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The Rules of Masculinity


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As my sister said, THIS is why navigation systems were invented and are now installed in every car and on every mobile phone. Because we don't ask for directions and we generally can't concentrate enough to read a map. I've tried explaining that this is insurmountable instinct. After all, back when we were hunters we needed to keep on scanning the horizon for mammoths to feed the women and children (it's also why we can't ever find anything in the refrigerator, btw: too small), and you couldn't ask for directions because the other hunters would sooner kill you than let you know where the choice herds roamed, but she only scoffs. :P

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LOL it isn't only maps and refrigerators you guys have issues with. I can tell my hubby exactly where something is and he still will not be able to find it. Then he gets weird when I walk over and pick it up.  His cousin swears the uterus is not only for bearing children it is also a tracking device.

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A man should also never ask where something is in a store, he'd walk around for 25 minutes looking for it and leave if he can't find it, even if the store does carry the product.

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I also read somewhere that there was a study that showed males are less likely to get lost than females....

so it's not just stubornness it's "how the hell did i get lost... it's not possible!! I ain't asking directions cuz there is no way i got lost.... is there... " :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just checked to make sure I had man-parts. Yep, but I WILL ask for directions. Sometimes. If I'm alone. But I do it in a manly voice.

No need to post any more replies, we have a winner.  I laughed so hard I cried! But in a manly way ;-)

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