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I enjoyed this chapter, even if it was away from Granger...


Damn bad luck for Humphreys;  I am not sure than he will ever be given another command even with Granger trying to help him.  Losing two ships, even if neither time was your fault is more than just bad luck.  I hope we get to see more of him but even if he isn't given a ship, the prize money on Santa Clarita; plus what is going to be rescued from Bacchante will make him a very rich man. 



Bad luck for Eastwyk, Kingsdale, and Andrews at finding a French corvette in port; but maybe it only has a small crew on board and they can take it and be gone before anyone realizes what is happening...  At least they stayed far enough out to sea not to suffer the fate of the mean that headed south...  Those poor souls truly suffered; although I was hoping that Maidstone might be unmasked and brought to public riducule in London...  Glad to see that Humphreys realized there was something about the chest and opened it and then sank it and it's contents... 



As much as it would distress me, I hope that Calvert is close and can rescue Humphrey, the others, and the silver before the ship breaks apart completely.  Even if Eastwyk and his crew can't take the French corvette, Santa Clarita should make short work of it...



To say that I have enjoyed this voyage of delight and discovery with you, Mark, is a true understatement.  You have given me and countless others hours of real joy and happiness with all of your writings; but for me especially the Bridgemont series....

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First of all Congo-rats on .your milestone.  You and your stories has given so many such pleasure, that it seems it should be longer.  I loved this chapter.  I was glad to hear about the Maidstone branch of the story.  It is hard to hear about the brutal deaths even though I think I would have enjoyed Maidstone's death could have been even more brutal.


I hope our acting captain doesn't suffer too badly for having lost another ship.  


You managed to leave us with a cliffhanger, and I think most of us are hoping that Calvert can pull Humphries ass out of the fire, but they seem to be so out of position that it would be hard for Calvert happen upon them.  It would be great if the group that went looking for help managed to find that help and could steal the corvette and come to the rescue.


Again thanks for this fine tale congrats on your fifth year and I look forward to many more.

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Thank you, Centex, for reminding me about Calvert.  I had completely forgotten that he was out there because I was so focused on the drama.  Thinking there might be a way out for Humphries has improved my day!


Two other comments for Mark:

1. I love how you open the chapter with some internal musings from Humphries that lull us into a false sense of calmness.  The action that follows is that much more gripping because of those opening paragraphs.  Despite what may have seemed like griping in my review, I love both this chapter and the story overall!

2. Upon edit, I see that you already addressed the Humphries punishments that several other people have mentioned.  I agree with you that it's unlikely Humphries would be punished for losing teh ship.  After all, Granger was in a similar spot when dawn broke within range of the shore batteries back before he got the Bacchante.  Since you're the author, I feel good about agreeing with your conclusions!  :-D


Also, please note the new signature...your reply to my review made my day even more than figuring out Calvert my come to the rescue!

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Calvert coming to the rescue and salvaging the silver and remaining crew on Bacchante would be convenient, but how many will survive if or until that happens?  Another thing on which to speculate.  


Loved the chapter and Maidstone's demise.  

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If Calvert gets to do more than one more heroic thing, I think I will vomit....


Low is the day when we agree on something. BUT our mutual feeling for or about Calvert are and shall remain a mainstay of basic logic.




Who will save the crew? If not Calvert who? I wonder about the ship in the harbor at Gordee. Same way some how these good brave crew have got to make it home. Another British ship in the area? How far are we from the Mediterranan Fleet? I can hardly wait for the next chapter. I have a feeling however that another twist is in the wind. Someone we have not thought of.

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 I can hardly wait for the next chapter. I have a feeling however that another twist is in the wind. Someone we have not thought of.


A story or chapter by Mark Arbour with a twist???  What are you thinking!?

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I'm still voting for the missing frigates from the Mediterranean fleet. Remember that three of them went missing before they entered the Med Sea. I suspect they were blown south and that would put them right where they needed to be. But what I'd REALLY like to see is them steal that little corvet in the French Port. Taking it from an anchor watch would not be tough stuff at all. Especially if they blew in under favorable winds in the night. That could save Humphries as well. He was in command and he sent them on the mission. I can't see Granger losing it's cargo of 500,000 Reals so they must be rescued.


A note to Mark: Circling sharks? REALLY? Starting to sound like a 2 part lost in space cliff Hanger. I would have stopped at the cannibals.




A note to Mark: Circling sharks? REALLY? Starting to sound like a 2 part lost in space cliff Hanger. I would have stopped at the cannibals.



I disagree, the thought of Maidstone being eaten by a fellow professional (i.e. a shark) was poetic justice!

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I disagree, the thought of Maidstone being eaten by a fellow professional (i.e. a shark) was poetic justice!

Good point. Unfortunately they lacked video technology back then. And I think I would have preferred a pack of baby sharks so he wouldn't have been eaten too quickly. You know that old saying, anything over a mouthful is just wasted. Or was that waisted?


Mark, I stand corrected.


This has turned into a dead zone again. It was on this day (17 July) that the Czar of All the Russias and his family met their end. The following are other items of interest (to some) with regards to today ( I am not a song and dance sort of guy, so this will have to do).




