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RPG Setting  

20 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of these would you like to play in?

    • Medieval Fantasy
    • Urban Fantasy
    • Future Fantasy
    • Sci-Fi
    • Dystopia
    • Pirates
    • Prohibition-Era
    • Contemporary
    • Crime
    • Historical
    • Cyberpunk
    • Steampunk
    • Horror
    • Other - Please Comment!

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Since it doesn't seem like there will be genera will end up with 50% of the vote, wouldn't it be a good idea for there to be a run-off of the top 2-3.  The way it is now you could end up with one that less than 20% support.


I second this idea.

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Why is there a more votes for dystopia,the game need some nice point it can be degrading and unpleasant all the way through. I certainly wont enjoy it a game can only run smoothly if there is an equal amount of pleasant and unpleasant events and places.

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After discussing it, Myiege and I decided that the best solution is pick the top options and mix them together into something we think is interesting. So if, say, Steampunk and Horror were ruling the roost, the outcome might be murderous automatons. Or whatever more interesting thing we came up with. :P


So yeah. We'll see how things are at closing time.

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Uh, what IS a Dystopia anyway?



No, seriously, what is that genre refers to? Yes, I know I can simply google it but I'd like to hear the answers from the one who votes.

Why did you choose that particular genre?


I don't have the slightest idea why anyone doesn't want a medieval fantasy like I do. Dragons anyone? Not your cup of tea? Oh well, to each their own I suppose...

-pouting- :P

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I personally think it would be awesome to have dragons in a non-medieval setting. :P


Dystopia is the kind of science fiction that portrays a world in which everything is kind of broken, usually wrapped up in the idea of the perfect society. Corruption, authoritarianism and control are staples of this genre. Examples of dystopic societies include Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, Ray Bradbury's Farenheit 451 and George Orwell's 1984.


The way the poll is looking right now, I have this mental image of a medieval setting, but with futuristic technology (maybe tesla-esque wireless electricity) and an evil, authoritarian empire using telepathic mages to control people's thoughts and actions. 

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I personally think it would be awesome to have dragons in a non-medieval setting. :P


Dystopia is the kind of science fiction that portrays a world in which everything is kind of broken, usually wrapped up in the idea of the perfect society. Corruption, authoritarianism and control are staples of this genre. Examples of dystopic societies include Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, Ray Bradbury's Farenheit 451 and George Orwell's 1984.


The way the poll is looking right now, I have this mental image of a medieval setting, but with futuristic technology (maybe tesla-esque wireless electricity) and an evil, authoritarian empire using telepathic mages to control people's thoughts and actions. 

there is a book series that does that :D temeraire or something the series is called. (have dragons in a non-mideaval setting...)

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there is a book series that does that :D temeraire or something the series is called. (have dragons in a non-mideaval setting...)


I know, I've read the first three. Napoleonic wars, with dragons! Alt history genre. :P

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You could have a world that after a terrible war is divided between a techonoically  advanced elitist society  and the rest of the world which has degenerate to a mid medieval level of technology.  That would fit the Sci-fi, medieval,and dystopia settings.

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Uh, what IS a Dystopia anyway?



No, seriously, what is that genre refers to? Yes, I know I can simply google it but I'd like to hear the answers from the one who votes.

Why did you choose that particular genre?


I don't have the slightest idea why anyone doesn't want a medieval fantasy like I do. Dragons anyone? Not your cup of tea? Oh well, to each their own I suppose...

-pouting- :P


I didn't vote, because I don't think I'll be participating, but I thought I would answer this anyway. Dystopian stories are the opposite of utopian stories, where of course, a utopia is basically paradise. You could say they are the pessimism to utopian optimisim. A dystopian setting envisions that in striving for a utopian society, in the future, people will error in some way and the whole thing will be perverted into a more horrible society than originally envisioned.


