It came off very much like, "oh, let's just have Gathan fuck him." Umm, whatever... :P


Another outstanding chapter Mark, and I have to wonder if this is going to be the CAP story that hits one hundred chapters?????


I doubt it. With Will's battles with Brad now over with, and Wade's battles with Elizabeth now seemingly all-but over with, I'd have to think this story should be wrapping up pretty soon here. There's still the Jeanine issue to deal with, but I doubt very much that that alone would take this all the way to 100. Something totally new would have to come up...and really, at this point, anything totally new would be better served in the next story.

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Rarely do I disagree with Mark but I feel Wade is just as sexy as Matt maybe more, Anybody could get Matt in bed, Wade however is more picky. His refined manner and cool personally I think makes him even more attractive. Sorry Mark but I find that hot. Nana said that some people are meant for each other. I feel Matt and Wade are like that, the other two couples maybe Brad and Robbie ( only time things go bad is when they stray}. The other couple is JP and Stef however their relationship is at a different level than the others. With them sex is not as important as the relationship. Maybe it is the history they share, or that they are older, not that I didn't think they don't have sex, they both need it, but with them and maybe the others too it is much more than a physical act so much more. Just a look, a twinkel of the eye, and touch can mean as much, It's like when John and Will were talking about who was hotter it was Robbie's grin that took the prize. Of course, here we are thinking about them as if they were real. We can only do that because Mark gives this outstanding job of writing. To us who follow this story they are as real is our next door neighbor and some of our friends.


If we as readers have a vote, keep Nana around I like her a lot.

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When it came to picking out the "physical models" for Matt and Wade...I liked the brute pretty boy jock look of Evan Wadle(who Matt looks like), contrasted with the refined yet stoner good looks of Nico Tortorella (who Wade looks like). The contrast would be pretty hot.


I never get why people are into "clones"- why date someone who looks just like you? That's boring.


I doubt it. With Will's battles with Brad now over with, and Wade's battles with Elizabeth now seemingly all-but over with, I'd have to think this story should be wrapping up pretty soon here. There's still the Jeanine issue to deal with, but I doubt very much that that alone would take this all the way to 100. Something totally new would have to come up...and really, at this point, anything totally new would be better served in the next story.

Well, there's also settling Will down at Menlo, but I can't see that taking up a lot of chapters, either. Will's joining a club but he's not actually playing varsity water polo until his sophomore year, and Menlo is roughly similiar to HW, so I'm not seeing where it'd be this huge adjustment for Will to go there as opposed to where he leaped from Malibu Middle to HW. The only difference would be that he'd now be around 10th through 12th graders, but again- you can't play Will like the naive freshmen in awe and intimated by upperclassmen. The Menlo party pretty much confirmed that.


Mark has pretty much written Will as a chamelon who can be comfortable around any group(when he wants to), so I'm not sure how much drama it'd be to adjust Will to a new school. There would be some, but not enough that I can see it driving anymore than a couple of chapters.

Edited by methodwriter85
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Well, there's also settling Will down at Menlo...


It's not January quite yet. :P The "Menlo party" as you put it was just one thing, there's still a whole month's time for an even bigger trainwreck as far as that's concerned.

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Why is it that Matt gets to have 'action' with everyone else all the time, but any time Wade gets 'action' Matt's supposed to be involved too? The whole concept of them having this open relationship where they both can have sex with others is lopsided in Matt's favor. Irritates the hell out of me.


Well, I don't always think Matt should join Wade when he is with someone else; in some cases I think it would never work like Trevor or like when they got together with Sean it was just boring... Because of the rawness and rage behind the coupling of Wade and Gathan, I though Matt would have been a great addition... Matt can hook up with others without Wade and Wade can do the same, it was just in this instance; I thought adding Matt would have taken it to another level....

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It's not January quite yet. Posted Image The "Menlo party" as you put it was just one thing, there's still a whole month's time for an even bigger trainwreck as far as that's concerned.


I'm not all that worried about length (at least in this context Posted Image ). I'm just going to write the story until I'm done.


Well, I could see quite a bit of stuff left that needs to be dealt with... Yes, you have getting Will settled at Menlo but you also have him needing to resolve his issues with Ella in regards to that as well. Plus, you have him resolving or at least coming to terms with Robbie and to a lesser extent Jeanine, although I could see the Jeanine part being handled in a later story. You also need to have some closure with Darius and Ella, this would help in how Will relates to Ella.


I do agree with Mark that in this instance size probably doesn't matter, never thought those words would come from my mouth... But I do think that MJ85 is right as well, getting Will squared away could take quite a few chapters... Plus, I am not sure that the deal between Wade and Elizabeth is exactly settled...

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Well, I could see quite a bit of stuff left that needs to be dealt with... Yes, you have getting Will settled at Menlo but you also have him needing to resolve his issues with Ella in regards to that as well. Plus, you have him resolving or at least coming to terms with Robbie and to a lesser extent Jeanine, although I could see the Jeanine part being handled in a later story. You also need to have some closure with Darius and Ella, this would help in how Will relates to Ella.


I do agree with Mark that in this instance size probably doesn't matter, never thought those words would come from my mouth... But I do think that MJ85 is right as well, getting Will squared away could take quite a few chapters... Plus, I am not sure that the deal between Wade and Elizabeth is exactly settled...


Sheesh...when you put it that way, you make it seem like this could become a Neverending Story. Sorry Mark, but I for one will start howling in protest if it ever looks like that is going to happen here. :P


At the very least...you started out with a premise that had a fatherly backdrop, and now - now it's just a few small steps away from being little more than the daily (mis?)adventures of the Crampton/Schluter and Danfield clans.


"Like sands through the hourglass...so are the Days of Our Lives..."

