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The Unexplained


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When I was in my early 20s I commuted to work by car using various routes. One of these included a section through rural countryside and past an old tumbledown house. It always caught my eye. The house was very old, isolated in a rural setting, in a bad state of disrepair and the gardens very overgrown. I used to fantasize about buying it one day, doing it up, and what it would be like to live there. I had never seen anyone around and it looked like no-one had lived in the house for a long time. One day I needed to stop [i can't remember why] and where I pulled over was just past the old house. I had got out of the car and was looking back when I saw, in what must once have been a lovely garden, an old woman. She was just standing there and as I looked at her she stared back at me. It was probably no more than several seconds, although it seemed much longer. Even so, several seconds is quite a long time to stare at someone when they are looking directly at you. So, I had a good look at her and it unnerved me. Then I got back in the car and drove away.


Nothing unusual so far. It was only later when I "played back" in my mind what had happened that I realized there was something not quite right. Normally I would give a friendly greeting, but I'd said nothing. Then I thought back to her appearance. She looked so old, but it was the way she looked old. Her face looked worn and weathered. No evidence that any cosmetics had ever been used. Her hair was unkempt, grey and hanging untidily - no evidence of a hair brush ever being used either. Most striking, though, were her "clothes". They were nothing like clothes I had ever seen worn. There was no "cut", it was just one long garment roughly made from what seemed to be a coarse sacking material. The colour was dull brown. It must have been very harsh on the skin.


I've often thought about her, and wondered did I dream it? Was she real? I know I didn't dream it - I still have her image in my mind. But was she real? Funny thing is that was the last time I drove that route for many years because soon after I changed work location. Strange how you can travel the same route for years and one day will be the last time but you don't realize it. And when I did drive that route again many years later the house was unrecognizable - it had obviously been bought and renovated by new owners.


Sooo, what strange experiences have you had?

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This didn't happen to me, but to my mum and nan.


When my great grandfather died (we called him Bluey because of his red hair, as you do) my Mum was in the bathroom getting ready for work. She said that she felt someone touch her arm and then whisper "take care of your Mum for me" just before the phone rang telling her that he passed away in his sleep.


Fifteen years later my Nan had a similar experience when my great grandmother died. She was also in the bathroom and she looked into the mirror and saw her mother standing behind her. She told her to "Look after those girls" referring to my mum and Aunt.


Probably sounds silly but it is nice to think that they are still watching over us :)

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When I was in my early teens, one of my best friends ran away. We lived in a very small town, so by midnight that night, everyone was in a panic.


My grandfather worked from eleven at night until noon. He got up around one in the morning to find all of us awake, and asked why we were all up at such an early hour. My dad explained that my friend had been missing all day, and that she still had not been found. He relplied," Oh, that must be who was in the dream that kept repeating itself in my sleep tonight. She is in the big culvert that runs along the parking lot at the Union Church."


Dad immediately grabbed his coat, ran out the door, and drove to the location, to find her in the culvert, sound asleep, shivering from the cold. I now do not dismiss abnormal happenings that people tell me. I have had quite a few happen to me since then.

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I'm not sensitive to all this stuff, but my family is. My mother dreamt of her brother being attacked when it was happenng. She also got a visit from my dad one night when he was far away. My father has been contacted and touched by several things. My sister has seen a little girl's feet on the landing, and a dead WW1 soldier with only half his face. We had the house blessed twice when I was a kid. My father recently revealed a new one, where he had been walking home (countryside) one night and saw blue hazes all over the place. It has come to pass that where many of these hazes were, there are now houses. He's also seen funeral processions a week or so before they happened, and he's seen the grey dog of meoble twice before the requisite deaths (that one's also been seen in Canada). Thank goodness I'm only attached to the here and now. I'd be seriously disturbed by that if I knew it was happening (although everybody says that, but are able to cope fine when it does happen, apparently).

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I've had weird dreams for years, like I was walking in another body or something. In one of them, i dreamed i was in the hospital as an old man dying in my bed, but i knew it was not my body.


When i went to my hospital for eye surgery, I saw the old man from my dreams and a shudder drew up my spine. He did die during my stay. I don't know how i knew months in advance.


It's not like seeing ghosts, but it is still creepy.


I went to a psychic once, just for fun and he said i had a strange energy about me, not evil just not natural.