Okay, the suspense is killing me, I need at least a hint on if Granger got on the Leander or not.... 



Bad Mark, Bad Mark....


Okay, the suspense is killing me, I need at least a hint on if Granger got on the Leander or not.... 



Bad Mark, Bad Mark....


You have a bit of a wait ahead.  I'll try to post the next chapter of Odyssey tomorrow, but the question on your mind won't be answered until Chapter 61. 


A post would not be amiss. Even with out THAT answer till Chapter 61. We'll just have to keep some nitro and paddles handy for our faint hearted friend.

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You have a bit of a wait ahead.  I'll try to post the next chapter of Odyssey tomorrow, but the question on your mind won't be answered until Chapter 61. 


Damn, sometimes I feel like I am in an s/m relationship with Mark and these stories; hmmm... I wonder if that is why I am so addicted to them??? :worship:  :worship:  :worship:

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A tearful chapter. Perhaps it was humane that Humphries died there. He would not have survived a double court marshal. He had lost two ships. Sadly he will probably reap the blame when neither was within his control.


And what of the men on the boat that went north? Did they manage to steal the corvet? How exciting would that be? And perhaps a good mark for our young Irish peer? After this his estate should recover. And maybe they salvaged his pipes?


Its possible that they will meet the fleet returning home. Granger will be without a command once again. Will he assume command of Santa Clarita? And what about Calvert and Gatling? Gatling was a boy from his Brentwood estate. Granger lost his ship AND his lover. Granger has lost nearly everything he loves. Perhaps Freddie Cavendish will be his salvation.


And what was the grand homecoming he was told about? Not a lot that they can do to elevate his status without first elevating his father. They can't promote him unless they invent the yellow highlighter nearly a century early. He's already fabulously wealthy. And a ship of the line is too docile, hell there's nobody left to fight. A first rate? Too much like a ship of the line. Not fast enough, sleek enough, daring enough. Baccanti was just right, fast, deadly with a butt load of firepower. And now its gone. And Winkler, what's to be his fate? Maidstone is out of the picture. His trip without Granger was for naught.


I figure Granger will be on the lavander until it meets up with Santa Clarita. Then he will transfer ships and Lavander will suffer hisyory. Just like Mark to make Granger touch each part of history that he can. Sorta makes Granger the glue that holds the history together.


Now lets go get our shipwrecked boys back or meet them on their stolen corvet. Perhaps Granger could resign his commission and become a privateer in his new corvet?

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This was a really sad chapter for me to read.  Granger is the type of man that truly cares for those that he commands and that serve him; this means he will hate losing the ship but he will be horrified at how the men were lost.  Humphreys died a hero instead of the man that lost his second ship.  His death will give him a cover that life could not have; although the fleet lost a truly good captain.  Fitzwilliams lost his true first love, but much like Granger when Travers died he will have to move on with his life and career.



Santa Clarita arrived just in time and was able to save the silver, Weston, and the rest of the men...  They got the stores and water needed to reach at least an area of safety.  I hope they are able to retrieve Eastwyck, Kingsdale, Andrews, and those men from Goree.  Not sure how much of a battery would be there, but the corvette would pose no problem.  Even if they have to part with a little silver, Granger will expect them to get the men back.



I really felt the writing was just first rate in this chapter.  I felt the men fall, especially Humphreys death, and the loss of the ship.  Outstanding work on this one, Mark...  Keep them coming...

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Posted (edited)

" And maybe they salvaged his pipes? "


Bless you for your kind thought.



That was truly beautiful, thanks for that. And as much as I hate the sound of pipes, I know they are, unlike any other instrument, a tangible part of the owners heritage and emotions. They would matter greatly to Kingsdale, especially since Granger gave them to him.

Edited by ricky
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I'll just say "wow!"  That was a heartbreaking chapter to say the least.  Exciting, but heartbreaking.  Thank you again, Mark for your great writing skills.

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The native attack on the doomed Bacchante was truly a gruesome story and again reminds us of how cruel that time was.   The late arrival of the Santa Clarita when it was all but lost provided some measure of re-balancing the ill-fated ship and the recovery of its cargo.  The loss of so many of the crew was a tough loss and will be for Granger as well.   After all her heroics under Granger's command, her loss in a hurricane on the rocks while he was not aboard seems especially poignant.   Mark has once again demonstrated his formidable skill in painting the scene.   


Now we can speculate if the Santa Clarita goes and rescues those that headed north.

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Posted (edited)

Calvert must recover the remaining crew! It would be uncivilized not too. I also have a feeling that Lord Granger will be reunited with his remaining crew soon. I am sorry, but the sadness of losing Humphreys and that beautiful ship seems almost overwhelming. It only reflects the power and skill of Mark's writing. Again it is as we were there, on the deck, in the middle of the battle, seeing the wounded and the dead, and finally the burning ship. The last time I felt so strongly was the death of Travis. Thanks again Mark! So very few writers have that ability to inspire their readers. Mark and his team have it and I for one am glad I found him here  those years ago. Thank you again Mark!

Edited by rjo
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