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At the very least...you started out with a premise that had a fatherly backdrop, and now - now it's just a few small steps away from being little more than the daily (mis?)adventures of the Crampton/Schluter and Danfield clans.


Well, I think the stuff with Nana fits into Wade's story arc, because Wade's story arc has been coming into his own as a full-fledged man and taking care of people that depend on him.


I do think Will's stuff with his mother fits into the Paternity theme as well, because this story has been about the parental bond, so I think that needs to get addressed. What would feel really extraneous would be if we got this full-on "Drama At Menlo School" storyline, because although Will going off to Menlo is a consequence of his breaking away from his parents, I don't think the school drama in itself fits into the actual theme. We've already had Will adjusting himself to high school, and we've learned that Will is a chamelon who can adjust himself well to his surrounding. Devoting 10 or so chapters to Will and his new Menlo friends wouldn't fit well into the story, and it would feel tacked-on.

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I think this story has a number of "themes" that intersect with the title "paternity"...


- Wade becomes a father

- Wade's blossoming relationship and forgiveness of his own father

- Wade taking a leadership role (traditionally associated with the male) within his family

- Will and his relationship with his father

- Will's assumption of independence, and the loss of Paternal authority

- Will's relationship with Robbie, and how the "multiple dads" dynamic works

- Will taking control of his destiny

- Male disempowerment (and reempowerment) - feelings I'm sure all dads feel....


And this is done while reminding us that life in the wider Crampton/Schluter/Danfield world continues.... I think it's masterfully done....


And that last chapter... I don't think I've ever enjoyed a "Will" chapter so much. Very well done to Mr A.

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Honestly...is there any one school out there that Will will be willing to put up with? :P (Will will be willing...try saying that five times fast! :gikkle:) Between basically wishing he was already out of HW, and the new world of essentially the same sorts of drama waiting for him at Menlo...is the hotbed of "teen drama" that is high school even right for him?

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There are times that I think Brad should have just let Neal have Robbie. This would be one of them.


As for Will and school...I think in real life, he would have been the type of kid that either tested out of high school with his GED, or he would have doubled up on summer school courses so he could have skipped at least a grade or two. I'm not sure if Mark would have Will do that, but I can see that happening. He's over high school drama and he's not even out of his first semester.

Edited by methodwriter85
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One thing continues to amaze me is how Mark can put himself into each character the way he does. He can become a 18th century British Lord or a 14 kid from California. Again he has captured in this chapter his evolving character, growing changing becoming the person he will be. It is interesting to see how Wade's actions reflect on what Will does. It is sad how many of us just wrote Jeanine off. I am one of those, Maybe Will can save her and bring her back, Maybe they can have the relationship they never had. What ever people say of Will, if he knows his is right he doesn't let anything stop him. Yes lots of drama but just like Wade saves Nana. I have a feeling that Will will help to save Jeanine. Who will be the losers? Robbie and JJ?

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As for Will and school...I think in real life, he would have been the type of kid that either tested out of high school with his GED, or he would have doubled up on summer school courses so he could have skipped at least a grade or two. I'm not sure if Mark would have Will do that, but I can see that happening. He's over high school drama and he's not even out of his first semester.


With even the kind of money they have, Will doesn't even need a school setting to get his high school education, to be totally honest. While Brad's MO might have been to be the Social King, Will's MO seems to be all about being completely above the entire social scene. So...why even bother to get anywhere near it? It'd just be one more thing he won't want to deal with.


What probably concerns me most about Robbie's absolute "line in the sand" sort of stance is that he seems completely willing to fight for the position he's taken, even if it costs him everything else, and even if it kills him. Were that to happen, he'd probably take JJ down with him.

Edited by MJ85
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So...why even bother to get anywhere near it? It'd just be one more thing he won't want to deal with.


It kind of feels like the only reason to have Will even going to Menlo is so he can have sex with cute high school water polo players.

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It kind of feels like the only reason to have Will even going to Menlo is so he can have sex with cute high school water polo players.


Who aren't even cute at all if they have attitudes anything like their captain... :P

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While Brad's MO might have been to be the Social King, Will's MO seems to be all about being completely above the entire social scene.


I don't think Will is above the social scene at all. He seemed to enjoy the social interaction on the rafting trip, he is obviously hurting from his lack of interaction with Ryan and he is reaching out to Alistair.


PS I REALLY like the Alistair character. I've always had a bit of weakness for the nerd intellectual. I hope he sticks around in future stories.

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I don't think Will is above the social scene at all. He seemed to enjoy the social interaction on the rafting trip, he is obviously hurting from his lack of interaction with Ryan and he is reaching out to Alistair.


I don't think it's that Will isn't into socializing- he is- he's just not willing to play the social game b.s. that is so prevalent in high school. I thought the Menlo party scene made that abundantly clear. Whereas Brad was all about trying to control everyone at Gunn High, Will's more along the lines of being that guy in high school who was just cool and didn't play games with people. For example, High School Brad would have likely befriended Carter while plotting to destroy him socially, as in "keep your friends close and your enemies closer." Will would never do that.


And I hope Alistair sticks around, too. JJ does still go to HW and Alistair is his friend, so I'm sure he'll stick around.


So when I saw Jeremy Schluter I was like who is that... and then it dawned on me it was JJ.

I'm kind of surprised that JJ hasn't demanded that his family call him Jeremy yet and not the baby nickname. I'm sure that will come up at some point the further along JJ gets into his career, with JJ wanting to be called his actual name because it's more mature and he's trying to hold his own against the twentysomething greats in figure skating.


The one reason I can think of would be that at this point, JJ's in no kind of hurry to grow up yet and so it hasn't occured to him yet that JJ is not actually a grown-up name to get called.

Edited by methodwriter85
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