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Not supernatural, but weird dream anyways. When I woke up this morning it was because of this dream I had. In that dream I was sleeping in my bed (nested dream?), but was constantly bothered by the sound of high wind by the window so I couldn't sleep, but I was too tired, so I didn't get out of bed and kept my eyes shut. Then I heard cats (two separate neighbors', though they permanently live in our yard) began to bang our backyard door with their claws (it's not exactly knocking, but like making noises with their claws with the glass window). Initially it was just irritating, as they often do that when they want foods (cats wake up rather early in the morning. My late cat did the same, and I had to let him out like 6:00 in the morning or he wouldn't stop meowing. I spoiled him too much). But as the storm began to intensify, the clawing on the window of the door was getting restless. It's almost like saying, "please let us in, or we'll die." (they really don't speak much, very different from my old cat, so they do it with actions) It had that mood of a psychological horror film feel to it. I was so tired, but I thought I MUST let them in, so I tried very hard to get myself out of the bed to open the door. When I woke up, I was out of my bed..., and there was no cat pleading for help or storm outside, because I was waking up for real.... It felt so weird. I was so exhausted, just like how I had felt in my dream. Everything felt real and flowed so smoothly, like there was not a cut off line between the dream and reality.

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I took part in a ghost hunt at my school, once during Halloween and the second time around April. Nothing happened around Halloween, but the second experience was pretty crazy. We used flashlights to try and communicate. In one of the rooms, the flashlights kept coming off and on, and we had sustained conversations with several of the spirits. During one of the communications, I had chills going up and down my spine, and later on the leader told me that I had the ghost standing right behind me the whole time.

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I remember this one distinctly, this creeped me and my roommates out.


My last year in school I lived with 2 other guys in an apartment, they shared a bedroom and I had my own. It was during the week, school night, normal, chill, nothing out of the ordinary, I went to bed, blah blah but at 3 or 4 in the morning, I distinctly got woken up by the sound of their doors opening, closing, footsteps in the hall and then the front door open and close...i was like...wheeere the fck is this guy going at 4 in the morning? and it was unmistakable what I heard cuz I've heard the same doors being opened and closed hundreds of times. Sooo the next day, I casually brought it up, it wasn't a big deal, i was just like "did one of you leave last night? where were you going at 4 in the morning?" They just looked at me with blank faces and was like "wtf are you talking about...we didn't go anywhere"....so I was just like huh guess I must have dreamt it and told them I thought I woke up to the sound of them leaving...they just looked at me with a weird face and was like "that wasn't you?... cuz we thought you left cuz we heard you walk out..." and they weren't messing with me.


We lived on the 5th floor so the only way into our apartment was thru the front door with a card key that only the 3 of us had. And we would have heard someone come in, but all we heard was someone leaving and it wasn't even rushed, it was non-chalant and casual walk-out speed...so i doubt someone was actually in our apartment without us knowing. The other strange part was that I clearly heard their bedroom door open when they claim to clearly have heard mine, and there wasn't another door in our apartment except for ones in the kitchen, but that's in a totally different direction. It was just a total mindfuck and we couldn't figure it out.

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When we went to visit my mother-in-law in the hospital, she was talking to someone when we entered the room, but no one was there. When we asked her what was up, she said this man kept coming to visit her, and it was her son or me, and he was telling her that she had to come with him. When she refused, she said he told her it was nice there and she'd like it, but she still wouldn't come in. While we were talking to her, she would say things like 'shut up' or 'leave me alone,' but she wasn't speaking to any of us. This told us that she thought the person was still in the room with us. It was less than an hour later when she died. I'm not sure if she had been hallucinating or what, because she seemed perfectly lucid when she was talking with us, but it sure was creepy.

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Guys, just been catching up with the thread. Big mistake. It's 1.10 am here ... and I'm now supposed to turn out the lights and go to sleep??? :o

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About a year ago, I was driving home. I live in a very historic area that saw many bloody battles during the Civil War. Passing through the forest near my home, I saw a soldier standing among the trees. I could make out every detail of him, the buttons on his jacket, his sleeping blanket rolled on his back, several days beard growth, even the leather band on his short brimmed hat…I also could see the background through his body. I could see right through him!!!


I noticed that he was watching me as I was watching him. He looked just as astonished to see me, in my truck that must have been bizarre to him. He could see me too! It was the most unexplainable thing I’ve ever seen.