These days I think a lot of confusion comes about when this word is used because people use it as a synonym for post-apocalyptic or dark future settings. In both settings, the characters live in a world that is far from any kind of ideal, and the outlook may look bleak. A post-apocalyptic setting is primarily imagining what a society looks like after a major catastrophe, so the two can overlap, but one major difference is since dystopias come about as an initiative toward an idealized future, their societies can often be portrayed as outwardly pleasant and inwardly unpleasant. Another major difference is that while settings of both tend to act as warnings to people living in present day, post-apocalyptic stories often concern themselves with characters who must deal with the bad decisions of the past and somehow the society they live in has been dragged somewhat back into the past, whereas dystopian stories often revolve around technology and a society of that story's present that is far different from the present time in which it was written. So the characters in a dystopian setting are usually trapped in the rules of a society that they must submit to now, whereas post-apocalyptic are about characters striving to correct a past mistake and where the anarchy resulting from that is usually a big theme.


To give popular examples, the setting in the The Hunger Games might be considered a dystopia, whereas the setting in The Walking Dead might be considered post-apocalyptic (zombie stuff usually is).


Lately, I've noticed a lot of people use dystopian to refer to a dark science fiction setting, whether it may be post-apocalyptic, cyberpunk or merely a bleak alien world. It seems it is slowly becoming a more broad term for a dim view of the future, as opposed to straight sci-fi, which need not necessarily even be about the future and certainly need not have a dark or critical view of it.


I don't know which view of the word the people who voted for it are subscribing to, but I thought I'd throw that out there anyway.

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although you might consider hunger games post apoclyptic... simply because this world would have to have something to break down it's current society in order to cause that....


I personally think the confusion is because we live right now in a dystopian society...

We don't consider it such because we live within it.

Really people always have lived in one within the era they existed within, because there is always something wrong within a society... because otherwise it would be considered a utopian society...


however... to me dystopian is a society that appears at the surface to be Utopian, but is seriously messed up when you get down to it... case and point would be... Logan's Run http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logan%27s_Run_%281976_film%29


and i was mulling over this on my 2 mile or so walk.... or two hour walk.... along with the meaning of life or specifically lack there of....


Dystopian fiction at least the older ones from what i remember attempt to picture this world in 50 or a 100 years in it's most dark and sad... Farenhiet 451 and what makes them is that you could see life becoming that way....i can still see life becomeing that way now... we're very close to being a society much like depicted in that book.

Jules Vernes "paris in the Twentieth Century" is another example I remember hearing about Dystopian work (which I might add some think looks very much like the real Paris of the Twentieth Century...)

beleave me you wouldn't like a dystopian novel if i was to write one...it would probably get a similar response as Jules Vernes book...

Edited by Celethiel
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To all GM,


I am currently in the midst of writing my character profile, but I don't know where to post it when I'm done. I am writing it on Microsoft word and when it needs posting I will copy and paste but I don't know where to please can you help me out.

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To all GM,


I am currently in the midst of writing my character profile, but I don't know where to post it when I'm done. I am writing it on Microsoft word and when it needs posting I will copy and paste but I don't know where to please can you help me out.




Please do not make your character yet.  We are currently mapping out some character creation rules as well as setting dynamics that may change the way you would like to build your character.  We will let you know when we are starting to accept characters for moderation approval.  Please just hold tight!  Thanks!



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I want to know how it plays out without data points and stuff.  Looks interesting.  :)


We are going to be using a points based system, but only in the course of character creation to help guide some of the newer players that may not have done something like this before.  But it won't be used to settle disputes between players (only in the rare case where even the GMs are unsure will they come into play.)  Our goal is for narrative based gameplay, so hopefully everyone will be able to portray their 'points' with words.  I am also excited for this kind of gameplay and I really hope we'll be able to pull it off without a hitch!


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If you guys need any dungeons or world maps I have about $400 worth of software that does that.  Look at the link and see if you like any of the stuff




I have cartography, city, dungeon, perspectives, Fractal, overland, floor plan, and annuals 5, 6, and what is so far up for 2013,  
Most of the really good stuff are in the annuals. 



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Thanks JMH.  I don't know for sure if we are going to do a map at this point, but I'd like to be able to brief all you guys on our setting development within the next few days!  This definitely seems interesting, so I'll look more into it.  Thanks a bunch!

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