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2012 Anticipated Games


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Can you tell?


In any case, I think I'll be the second one to christen this forum with a new post. So tell me--what games are you anticipating for 2012?


Mine are:


1) Hitman: Absolution

2) Assassin's Creed 3

3) Resident Evil 6


That's it so far, but I'm waiting for E3 to make up my mind completely. I'm sure they'll have some interesting things to unveil *hereshopingtheytalkaboutfinalfantasyversusxiiibutimnotholdingmybreath*

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Assassin's Creed 3 is the huge one for me now that I've beaten Mass Effect 3.

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So I've stopped keeping track of what comes out when due to a HUGE backlog of games that need to be finished, but:


1. Anything Final Fantasy, although I have no idea if anything is scheduled

2. Tomb Raider (the game doesn't have to be any good, I've been in love with Lara Croft since age 9)

3. The Walking Dead: The Game (haven't watched the show though)

3. Tales of Grace F

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Assassin's Creed 3 is the huge one for me now that I've beaten Mass Effect 3.


This is a huge, huge, huge one for me considering they'll be tying up Desmond's loose ends. It's really funny, though, that people are already speculating where the next one will take place. Milking the cash cow for everything it's worth and then some, much?

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2. Tomb Raider (the game doesn't have to be any good, I've been in love with Lara Croft since age 9)


TOMB RAIDER!!!! Uuuuugh Tomb Raider, I remember being fascinated by Lara's spiky triangular boobs when I was about six. Brilliant. When's the new one coming out though, I heard they're doing a remake this time around... Not sure how I feel about that Posted Image


Best game in the world :D

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I heard they're doing a remake this time around... Not sure how I feel about that Posted Image



It's a remake, a reboot AND a prequel from what I've read. Not sure how that'll work.....


Anyway AC3 is a big one for me. As much as I loved Ezio I'm glad we're finally getting a new guy. Resident Evil 6 of course. My and my boyfriend played through RE5 8 times together so I'm hoping this one gives us at least that much fun. Metal Gear Rising. I'm a HUGE MGS fanboy so I can't wait for this one. Even if it might be just a DMC-like action game. Hopefully the story's good. The Witcher 2. God I've been waiting for that to come out on the 360 for like a year now. Can't wait to finally play it AND get Achievements, lol. Halo 4. Looking forward to a new Master Chief story and seeing how 343 can do with a game that's fully theirs. The HD Halo edition was pretty decent so I'm hopeful. Max Payne 3. God this is like the year for sequels isn't it? And probably so many more that I'm forgetting. Sadly I have to wait till the end of the year for most of them <_<

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Oh yeah! The Witcher 2 and Halo 4. How could I forget those? lol

Lego Batman 2. Posted Image

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Diablo III :P


It's been put off or delayed for so long, I'd been thinking it was never gonna happen, but the latest date is so close!

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ASC3 definitely for me, too. I've been following the series, since the first one on PS3.


The American Revolution would be cool place to have a game, maybe we will learn that the evil Templar knights are actually free masons (not that surprising if you read Dan Brown's new novel :P ). Actually, the free masons seem more like a derivative of the assassins to be honest with their ideology, but who knows what plot points it will be.


I wonder, how the new hidden blade work, or will they also include a hidden lady pistol for silent single shot kills?


Halo 4, hmm, am I up for playing another 36 hours straight to finish the campaign, hell yeah :D


I am hoping they'll come out with a new Uncharted 4, soon. It is one of the few games that the PS3 has that makes it worth the price tag.

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I have hope that Ubisoft will connect Desmond's story to the current location of the majority of the game (America). It makes sense, after all. They would have to eventually come to America since that's where Desmond hails from. I think it goes without saying that his ancestors migrated here and have history here. I believe Connor's dad was English and his mother was Native American, but don't take my word for it. I'm still terribly interested!


As for Uncharted 4? I kind of hope they don't come out with another one. Posted Image As much as I adore and love the shit out of that series (it's one of my absolute favorites), unless they can keep it up to par on the awesomeness that was 2 and 3, I'd rather they just focus on something else like The Last of Us, which I'm excited to play as well. Perhaps it's time they set Uncharted aside--I can't believe I'm saying that(<3Drake)--and move onto bigger, better things. I'dstillbuyUncharted4.:D

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Although not confirmed, but Dragon Age 3 is one that I really want... hopefully it will be a bit of a step-up from DA2 though.

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I have hope that Ubisoft will connect Desmond's story to the current location of the majority of the game (America). It makes sense, after all. They would have to eventually come to America since that's where Desmond hails from. I think it goes without saying that his ancestors migrated here and have history here. I believe Connor's dad was English and his mother was Native American, but don't take my word for it. I'm still terribly interested!


As for Uncharted 4? I kind of hope they don't come out with another one. Posted Image As much as I adore and love the shit out of that series (it's one of my absolute favorites), unless they can keep it up to par on the awesomeness that was 2 and 3, I'd rather they just focus on something else like The Last of Us, which I'm excited to play as well. Perhaps it's time they set Uncharted aside--I can't believe I'm saying that(<3Drake)--and move onto bigger, better things. I'dstillbuyUncharted4.Posted Image


Actually, I wouldn't mind if they do something like Uncharted 4, where Drake finds EL Dorado (the mythic city of gold) or Atlantis (perhaps the most famous place that people have been hunting for over two hundred years). I mean, the guy spends a fortune going around the world and usually ends up with little to show for his troubles other than a gun wound and a kiss from Elena. Posted Image I know Uncharted 3 was awesome (The sinking ship was the best level I have played in a long time, both visually and joy stick happy), but I just don't want it to end.


Still, ASC3 will be epic, hopefully ubisoft can outdo themselves and make a game that will be a strong finisher for the series.

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Finisher? They are sitting on a gold mine. No doubt we'll be playing some sort of Assassin's Creed for years to come. :)

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I thought this was the last one as the end of the world storyline was supposed to end December 21st 2012 (both in game and out :P )


The developers were saying that they wanted the third game to come out before the self mandated end date.

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Of course. But this is a franchise with endless possibilities beyond just Desmond. Old Europe, Feudal Japan, China, Russia, etc.

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  • 4 months later...

Although not confirmed, but Dragon Age 3 is one that I really want... hopefully it will be a bit of a step-up from DA2 though.


I loved the original Dragon Age but to me Dragon age 2 just seemed like Bioware just took a huge Crap on What made the first one good,gave it some fancier combat and called it good.

im hoping that Dragon age 3 cant take the combat from 2 and give us back the open world feel of the first one.


as for games im looking foward to id have to say i agree with everyone and say im looking foward to AC3 i loved

Ezio but by the time i finished Revelations it began to feel like they were just trying to milk his story line a lil bit.

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Does anyone know if there's a new Fable coming out soon?


There's a Kinect rail shooter that had Fable in the title, but it's not a real Fable game so don't get excited <_<


I've gotta add Dishonored to my list. That game looks awesome.

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Boo.. Sym, I like the Elf mage.. she was hilarious in DA:2. I want to see what that Dragon Witch has planned as well.. she seems to know what's going on all the time.. Flemeth. Plemeth? which ever. :P

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