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So, how do you explain the unexplained?


Is there life after death?

Is there such a thing as extra-sensory perception?


Or, can everything be explained by science and observation, i.e. we see ghosts, because we think they are ghosts rather than people. My example may not even be a premonition, but just my mind anticipating outcomes, perhaps I saw the old man before and noticed something about him in my subconscious that he did not know about his health. Maybe, the civil war spirit was simply a re-enactment actor, who was disoriented and drunk after a show, then the humidity and bog in your area generated a mist that made him appear translucent.


The paranormal and supernatural are great topics of discussion, for skeptics and believers.

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Sensitivity to paranormal happenings runs in my family, as it seems to do for a lot of others. I'd be here all night if I were to recount the numerous stories that I was raised on from my families experience so I'll just relate a few of mine.


When i was younger I did a paper route with my cousin, she would drive and I would be int he back seat rolling the papers up to be put in the box. One night her sister in law came with us and while we were sitting in the driveway of this house (I should mention that our paper route was out in the middle of no where that this drive way was about a mile long with a field on one side and woods on the other and the mail box was half down the drive way on the woods side).


Anyway we had just put the paper into the box when both me and her sister in law heard, very clearly, a little girls voice say hello. My cousin claims not have heard it but I remember her being very pale and driving a little faster than she really should have down those country roads after that.




Another one happened to me more recently. I was at work ( I work in a group home) and I was killing time on my kindle fire while I waited for my relief to come in. I was watching netflix when very clearly I heard a raspy voice, like some whispering, the word HEY into my ear. One of my co-workers was standing near by so I looked to her and asked if she had said anything but she was just going to ask me the same thing. She heard the sound but not the word.



I've had several other odd experiences over the years but nothing that I'll mess with chronicling.


best yall,


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OoooOOOOOOooooOOh cool stories! I have one myself.


When I was 12 or so, my family and I always visited this farm because we were friends of the family. This day we stayed late because other folks had came and visited so it was like one mass gathering. It was in California and in the summer so the night was really warm and it was around 9pm or so and us tween/teens decided to play hide and seek in the dark while everyone else was inside the house. There were about 13 to 15 of us. We laid down parameters of the barn and the lot the house was on was where we could hide, no pastures or anything. Anyway, in the first instance/search I got to hide. I decided to hide in a small probably large bedroom room size field of tall dried grass that was angled from the house. My brother came with me and we laid on the ground and waited. While we waited we heard footsteps crunch through the grass. And we waited thinking we were so busted and found. But the footsteps came so damn close and neither my brother or I saw anyone, even when I swore I heard the foot steps a few feet away from me, which would have been close enough to spot me in the grass. Sometime listening to the grass, my brother's senses must have been better than mine because he got scared. He kept claiming that it was cold. I was like he's out of his mind cause it was hot as hell. Anyway we decided to leave because my brother got too freaked out and got caught right when we emerged from the grass.


Thus we became the two who had to search for the second round first. When we found people, my brother quit because he kept saying something felt off to him and he went inside the house. Near the end when myself and the people I found were looking for the final few people, we came back to the grass patch, and this time instead of going directly into the patch we searched the bushes right next to the house. Beside the house, there was also this tree that grew over the house and had branches low enough for someone to climb it. I swore I saw someone's feet swinging from a branch. The folks with me and myself inspected the tree and one fo the girls with me claimed to have saw someone up there too. So we shouted for the person to come down, no response and someone ran to get a flashlight so the person couldn't cheat his way out if he decided to make a break for it. Only when the person left, the girl with me claimed that the air was kinda of cold as she was nearest the tree. As soon as she said that, it kinda freaked me out as my brother had said the same thing. Guy comes back with flash light as we shone it up into the tree, a dog that the other group had was barking like crazy right at this point. When we met up with them, they said the dog was jumping and barking directing his barks uptop the roof.


We found the last of the folks in the barn. When we were about to start round three. The lady who owned the house comes out yelling at us to get off the damn roof cause she didn't want no one getting hurt. We all looked at each other and everyone did a mental count and we were all present except for my brother who was already inside the house. That did it for us, and we all ran inside the house and decided to play board games instead of hide and seek in the dark. Creepiest night I have ever had.

Edited by John Doe
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