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Halloween Story idea


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I placed this on my Blog as well:


I know GA has not done anything yet official for Halloween, but do any writers want to try writing a horror story and set it to show on Oct 31st?

It's not my forte, but I'd love to try and have some fun with writing a spooky story. and it'd be great to share this with others

To make it more interesting than a random horror story, what if each writer can only use one Horror plot theme and no other author can use the same.

I don't anticipate this to be a huge thing and maybe no one wants to try it, but it doesn't hurt to ask.

Here's 9 Horror Plot Themes, I will pick the last one available, if there's more interest than I thought I'll add a couple more plot themes:

1. Curse- thebrinkoftime
2. Ghost- Thorn Wilde

3. Mad Scientist- Scotty94

4. Vampire- aditus
5. Slasher- joann414

6. Cemetery- Rustie
7. Zombie

8. Demon- Sasha (The pup :P )

9. Werewolves


I was thinking we could tag our stories with "Horror Themes 2013"

This is not a GA event, it is completely volunteer.


Some details:


No Limits on Word counts, No limits on format, and no limits on technique.....


Horror fiction began as experimental, unstructured, and range from poetry to epic novels. Mary Shelley's classic Frankenstein was created over a fireplace as part of a ghost story contest among writers of the day.


I want to channel the spirits of Mary and Percey Shelley, Lord Byron, and John Polidori (The creator of Modern Vampire Fiction :P ), let's try to be creative with genres and break ground beyond what exists in current fiction.


Deadline: Oct 31st, Closing this on September 30th, so topics are set in stone


No editor necessary, but you can have one if you want


Post to GA Stories with Tag "Horror Themes 2013"


Limiting the subject to one Theme plot per author is different than how GA does Anthologies, I will add a new theme if it does not overlap with another or is a subset of another: i.e. Dracula is Vampire based, which aditus has claimed. However, if you want to do Werewolves, which is not on my list yet, it can be added.


I cam up with a small list to start as I did not expect many people to jump on this.

Edited by wildone
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I like it, but i want "demon" purely as an excuse to write something else for the Best Circle of Hell guys.


maybe the Gods of GA might even make us a little tag for it if enough of us want it? *big puppy eyes*

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It seems a shame to limit it to seven participants though. Maybe there should be some other guidelines on length and such as well? I have a prompt story I've been working on for a while that has a spooky/Hallooweenish theme to it that would work under "Curse." 


Seems like a good idea, but maybe a little more organization and information is needed?

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It seems a shame to limit it to seven participants though. Maybe there should be some other guidelines on length and such as well? I have a prompt story I've been working on for a while that has a spooky/Hallooweenish theme to it that would work under "Curse." 


Seems like a good idea, but maybe a little more organization and information is needed?


We can add tags to stories, so they are easily searched based on those tags; even if GA is not doing any official event.


I thought the idea was pretty cool, everyone has topic around horror that they can explore. The reason why I limit it to 7 at the moment is that I don't think that many writers will take up the challenge as it is not an official GA event.


If there's more interest, I will add more themes.


Otherwise, Thorn and Brink, you guys have topics :D

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I want to get involved please can I take mad scientist, I have an epic idea and I want to share it with the community.


But I would like a bit more information before I get started, it wont take to long to write a short story but more information is needed.

Edited by scotty94
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Just added some details on the top:


Think of this as my twist on the classics, I want to see what other writers can come up with on horror fiction. It's highly experimental genre and there's no set type of writing style.


Historically, Mary Shelley (Frankenstein) and John Poldimori (Vampyre) created the two most iconic horror stories of modern horror from their contest with Lord Byron and Percey Shelley, I think they wrote lesser known ghost stories based on classic traditions.


It's free-form guys, so enjoy and experiment as you want within the plot theme, you may even create a whole knew sub-genre or break apart into a new genre, i.e. Shelley created Science Fiction genre from her story based off horror.




Yes I do know Mary Shelley had not married to Percey yet at this point when she wrote Frankenstein (Possibly having an affair with him under Byron and Poldimori nose; though, if Byron really was gay, I'd imagine a common understanding on love was reached between Romantics :D ), she was known as Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, but I will still use her proper name

Edited by W_L
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Thanks for stepping up to do this and adding more information, though I must disagree with you on Polidori. What matter is not who came first (Polidori's stories are kind of confused and badly written) but who proved to write it best, capture the widest net of popular imagination and become influential in doing so. It's not like vampires were anyone's sole creation, but its undoubtable that Bram Stoker's example was infinitely more powerful and innovative.


In any case, I think scotty94 and others might also be wondering about other things like deadline, how, where and when to submit, whether you are requiring editing beforehand and whether stories can be a continuation of characters introduced in other stories or must be stand-alone.

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October 31st, is when you guys should set as publishing date, Sept 30th will be the day I close adding new themes or writers, so everyone has a month to work on it.


The tag has been mentioned twice :D


Limiting plot themes, but not limiting structure is different than how GA does Anthologies. I am not going to push you to use an editor at the last minute, just write what you want and play with what you want. Stories can be continuous after the fact or a one-off story.


This is not a GA event, it's author-based volunteer; GA admins have given us the tools to create our own fun, I just want to use it.


As for Poldimori, I think Vampyre is what it was, a romantic story about Vampirism and immortality with early 19th century structure. It's his most famous story that other romantics loved and imitated in art, plays, and music. Bram Stoker took concepts from his story and improved it, just like we have improved Frankenstein to the modern day stories of mad scientists :D

Edited by W_L
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Hope no one will mine me bumping this thread up,


Just want to remind people of the idea and give stragglers a chance.

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Can't edit my topic post :(


1. Curse- thebrinkoftime
2. Ghost- Thorn Wilde

3. Mad Scientist- Scotty94

4. Vampire- aditus
5. Slasher- joann414

6. Cemetery- Rustie
7. Zombie

8. Demon- Sasha (The pup :P )

9. Werewolves


I want to do zombie, but if a certain green googly eyed persona wants it, I will give it up in a heart beat :P

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If I didn't already have a Halloween story in the works I would take on the werewolves for you. This sounds like so much fun. Good writing to you all. I can't hardly wait to read the stories.  :devil:

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If I didn't already have a Halloween story in the works I would take on the werewolves for you. This sounds like so much fun. Good writing to you all. I can't hardly wait to read the stories.  :devil:

And you can't work some werewolves into your story? I mean it's Halloween, everything goes.

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Somebody should definitely write something about zombies, preferable of the green variety with googly eyes.

I want to do zombie, but if a certain green googly eyed persona wants it, I will give it up in a heart beat :P


Zombies are deeply misunderstood - we just want to be loved :P But no-one wants to read about that :( so you go ahead, W_L, and give 'em what they want :evil::lol:


Edited by Zombie
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Zombies are deeply misunderstood - we just want to be loved :P But no-one wants to read about that :( so you go ahead, W_L, and give 'em what they want :evil::lol:



Ah, Zombie, you know we all love you.


From a safe distance.

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Alright Final List for the Event!


1. Curse- thebrinkoftime
2. Ghost- Thorn Wilde

3. Mad Scientist- Scotty94

4. Vampire- aditus
5. Slasher- joann414

6. Cemetery- Rustie
7. Zombie- WL

8. Demon- Sasha (The pup :P )

9. Werewolves


I have something evil planned for zombie :D:devil:


"Grabs the green skinned googly eyed one" ! Muwhahahaha!

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