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This is not about climate change, so much as this years weather...


I just heard that that Mississippi is drying up, down from 5 miles to half a mile :o


I was just wondering what weather is like wherever everyone is


Montana, USA: Hot, Dry with thunder and showers every so often. Mostly just hot, at least for us, which is to say constantly in the upper 80's and 90's and probably 100s a few times...

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Here in GA, we were hotter in June and early July. Lately, we've only been in the upper 80s, so it's not bad for August. However, I know a lot of other parts of the country aren't faring as well.

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Celethial, and WL, I am in Mississippi, had rain today, relief from the heat, but expect more heat the weekend. Wierd. We went from three digits to eighty degrees. I saw where louis had snow. go figure

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Recently here in N. California is getting warmer. When you guys were reporting record high, it's colder than usual Summer here..., and now it's warmer (though I still haven't installed a fan in my room yet). The weather is weird. But our colder temperature is needed (we have plenty of cloud shades this Summer, unusual for California). Earlier this year, we didn't have any snow (warmer than usual Winter), so had we been hitting record highs like you guys do, we'd be in serious trouble (California relies big on melt snow for water source).

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Central Illinois is a scorch fest, although today was very nice temp wise - mid/high 70's. But we have been usually in the upper 90's or tripple digits. Very little rain too - which is just killing all the crops. But mother nature has decided to let us keep our humidity - go figure! Most of the various municipalities in our area have imposed pretty severe water restrictions to the point of you can get a triple digit fine just for watering your garden on the wrong day or at the wrong hour. And don't even think about watering your lawn or washing your car - I think they might impose death penalties for that!
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Melbourne is wet :) I'm not complaining too loudly, though, because that's better than the 13 year drought we had before it. :D

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London is doing its usual. Uncomfortable, sticky, humid days in the 80s and 90s with he odd bit of rain thrown in. But give it another week and we'll be back to temps in the low 70s with lots of rain :lol:

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It is normal here in the Denver Metro area of Colorado. 89°F today, partly cloudy. Occasional rain storms in the middle of the day.


Speaking of rain, received a bunch today.


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Philly has been warmer than most people would appreciate (I love it). Many 90+ days. The weekend of Chrysler Nationals in Carlisle was up to 110 each day. I didn't mind so much. I had my car cleaned and set up before the fireball got too high up.


This week has been typically upper 80s with rain and flood alerts the past few days.

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Pacific Northwest. We've had a cool year again, getting all the way to August before we hit 90 degrees. Of course the day we finally broke that barrier it went all the way to 103, but hey, that's what we do here. Bounce all over the place with weather that the only real predictable thing about it is that it will rain 9 months of the year.

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Here is western portion of Maryland it has been a roller coaster summer: hot, humid, cool, rainy, overcast. We had some real hot days in June and July but it has kind of simmered down. August is normally a heat and humidity month but its been nice. Have had quite a bit of rain here, but not all of Maryland. A friend who lives in southern Maryland grass died, mine is green and being cut every so often.

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very cool and pretty picture andreanugget


Thanks :)


Yeah nice looking. It looks like pink funnel cake in the sky! Andrea. Posted Image


Thanks. It does look like a pink funnel cake!

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Lower Michigan has cooled down significantly, but about a week ago, it was totally scorching. I live in the dorms (no A/C) and had to take multiple showers a day to regulate my body temperature!

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Here in southeast PA last week was cooler with temps in the upper 80's with some days with high humidity. The past weekend was beautiful. I took advantage of Sundays weather to wash and wax the car early, then spent some time outside on the porch beta reading for one of my authors. This weeks forecast so far calls for temps in the 80's.

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Finally here near St. Louis, Mo is beginning to cool off. We're in the 70's now after a July that dropped below 102 only 9 times. Saturday after I played a gig, I went out and got to light off all the fireworks that I couldn't do on the fourth. Apparently the neighbors noticed and lit theirs off too. Been like that ever since, I think I created a monster, lol.

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