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scared help me


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ok so my head has been hurting me scene last sunday on the back of my head on the right side i believe its a pinched nerve because my neck is really stiff when i tilt my head to the right i may have gotten this pain by sleeping on a crappy couch last week. when i wake up in the morning its gone but it comes back within 25 minutes of being up. I bought migraine Advil it works alittle but i can still feel it. Its not a throbbing headache but just very annoying and also i quit smoking cigarettes like cold turkey so that might be doing it to idk. i can't go to the doctor either i don't have heath insurance. please someone with knowledge with this help me im getting scared and if this does not go away i just might have to go to the ER

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Nicotine withdrawal plus lack of sleep. Wait 1 day, then if it doesn't stop, go to the ER. They will work with you if you don't have health insurance, but the most important thing is this: if you are the least bit worried that this wont fade or gets worse, get to an urgent care or ER facility IMMEDIATELY. Brain stuff is not something you want to wait on to see if it gets better on its own. Money is no reason to wait.


I quit smoking, so I know that it can be really hard, and part of that is the physical withdrawal stuff. Headaches are common when you quit smoking. But that is irrelevant if it gets bad, get to a doctor.

Edited by Gene Splicer PHD
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Okay, first off, congratulations on going cold turkey with the cigarettes - did it myself, same way, ten years ago, it's not easy, so hang in there. This is not a symptom of nicotine starvation which I experienced, *however*, everyone reacts differently. If you have such a thing over there (I'm in the UK) then try and find something like Syndol - a migraine tablet which had an anti-histamine and caffeine, which worked as a muscle relaxant.


Next, check for Repetitive Strain - ie, are you sitting in an awkward position, have you been too long at the computer keyboard/Xbox/PS2/whatever? From what you say, it could be something like that - ie, muscular - similar to a frozen shoulder in some respects.


How long ago did you stop sleeping on the crappy couch - and are you now sleeping on something more comfortable? Bad neck support can give you similar problems to RSI above, so anything you can do to improve your sleeping posture & conditions may well help.


This is going to sound stupid, but also try and de-stress as much as you can - stress - tension - pain. It's a nasty little circle.


And lastly - as Gene Splicer says - if this has been happening for more than a couple of days, then get down to a walk-in, or ER (or whatever is available where you are) and talk to them. They might be busy, so wait - and again, try and de-stress, even though this is an obviously stressful time for you. Ultimately they are there to help you, and you have a right to use them.

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Nothing to add. Just apply local wet heat- hot water bags. Don't chug on pain killers. And get a better sleeping surface. Correct your sleeping posture. Nicotine withdrawl is making it worse. But, don't loose hope and don't start smoking again. It will pass soon if havn't already. If the pain increases or any of the neck movement becomes restricted or if the condition worsens in anyway, go to ER immidiately. And another thing is that, this is not likely to be migraine so don't start on those meds. Hugs.

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ok so i woke up today and it feels much better then before, it feels like i have ro crack my neck on the right side really bad. Ive been doing exercises on my neck and shoulders. Aslo ive been putting this heating pad on my neck and seems to do the trick but if it doesn't heal soon I'll be going to the er

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I don't know if my advice is going to be correct or not, but Gene Splicer and Asam can correct me. Do you guys think more intake of calcium might help?

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Still if you can get a check up with your primary care, id suggest it. Sounds psychosomatic, but take care.


Also, other than the milk have you eaten or drank anything else?

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Calcium per say is always good. So drink milk and eat plenty of green leafy vegs and take sun bath in the early morning. But, I think it is highly unlikely to be the cause in this case. For your age if absorption of Calcium and endocrine functions are normal, there is no reason to be calcium deficient. Anyways getting some extra calcium never hurts. But, you should try to get wholesome balanced meals. And exercising is good. But, over-exercising not so much. Check up with your trainer if you are doing it right and with proper rest interposed. It would be better if you don't exercise your neck at the moment. Tell your trainer about this pain. May be the exercise is unsuitable for you. He will change it to a more suitable one. Previous advices still apply.

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If you are in the US, you are out of luck on the Syndol. I don't think anything with codeine in it is available here without a prescription. The UK seems to be more liberal in over-the-counter drug regulations. A lot of prescription drugs do contain codeine.



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Congratulations on giving up cigarettes. Stick with it; you won't regret it. It's worth the temporary headaches.

Edited by MikeL
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Syndol was available here in the UK until last February when, for some reason, it was withdrawn without explanation. A lot of people used it properly, for rare use, and had no problems with it. Was sold in chemist shops over the counter, though with some verbal checks in regard to intended use. One of the few things which stopped a lot of my migraines dead with only one tablet, rather than the box I get from my GP.

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well I went to the walkin turns out im okay it was a pinched nerve behind my bax of my neck he told me to use an ice pack and get Alive to treat it and not to do any stretches with my neck. I thank all of you who help me love you guys :-)

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I went through the same thing last year. I had a stiff neck and annoying headaches for months, and like you I was beginning to get scared. Although I really didn't want to spend the money, I got desperate enough to splurge on an expensive memory foam pillow. It turned out to be the best hundred bucks I ever spent! The stiff neck and headaches were gone the next day.


I hope this helps!

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