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Google: "Legalize love" campaign !


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Just an FYI, in case no one knew this was going on:




Basically what they are going for is:


"'Legalize Love' is a campaign to promote safer conditions for gay and lesbian people inside and outside the office in countries with anti-gay laws on the books,"


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Thankful for this. EVen tho, I am married, if my co-worker that shares an office with me found out I was bi,, It would be like an atomic bomb going off. He disowned his own brother, and when his brother died of AIDS, he still denied his sexual orientation, and did not even want to fly up north and claim his own brother's body, so I am closed mouthed about me, but I do not let him talk about others, just doing it in a general way. But my husband knows, works in the same place, so I have support with me. Not all do

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I am just so thankful for where I work. I am open about me and my BF, and another colleague of mine always brings her GF to office functions; hell one of our consultants always talks openly about what her and her GF have been up to, and regularly moans about the fact it is her GF who constantly makes their daughter late for nursery.


We recently had a family member kick off about a gay male nurse who was taking care of his nephew - purely because the male nurse was gay. The family were told in told in no uncertain terms to either accept it or find a new hospital to have the child treated in.


It's so sad there are still people who feel they have to remain closeted just to be able to lead a normal life. Big :hug: :hug: s from me to all of you.

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You have to give Google credit that they are putting themselves outthere as a target for all the bigots, worldwide. Let's hope their effort is worth it and something good comes drom this.

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