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The 25 days of holiday songs.

Andrew Q Gordon

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Okay so i'm few days late so I'll post six today to catch up, then one a day until Christmas.


Feel free to add your own, though I do have a list set out for this so there may be some overlap :P






What is stunning to me is this is 30 years old this year - groan, I'm so Damn old. LOL

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As a kid our family always went to my dad's parents for Christmas Eve. His siblings and their kids and us. After dinner, someone would bring out Mitch Miller and my dad who could NOT sing, used to regal us with his off key version of this song.


Must Be Santa


The 'stereo' used to play this is pretty similar to the ancient thing my grandparents had that we used every Christmas. The Album pictured in the video is the one my grandparents had, it came complete with like 10 sets of lyrics so everyone could 'sing along with Mitch.'

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This one was silly, but I remember my mom playing it on the portable record player every Christmas and my sister and I tried to sing along.




I remember I used to ask for 'Clyde the Camel' instead of a reindeer. :P


Never got one, LOL.

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My mom's dad, was a big Bing Crosby fan -- so when this came on I remember watching it with him and trying to explain who David Bowie was. Didn't matter, Pop liked it all the same. I can't hear this and not see Pop sitting in his chair in the living room. As a kid, he and I used to watch Westerns, Perry Mason and anything with Bing Crosby in it.


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Going with the 'Pop' thing, I remember I heard this one only at his house, along with White Christmas and the other songs on the Bing Crosby Christmas Album. I wonder how many others on here have ever heard it before.


Mele Kalikimaka


That's on National Lampoon's Christmas, my kids love it. I also have an ornament I got on my honeymoon from Maui with it on the tree. :D Fun song.




The very first song I remember learning for Christmas, I was 7 and it was for our 2nd grade Christmas program:

. Needless to say I got stage fright and burst into tears and had to be taken off the stage before it started... but I still have it memorized today. Dean Martin's voice just does it better than any other I've heard. Posted Image
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This one is fitting for Day 7 - 'And on the seventh day He rested.' Clearly that only applied to men because every Sunday we'd go to my dad's parent's house for dinner and Grandma would always be working away.


If my mom dad - Pop loved Bing Crosby, my dad's mom - Grandma - loved her all the Italian crooners. Lou Monte being one of them. When I was little, the only time I'd hear this was over at Grandma's when she had on the "Italian Hour' on the rectangular shaped radio in the kitchen. Add in Dominic was my grandfather's name and well, this was a family favorite.


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I was hearing as a kid and we never sang. I remember I wanted to but wasn't allowed because my parents feared they'd lose face. As a young adult, hearing already gone, I had a wonderful friend from Ireland who played Dean Martin records up and down all day one December when we were making cakes. So every time somebody tells me about Dean Martin these days I think of Christmas, no matter the actual season.


Also, this year I have my own Christmas Song, because the Significant Person in my life introduced my to an opera singer (I can feel vibrations and sometimes make out some sort of melody if I "listen" with headphones). So this is what is playing as a Holiday Song at my house this year (careful, it might sound strange...).



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The very first song I remember learning for Christmas, I was 7 and it was for our 2nd grade Christmas program:

. Needless to say I got stage fright and burst into tears and had to be taken off the stage before it started... but I still have it memorized today. Dean Martin's voice just does it better than any other I've heard. Posted Image


Hmm, IDK, Dean? Better than Frank or Bing? An eternal debate I guess. But still good.

I was hearing as a kid and we never sang. I remember I wanted to but wasn't allowed because my parents feared they'd lose face. As a young adult, hearing already gone, I had a wonderful friend from Ireland who played Dean Martin records up and down all day one December when we were making cakes. So every time somebody tells me about Dean Martin these days I think of Christmas, no matter the actual season.


Also, this year I have my own Christmas Song, because the Significant Person in my life introduced my to an opera singer (I can feel vibrations and sometimes make out some sort of melody if I "listen" with headphones). So this is what is playing as a Holiday Song at my house this year (careful, it might sound strange...).





That's kind of amazing and very cool - your story that is - the song was a tad strange as you warned. :P

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Okay Andy, I like this thread. I've got to take a little time to make a list of my family's favorite songs. And yes I know Brenda Lee. I guess I should start with her but I really know how to do this with the titles like everyone else. This is one of my favorites from Brenda Lee for the holidays.



So that is Day 1!

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Day 2 - This song came out when we got our red doberman. Became an instant classic in my house, especially with her running around in the snow with her ears taped up looking like a little deer.


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As a child I only had to hear this song once and I was hooked. Thurl Ravenscroft best known as the original voice of Tony the Tiger sings this in the cartoon. My mother use to sing this whenever it came on.




And there is Day 3.

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My father loves old musicals. One of his favorites was Meet me in St. Louis. Naturally, it is also where one of the best known and loved Christmas songs is from. Besides how wrong can you go with Judy Garland?




So Ms. Garland made 5.

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As a kid I was in love with Karen Carpenter's voice. In fact the first 8 track tape I ever got was of their music.(Andy you aren't the only old one.) The first tape I ever got for Christmas was their Christmas album. There was a woman who could really sing.



And the Carpenters made 6. Wow, getting up there quick.

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