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What about an East Coast Meet Up?


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I'm planning on it being still on, I've requested off the friday and monday around that weekend and it was granted.


I suppose we need to get a first head count so we can start planning things, it is only 2 months away now :)

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I'll see you guys in DC, but I really need to know where and if some one know a good hotel.

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Cassie, W.L et al


The answer really depends on where you want to be. In DC proper? In the burbs, close to metro? In the burbs, but you'll have a car so where ever is cheapest and you'll drive to metro. I can offer suggestions but tell me where you want to stay.


I can say you'll probably get better rates in the suburbs, but don't go too far out or else. That said as an example - the Marriott in Greenbelt, MD was not very expensive when Anyta stayed there last month, so it might still be cheap in June. It is close to metro - not walking close however, but it is also at the end of the Greenline which means you need to factor in Metro costs - not exactly cheap but far cheaper than paying for Parking at a Hotel in DC. All things to consider.


Let me know if anyone needs help. Probably best to email me directly - Belsport09@gmail.com

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I can't drive, so it's urban high rates for me.


Is it still June 22-24th?


Should we plan out an itinerary, book brunch, or register for a demonstration in front of Congress (if we have enough members :P )?

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I want to make sure I know the dates were set sometime earlier. I need 2 months advance warning for a day off.


Plus, if it is 15-17, then I would be much better off. June 24th is my birthday.

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The vote was for the weekend of the 16th and 17th. Don't no one go changing the dates after I got that vote finished. lol. Besides I put in for those dates off.

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Perfect, so I don't have to rush back to Boston for my Birthday :D


Okay 15-17th it is, thanks.


Comicfan, you might want to edit your first post to show the date in the subject heading or in the first post as a bold text.

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Okay these people have confirmed so far:


1) Andy (Quonus)

2) Intune

3) Cassie

4) W_L

5) Prince Duchess

6) Sharon (Sat8997)


Possibles Include

1) Myr

2) Calien

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those dates are available. i could probably go, just depends if i can get the right hotel. i guess you can put me on the possible list.


Show up and bring your sketti :P

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Show up and bring your sketti Posted Image


I might! I'm kind of excited, everything is going to depend on a hotel.


Does anyone know any good hotels in DC? I'd prefer if it was smack in the middle of the city. It'd be easier access for everything.

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Hotels will be the next thing tackled. I am coming in from Long Island so not sure if I am driving or taking the train down from NYC yet.

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Okay so none of the other DC folks are chiming in so I can see this falls to me.


I guess what I need to know is what is more important to folks? Price but a metro ride to get to places or convenience but a bit more money?


I also need to know budgets - how much are we talking? I know what areas to avoid and what areas are okay. I can then look around and give you some options. to be honest I don't exactly book hotels in DC area so I'm not that up on what hotel is nice inside or not. I will not be able to check out the hotels for you, but you can make your choices based on the websites.


So I already know Ryan wants down town or close to down town - I'll look this weekend and get back to you.

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I've booked a room for Saturday to Sunday at the State Plaza, not sure where that is, but it's close to transportation (Yes, I am taking the Amtrak down to DC using the Northeast Regional line, which should be interesting as I have not taken extended train trips in the US).


The combined price was also right under $300, so it seemed good compared to some stuff I found online.


Yes, I'm a tourist :P

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Just looked that up, WL, it's smack dab in the middle of George Washington University. You'll be a few blocks from the Foggy Bottom metro stop, the Kennedy Center, and the National Mall. Excellent location.

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